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“Johnny has two daddies” may have been common in Amazon cultures


Some mod­ern schools are find­ing it a del­i­cate task to ex­plain to chil­dren that a class­mate has “two mom­mies” or “two dad­dies”—a phe­nom­e­non due mostly to grow­ing ac­cept­ance of gay rela­t­ion­ships and, in some ar­eas, gay mar­riages.


Yet a ver­sion of that con­versa­t­ion may have been quite com­mon in many tra­di­tion­al Am­a­zo­ni­an cul­tures of the past, a study has found. The rea­son for it, though, would have been quite dif­fer­ent: ex­tra­mar­i­tal sex­u­al af­fairs were com­mon, and peo­ple thought that when a wom­an got preg­nant, each of her sex­u­al part­ners was in part the bi­o­log­i­cal fa­ther.



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