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this is a piece of star's picture that was taken with using Optical Vortex Coronagraph by university arizona in 2006

If you compare this objects with planets around star beside their unusual form you can see they are very bright as if they have their own light source aside of star. and also both of them have a unusual loop. that's why i call them mysterious objects.

some say this is "dust bunnies" if we had more picture from this star we could confirm or reject "dust bunnies "but if this objects really exist only explain i have is that'' we are not only smart life in universe"

the original picture is dark .i increase brightness and resolution original picture ,now you can see very exciting details.



1)star's modified picture( if you zoom in this picture in your computer you can see planets and this mysterious objects around star )

1) star's picture taken with use off Optical Vortex Coronagraph



2)giant mysterious objects(false colors)


2) giant mysterious objects



3)star's original picture


3) original picture



original picture from nasa website( format off File is Power Point )





article about technology " Optical Vortex Coronagraph "








this is a piece of star's picture that was taken with using Optical Vortex Coronagraph by university arizona in 2006

That image is actually not a star, or a piece of a star's picture.


The original image was a coronagraph of a 532 nanometer (green) laser. It is, in other words, not a picture of the sky but rather a picture of a fiber-optic cable making a point source of light taken inside a laboratory (which very roughly simulates a star). The experiment is described here:


Experimental Verification of an Optical Vortex Coronagraph -- College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona -- 2006


More recently, extrasolar planets have been found and imaged using optical vortex coronagraphy which is really quite fascinating. Here's a good video on the topic,



And, wiki talking about it:


Methods of detecting extrasolar planets -- Direct imaging



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