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Jesus The Spiritual Warrior Vs Jesus The Sacrificial Lamb

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There are many sincere, good people who are Christians but are fooled and caught in the trap of the roman church and its bible. This is a spiritual article written by a believer, but to mainstream Christians it may seem more skeptical and more antagonistic than atheism.



First, let’s take a look at the crucifixion.


This is not to support Deism, but some of the parts of Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason are interesting. Think about it, if you would ask a child who never heard about the crucifixion described in the bible: which one should be crucified? a)The Son of God. Or b)The Devil. Most probably the child would say “The Devil of course!!”. Who would want the Devil to get away without punishment? Who would want the Son of God punished?


“Had the inventors of this story told it the contrary way, that is, had they represented the Almighty as compelling Satan to exhibit himself on a cross, in the shape of a snake, as a punishment for his new transgression, the story would have been less absurd — less contradictory. But instead of this, they make the transgressor triumph, and the Almighty fall.”

“Can our gross feelings be excited by no other subjects than tragedy and suicide? Or is the gloomy pride of man become so intolerable, that nothing can flatter it but a sacrifice of the Creator?”




H.G. Wells’ book God the Invisible King makes a similar point. Why would the church portray Jesus’ suffering as a good thing? How does suffering in itself bring victory? Why does the church use the crucifixion and painful death of Jesus Christ as its symbol? Why not use Jesus’ rising from the dead which gives strength and hope?


“It is not by suffering that God conquers death, but by fighting. Incidentally our God dies a million deaths, but the thing that matters is not the deaths but the immortality. It may be he cannot escape in this person or that person being nailed to a cross or chained to be torn by vultures on a rock. These may be necessary sufferings, like hunger and thirst in a campaign; they do not in themselves bring victory. They may be necessary, but they are not glorious. The symbol of the crucifixion, the drooping, pain-drenched figure of Christ, the sorrowful cry to his Father, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" these things jar with our spirit. We little men may well fail and repent, but it is our faith that our God does not fail us nor himself. We cannot accept the Christian's crucifix, or pray to a pitiful God. We cannot accept the Resurrection as though it were an after-thought to a bitterly felt death. Our crucifix, if you must have a crucifix, would show God with a hand or a foot already torn away from its nail, and with eyes not downcast but resolute against the sky; a face without pain, pain lost and forgotten in the surpassing glory of the struggle and the inflexible will to live and prevail. . . .”



Then let’s take a look at what Amitakh Stanford in her book The Personal Devil has to say about the Crucifixion and about the Eucharist. Consider this: what do you think about Satanists who symbolically drink human blood and symbolically eat human flesh in their ceremonies? What about Satanists who symbolically drink the blood of God, and symbolically eat the flesh of God? Would you deem this a satanic act or a divine act? And what happened to taking responsibility for your own actions(which includes one’s own sins)?


“The eating of flesh and drinking of blood of animals and humans who have been conquered is an ancient custom in many cultures. It is still done in many societies, whether overtly or discreetly, by those who worship the Devil. Many Christians are sickened by customs that require ritual drinking of animal blood, yet they have been so programmed by the Church that they accept the symbolic drinking of Jesus’ blood as a “holy” sacrament. In reality, the ritual of the Eucharist was implemented under the Devil’s influence to attempt to signify a supposed conquest over Christ by Darkness. It is a celebration of a victory that Darkness will never have. Those who sincerely love Jesus have been deceived into partaking in the Devil’s pleasure of mocking the Christ. The Church has become the Devil’s tool.

The Church has repeated the lie of the Eucharist so frequently and fervently that the followers are thoroughly desensitized to the point that such gory images and re-enactments do not even bother them. In fact, they been brainwashed to believe that such sacrilege is in fact sacred. Here is another case where the Devil has made demonic acts appear godly.

The Church also hangs crosses with an effigy of Jesus being crucified throughout cathedrals, and has encouraged people to wear jewelry with the cross displayed, often gruesomely containing the effigy of Jesus. The Church says this is to remind the followers that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. If Jesus had actually died for the sins of the world, there would not be any more sins in the world. But, the sins continue, irrespective of people’s religious beliefs.”





Talking about the devil, lets take a closer look at him. In a world where evil exists, the concept of a devil makes a lot of sense. But let’s take a closer look at the specific concept of the devil in mainstream Christianity. How did the devil come into existence according to the church? Who created the devil? Why isn’t he stopped from doing evil? According to the church the devil can only as far as God allows, so it seems like mainstream Christianity is stuck with a “God” who deliberately allows the devil to do evil and cause suffering, and deliberately does not stop the devil from these evil acts.


“Traditionally, Christians have understood the Devil to be the author of lies and promoter of evil; however, he can go no further than the word of God allows.”






This quote from the Old Testament further confirms that mainstream Christianity is stuck with a “God” who deliberately creates evil:

“Isaiah 45:7 (King James Version)

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”



Why would Yahweh be worried about other Gods? Is he imagining them? Or is he worried because Yahweh knows that he is NOT the father of Jesus?

And why would Yahweh want to punish the innocents, the children up to the fourth generation? Do you think that the children of criminals should be punished for the crimes of their fathers? Do you think that the children of the children of criminals should be punished? Should the children of the children of the children of criminals be punished?

“Exodus 20:5 (King James Version)

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;”



Why is Jesus talking about two different fathers when monotheistic mainstream Christianity says that there is only one God, who is omnipotent and omniscient? Given that assumption, then everyone must be of God.

“John 8:47 (King James Version)

He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.”


Again, why would Jesus say that his mission is to cause division if the monotheistic mainstream Christians would have it right? This only makes sense if dualistic Christians got it right, and God isn’t strictly omnipotent/omniscient. The Devil would then be a separate entity from God and Jesus would want to cause division between the followers of the Devil(as a separate being, which monotheistic Christianity denies) and the followers of God.

“Luke 12:51 (King James Version)

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division”


This is also evidenced in the Parable of the Tares. The church usually keeps quiet about the Parable of the Tares because of its dualistic nature of good versus evil. Remember that according to mainstream Christianity God is in full control of the Devil, so the Parable would make only sense if God would deliberately cause evil, which is a lie and blasphemy. Also there is an implication in the Parable that although God is perfectly good, that God is not strictly omnipotent. The Parable of the Tares is the most logical when you consider that God is the highest power there is and has the power to eradicate evil forever. However God wants to prevent damaging the wheat which is bundled together with the tares, which is why evil temporarily exists until the time of the harvest.

“Matthew 13:24-30 (King James Version)

29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.30Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”




However going back to the main theme of Jesus the Spiritual Warrior vs Jesus the degraded sacrificial lamb, some parts of the extant Bible also show Jesus as a strong and mighty “Spiritual Warrior”, H.G. Wells is referring to Revelation 1:14-16:


“under the vitalising stresses of the war we are winning "faith in Christ as an heroic leader. We have thought of Him so much as meek and gentle that there is no ground in our picture of Him, for the vision which His disciple had of Him: 'His head and His hair were white, as white wool, white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire: and His feet like unto burnished brass, as if it had been refined in a furnace; and His voice was as the voice of many waters. And He had in His right hand seven stars; and out of His mouth proceeded a sharp two-edged sword; and His countenance was as the sun shineth in its strength.'"”



Further evidence for Jesus the Spiritual Warrior is given in this extant bible quote, where Jesus gives his followers authority to tread on snakes and scorpions (the Evil ones). Isn’t this very different from the turn-the-other-cheek-Jesus that the church proclaims?

“Luke 10:19 (King James Version)

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy”



Roman Christianity included the Epistles of Paul in the roman-catholic bible because the roman church focuses on the DEATH of Jesus Christ, instead of focusing on the LIFE of Jesus Christ. The roman church paints Jesus as a suffering, degraded savior.




Now let’s take a look at history. The Church murdered and tortured many pagans. But, the Romans, before they adopted catholic Christianity were also Pagans. Could it be that some of this Roman Paganism was included in Roman Catholic Christianity? My suggestion is, that this happened indeed. One major aspect of paganism is usually sun worship(and to a lesser extent moon worship).


So, what about Easter? Where in the Bible says it anything about the date of Easter? Have you ever heard of someone’s day of death being on a different day each year? Speaking of Jesus’ death – Why is it called Good Friday? Who but an enemy of Christ would call it GOOD Friday? Bad Friday, Tragic Friday or Horrific Friday would be much more appropriate for any loving follower of Jesus.


Coming back to the subject of roman paganism, the date of Easter is calculated to be the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. If that isn’t Paganism then what is Paganism? If that isn’t moon and sun worship(vernal equinox is calculated according to the sun) then what is moon and sun worship?


Even the name EAST-er SUN-day for mainstream Christianity gives away its basis. The SUN rises in the EAST, hence Sun-worshippers celebrate this direction, and the day named SUNday is self-explanatory.




“Easter falls on the first Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon, the full moon on or after 21 March, taken to be the date of the vernal equinox.”


“Along with Christmas celebrations, Easter traditions were among the first casualties of some areas of the Protestant Reformation, being deemed "pagan" by some Reformation leaders.”



Speaking about Christmas: Where in the bible is the date for Christmas? There is no date given in the bible. Fortunately, contrary to the date of Easter, the date of Christmas is the same every year. But could there be sun-worship involved? Is Christianity corrupted by Roman Paganism?



“For many centuries, Christian writers accepted that Christmas was the actual date on which Jesus was born.[16] In the early eighteenth century, scholars began proposing alternative explanations. Isaac Newton argued that the date of Christmas was selected to correspond with the winter solstice,[10] which the Romans called bruma and celebrated on December 25.[17] In 1743, German Protestant Paul Ernst Jablonski argued Christmas was placed on December 25 to correspond with the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and was therefore a "paganization" that debased the true church.[11] “








But were there also other forms of Christianity which weren’t corrupted by Roman Paganism and the Jewish Old Testament? My proposition is exactly that. However, little is known about them because of church-controlled history and church-instigated murder, forced conversions and book-burnings by the roman-church which started with the Roman Emperor Theodosius I. Keep in mind that this Wikipedia article is written from a strongly pro-roman-catholic-point-of-view. This is evidenced by the assumption that there is only one form of Christianity. However, there were different forms, and Theodosius I promoted the Roman Catholic Pagan Christianity, which this article fails to mention. The article also fails to mention that Theodosius I persecuted people belonging to other Christian faiths and the destruction of their books.


“Theodosius promoted Nicene Trinitarianism within Christianity and Christianity within the Empire. On 27 February 380, he declared "Catholic Christianity" the only legitimate imperial religion”

Correctly the article would read ‘non-Roman-Catholic-Christian’ instead of ‘non-Christian’:


“In 391, Emperor Theodosius I ordered the destruction of all "pagan" (non-Christian) temples, and the Christian Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria complied with this request.[21] The pagan temples were flattened or burned, at that time, by order of Theodosius I in many places, such as at Delphi (in Greece), not just in Alexandria alone.”


Marcionism is an example of a Christian Religion that was destroyed by the Roman Church:


“Marcionism is an Early Christian dualist belief system that originates in the teachings of Marcion of Sinope at Rome around the year 144[1], see also Christianity in the 2nd century. Marcion believed Jesus Christ was the savior sent by God and Paul of Tarsus was his chief apostle, but he rejected the Hebrew Bible and Yahweh. Marcionists believed that the wrathful Hebrew God was a separate and lower entity than the all-forgiving God of the New Testament. This belief was in some ways similar to Gnostic Christian theology; notably, both are dualistic.”



Paulicianism is another example of a Christian Religion that was destroyed by the Roman Church:


“Little is known of the tenets of the Paulicians, as we are confined for information to the reports of opponents and a few fragments of Sergius' letters which they have preserved. Their system was dualistic,[13] although some have argued that it was actually adoptionist in nature.[14][15]” “

“The Paulicians accepted the four Gospels; fourteen Epistles of Paul; the three Epistles of John; the epistles of James and Jude; and an Epistle to the Laodiceans, which they professed to have. They rejected the Tanakh also known as the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament, as well as the Catholic-Marian title Theotokos ("Mother of God"), and refused all veneration of Mary.[2] Christ came down from heaven to emancipate humans from the body and from the world, which are evil. The reverence for the Cross they looked upon as heathenish. The outward administration of the sacraments of the Lord's Supper and baptism they rejected. Their places of worship they called "places of prayer." Although they were ascetics, they made no distinction in foods, and practiced marriage.”


Bogomilism is yet another Christian Religion that was destroyed by the Roman Church:


“From the imperfect and conflicting data which is available”

“They accepted the four Gospels, fourteen Epistles of Paul, the three Epistles of John, James, Jude, and an Epistle to the Laodiceans, which they professed to have.”

“The essence of Bogomilism is the duality in the creation of the world. This is exactly why it is considered a heresy. Bogomils explained the earthly sinful corporeal life as a creation of Satan, an angel that was sent to Earth. Due to this duality, their doctrine undervalues everything that is created with materialistic and governmental goals and that does not come from the soul, the only divine possession of the human. Therefore, the established Church, the state, and the hierarchy is totally undermined by Bogomilism. Its followers refuse to pay taxes, to work in serfdom, or to fight in conquering wars. The feudal social system was disregarded, which on its part was understood as suggesting disorder and propelling destruction for the state, the church by its progenitors, that ultimately eradicated the bogomils.”


Catharism is yet again another Christian Religion that was destroyed by the Roman Church:


“Catharism was a name given to a Christian religious sect with dualistic and gnostic elements that appeared in the Languedoc region of France and other parts of Europe in the 11th century and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries.”

“Like many medieval movements, there were various schools of thought and practice amongst the Cathari; some were dualistic (believing in a God of Good and a God of Evil)”

“They held that the physical world was evil and created by Rex Mundi (translated from Latin as "king of the world"), who encompassed all that was corporeal, chaotic and powerful;”

“This placed them at odds with the Catholic Church in regarding material creation, on behalf of which Jesus had died, as intrinsically evil and implying that God, whose word had created the world in the beginning, was a usurper.”

“Cathars vehemently repudiated the significance of the crucifixion and the cross. In fact, to the Cathars, Rome's opulent and luxurious Church seemed a palpable embodiment and manifestation on Earth of Rex Mundi's sovereignty.”

“Sacred texts: Besides the New Testament, Cathar sacred texts include The Gospel of the Secret Supper, or John's Interrogation and The Book of the Two Principles.”

“According to the Cathars, the world had been created by a lesser deity, much like the figure known in classical Gnostic myth as the Demiurge. This creative force was identified with Satan;”

“Many embraced the Gospel of John as their most sacred text, and many rejected the traditional view of the Old Testament — proclaiming that the God of the Old Testament was really the devil, or creative demiurge. They proclaimed that there was a higher God—the True God—and Jesus was variously described as being that True God or his messenger.”



“The Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229) was a 20-year military campaign initiated by the Catholic Church to eliminate the Cathar heresy in Languedoc.”

One Quote about the Cathars is especially interesting: “They held that the physical world was evil and created by Rex Mundi (translated from Latin as "king of the world"),”.

This is in line with what Jesus said. Jesus said that his kingdom is NOT of the world:

“John 18:36 (King James Version)

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”




Who would you consider to be more adhering to the teachings of Jesus? The mass murdering ,torturing church tyrants with their Inquisitions and Crusades or Christian “heretics” like the Cathars who just wanted to live in peace? Who of them loved his neighbour? Who of them killed his neighbour?


Let’s also remember that before the Protestant Reformation there was a time when the Church banned ordinary people from possessing or reading a Bible. In fact, possession of a Bible was sometimes even punished with the death penalty. Who but an enemy of Christ would punish the reading of the Gospels? One of the reasons why the Church kept people ignorant was that no one would question the validity of the Roman Catholic Bible.


A common misconception is that the Church has changed for the better because people in the western world are free to choose their religion. The church never gave up its worldly power voluntarily, this was only accomplished because the American Revolution and the French Revolution were successful. Many people had to die to achieve Religious Freedom.


Even to the present day, Christians who disagree with the Roman Bible are referred to as heretics. But the facts are clear: These so called heretics lived and are living in peace and dedicated and dedicate their lives to Jesus, whilst the Church has a horrible history of murder, wars, torture, worldly power and worldly riches. Even in the present-day we see Obama, who is a mainstream-christian US President, murder countless civilians and torture suspects. Obama, and even more so Bush(who was even re-elected!), were voted into power by millions and millions of mainstream Christians who claim to be adhering to the Gospel of Jesus. Further, if a politician promises peace but it turns out to be a lie, Christians should use Civil Disobedience. But according to Paul of Tarsus in the Roman Bible, this would be supposedly unchristian, see Romans 13:1-7. As an extreme example, according to Paul's teaching, if the German citizens had resisted Adolf Hitler, they would have been going against God. These self-acclaimed Christians who want to follow Romans 13:1-7 need to make a decision. Do they follow Paul of Tarsus or do they follow Jesus Christ? Ye shall know them by their fruits.


In light of these facts, could it be that it is vice versa? That mainstream Christianity is the one which is heretical? Of course, heretical in this sense is defined as being heretical to the teachings of Jesus, not to the Church. One thing is certain, while the mainstream Christians see themselves as adhering to the Gospel of Love, their actions often speak otherwise. Yet I repeat what I said in the beginning, which is also the reason why I wrote this article: There are many sincere, good people who are Christians but are fooled and caught in the trap of the roman church and its bible.


Hi Guilla, and welcome to Hypography.


Your post is slightly marathonic in nature, and I have to say that I didn't read the whole thing. Religion simply doesn't interest me enough to invest so much time in it.


Just a bit of constructive criticism, though - you might want to rather blog this, or abbreviate it somewhat. Or maybe break the thing up into smaller chunks. Or something. But I don't think you're going to get a lot of participation in a thread of this nature on a science site.


As to your title, Jesus the Spiritual Worrier vs. Jesus the Sacrificial Lamb, just the following: a Perfect God won't need to send his own son to die for a cock-up in his own design. HE did the flawed design (sin) that needs to be forgiven (by HIM). So, God killed his own son to satisfy his own blood-lust. That's just nuts. And whatever and whoever this Jesus guy was, I'm almost sure that 99.9999% of the attributes assigned to him by Christianity is simply flat-out wrong. If this doesn't plug in to your argument, I apologize - like I said, I didn't read it. I can't even get past the title.

  • 2 months later...
a Perfect God won't need to send his own son to die for a cock-up in his own design. HE did the flawed design (sin) that needs to be forgiven (by HIM). So, God killed his own son to satisfy his own blood-lust. That's just nuts. And whatever and whoever this Jesus guy was, I'm almost sure that 99.9999% of the attributes assigned to him by Christianity is simply flat-out wrong. If this doesn't plug in to your argument, I apologize - like I said, I didn't read it. I can't even get past the title.


Actually, Jesus and God are the same. God (who is a spirit/immortal) gave himself a human body so he could be the sacrifice.


The reason Lucifer was able to make this demand was that Adam (tricked by his wife, who was tricked by Lucifer) forfeited his rights to the real reality and Lucifer created this holographic world.


It was Lucifer who demanded that the sacrifice had to be blood but it had to a perfect Lamb and since only God is perfect, he was the only one that could satisfy the demand.


I believe the reason why Lucifer demanded God's blood was that he believed he could actually kill the Great Spirit if God's essence was in a human body.

I was just telling you what it really says.

Aside from any judgement of your interpretation, could you not make an effort to be clear that you meant it that way?
I don't know in what respect you mean that I should be clear!
It's absolutely trivial Dduck. If you really need help with it, all I can suggest is to include a few things like "the narrative in the Bible says XYZ" or "the message author meant to get across" and similar things.


Just use a grain of common sense, you could avoid blatant misunderstandings, such as B aksing you if you actually believe that thing you said, just because your words were:

I believe the reason why Lucifer demanded God's blood was that...
and then you reply that you were just telling him what it really says. :doh:


Do you really not see how you cause misunderstanding? How about: "I believe the author suggests that the reason Lucifer demanded God's blood was..."


It's absolutely trivial Dduck. If you really need help with it, all I can suggest is to include a few things like "the narrative in the Bible says XYZ" or "the message author meant to get across" and similar things.


Will do.


Just use a grain of common sense, you could avoid blatant misunderstandings, such as B aksing you if you actually believe that thing you said, just because your words were:and then you reply that you were just telling him what it really says. :doh:


If Beorseun wanted a further explanation I presumed he would have asked me.


Do you really not see how you cause misunderstanding? How about: "I believe the author suggests that the reason Lucifer demanded God's blood was..."


It is wrong to make statements without providing some explanation but I thought I did say in the last part that "I believe Satan thought he could kill..." I will be careful to add my evidence for my statements in further posts.


It might be useful for everyone to know that I am convinced the Bible was not authored by human beings (penned by, yes, but not authored by). And the reason I replied to Beorseun with such confidence was because of the interpreting strategy I use.


I have posted this method in this forum under 'Interpreting Strategy for the Bible and some Apocrypha'.


to start, my favorate verse is;

beloved, let us love one another, for love is of god, and anyone who loves is born of god, and knoweth god, he that loveth not, knoweth not god, for god is love

1st John chapter4 , verses 7 and 8


the thing is, the book is 2000 years old, for the first centuries all the books were gatheres, burned, rewritten, reworded, etc.

the basic princibles hold, but there are huge issues


like the practice of drinking the blood and eating the body of christ

this seems to me to be symbolic programming of the populace to use the kindest and nicest people

in a fashon that benifits them, regardless of the effect on the individual

be it physically, mentally, but worst of all , spiritually


why is it that the conqueror is the head of the company, well he still has the same nerd that in college was doing his homework


but this goes to so many levels of society i dare not even get started


duality i swear


so if jesus was a spiritual warrior, then his battle was with


what we call today





as we all know, the dark side is sometimes hard to see

the dude went through some ****, and yet, he still tried to set the example of being kind

he was betrayed by one who called himself a friend

but he was forgiving


the idea he was trying to create spiritual harmony through self sacrifice, well its the real world,

**** happens, but as a battle against the dark side, he stopped his flow to the dark side





Flogger, jokes may be funny but they are useless here, especially when you show a lack of judgement and perspective. We've no more need for anti-religious trolls than religious ones. The truest thing those pictures say is the one about not taking those tales literally. Many dumb people do, but most Christians and Jews see them as allegorical.


God, Jesus? What a joke, they are as real as the easter bunny and santa claus.
An increasing number of people believe there is no god, others have no belief either way and even more people don't think Jesus was the son, or a manifestation, of God. And yet, few people believe Jesus did not exist at all, neither is there any reason to disbelieve that a man of Nazareth named Yeshuah was preaching and ended up sentenced to crucifiction for it. Although there isn't actual direct documentary evidence, not many historians find a reason to doubt the man existed.


The rabbit was a long standing symbol of springtime. Since the Christian Easter, like the Jewish Passover, was a springtime thing, when Christianity came to Europe many earlier traditions were incorporated into it, including the Easter Bunny. It is hardly relevant because it is hardly a religious symbol and, like the tooth fairy, nobody above the age of ten believes it exists.


OTOH, if you believe Santa Claus isn't real, you should start believing in Sankt Klaus (Klaus is a common short for Nikolaus, the German equivalent of Nicholas). He did exist for sure. He didn't have a flying sleigh, which perhaps can be traced back to the Nordic tradition of the man in the sky, coming down from the north on winter solstice to fecundate the fields with his huge penis.




like the practice of drinking the blood and eating the body of christ


It's all figurative:


"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22, Matt. 9:17, Luke 5:37)


The wineskin is the spirit of human beings and new wine is spiritual knowledge. The spirit is God's image (supernatural), it drinks and feeds upon knowledge, as Adam and Eve ate the knowledge of good and evil.


You don't put new spiritual knowledge into an uncircumcised spirit (old wineskin).


In the same way, Christ's body is symbolized by bread:


"For the bread of God is he which comes down from heaven, and give life unto the world." (John 6:33)


"I am that bread of life." (John 6:48)


Jesus was simply telling people that when their spirit eats/drinks (bread/wine) his teachings {knowledge/wisdom), they will be infused with life and eventually gain eternal life.



Most people interpret the teachings in a literal sense but the true meanings are hidden.

  • 2 weeks later...

It's all figurative:


"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22, Matt. 9:17, Luke 5:37)

thats like saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks


The wineskin is the spirit of human beings and new wine is spiritual knowledge. The spirit is God's image (supernatural), it drinks and feeds upon knowledge, as Adam and Eve ate the knowledge of good and evil.

ok, well then if spiritual knowledge is wine, and the knowledge of good and evil is psycedelics, then why are psycedelics illlegal, is it because most do not want you to have spiritual knowledge of that calibre

You don't put new spiritual knowledge into an uncircumcised spirit (old wineskin).

speaking of that, i disagree with circumcision, completely, we live in an age where we can take a shower or get antibiotics

why do we molest all our boys right when they come into this world, now we all live in a state of post tramatic stress disorder

plus i have read that rape hurts a man when he is uncircumcised

In the same way, Christ's body is symbolized by bread:


"For the bread of God is he which comes down from heaven, and give life unto the world." (John 6:33)


"I am that bread of life." (John 6:48)

i think the sybolism he used was not so good,

he should have said, i can make you bread, and show you how to grow the wheat, harvest, grind the grain, and store it


for i am the teacher

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