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Infinite Theory

By: Mark Beal

Please read slowly. The words are compressed for maximum efficiency


Mass is time and distance present. It moves into time distance future, leaving

time distance past behind.


Our galaxie is (in large part) an expanding past time;time wave distortion bubble.


This time wave distortion bubble is expanding amidst a static, infinite field of pre-present,

and pre-history energy and distance, probably rich in gravity in a thin and stretched state.

This gravity leaks in amidst a cosmologicaly intense electro-static energy storm, coupled with

the surge wave suface tension at the event horizon.

The event horizon is chaotic and not uniform. The gravity condenses once free from

the static and infinite distance. Some in the form of huge swirling vortexes of zero time distance.

zero time offers a path of least resistance for light, energy, and mass nearby. Stretched thin

they disapear then exit on the other side with great force.

Some of the gravity that leaks in is much smaller. Smaller, less intense, gravity vortexes condence

into the atoms if great gas clouds, ice, and rocks of various elements, as they capture the

storms energy attracted to the zero time distance. A meduim sized vortex may well create a galaxie

similar to our own in it's state millions or billions of years ago.






Mass is time and distance present. It moves into time distance future, leaving

time distance past behind.



How do you define "present" an how that "present" moves?

Where the past exist and how would you differentiate the past from the present?


Maybe I'm missing something. This is the artist's weightroom, and I am a girlie man in that regard.




Please decompress for maximum clarity.


I will expand according to the questions asked. That is to say that I don't know what you don't understand. How many books are there on the big bang theory?

This post is as an expansion on that theory.


How do you define "present" an how that "present" moves?

Where the past exist and how would you differentiate the past from the present?


keep it simple, you will understand.

Time can be broken up into three dimensions that we are all familiar with. The past, the present, and the future. It may be difficult at first, but try and realize that we are not moving in space but time.

Let's examint these instances of time:

If we look at a star 30 thousand light years away, we are measuring time as a distance. The light that came from that star traveled a distance of 30 thousand years.

We are not seeing the future or the present, but the past. Therefore: we can conclude that if our universe has an edge it must be the edge of an instance of time space past. We also know that our universe is expanding. This makes sensce because history is always growing.

At this point one might ask, "What is space made out of?" The answer is mostly distance. The fabric of the distance itself is probably gravity, but that's another subject.

So now we can define past space. It is the distance from the beginning to end.

The present is the point inwhich the future and the past meet. Because it is time it must also occupy distance. Mass might be described as a tangible distance. Gas, liquids, and solids define the distance of the present. The location of the present is contantly changing according the momentums and forces acting upon it. The atom is a time machine, sucking in the future and spiting the past. It is the physical point of the exchange. Mass is made up of atoms. There would be no expansion in the universe without it. Large bodies of mass pump out enough past distance to bend light.

It stands to reason, at this point, that the future space time is also made up of distance.

It also stands to reason that our universe is expanding into the future. The future must also be in a very still (static) state. Any movement therein would constitute a present action and an instance of past time space. Future distance also exists within our universe in the form of black holes, Quazars, and gravitaional forces being drawn in to the atom for conversion.

Time stops near a black hole because future distance cancels out the past distancs. These future distance objects draw things in because they radiate a thinner atmosphere in the space time continuum.

The future must be infinite because if it were nothing, there would be nothing, and I am something. Therefor I have named this theory, "Infinite Theory"

In this model the universe had a beginning state. It probably started off as a single atom caused by some movement in the highly volitile, static, future distance space and then as a chain reaction started growing. It is probably that it will keep expanding forever.


Interesting theory, 4grit.


The present is the point inwhich the future and the past meet. Because it is time it must also occupy distance.

SO how thick is the present? Does 1 mm sound good?


we are not moving in space but time.

does movement through time follow newton's laws?


I rather like the idea of a larger past. Could gravity from the past be the pull we feel from the ever elusive dark matter?


Interesting theory, 4grit.



SO how thick is the present? Does 1 mm sound good?


Every atom is a time machine. They draw in future time and put out past time. I wrote the poem: The nature of a galaxie to help promote the model of my understanding. I'll post it below.



does movement through time follow newton's laws?


I rather like the idea of a larger past. Could gravity from the past be the pull we feel from the ever elusive dark matter?


Newtons laws? I certainly hope so.

I've thought about dark matter a little and I am trying to work it into the puzzle. At present the train of thought moves towards this:

If matter is creating the expansion by leaving a trail of four dimensional space (l,w,d,past time distance)

then anti matter must be leaving a trail of anti-matter four dimensional space

when these two collide it may result in some kind of zero distance space or a void in the continuum. literally nothing.

It is different than a black hole because they are made of condensed future time. A negetive distance space called gravity.

I think if could calculate the area and weight of a galaxie, including the black hole in the center, (and the rest of them ofcourse). We could probably figure out the density of the gravity on the other side of the edge of our universe. But back to your question about dark matter. Some of it may be nothing more than anti-matter gasses and dust. I'm not sure. I've alse thought of the possibility of it being other instances of time residing in our own or perhaps galaxies after the momentums of the center black holes are spent. Hmmm, I kinda think the last idea fits the model.

here's the poem:



The nature of a galaxie


a planet strays to close

to a black hole

where it is crushed to the size of energy

the information is pobably still there

but black holes are made

of condensed future time space

they are made to rain down gravity

the momentums are there

because mass needs to feed

to perform the task at hand

we need to expand at the speed of light

nothing is free my freind

we need expansion to slam

into the edge of infinity

because we need more future


the past crashes

and the future collapses

at least to some extent

as the edge moves on

the view most excellent

a shock wave of

galaxies, stars, and quazars

comming down in sheets

as far as the eye can see

the other side is static and infinite

the inside has a beginning and an end


far far from here

and far far from now

the momentums will be spent

the present will collapse

that is, all of the galaxies mass

because it cannot exist

if it cannot pump out the past

it will return to a static state and wait

for the next wave to pass











The one-electron universe

A belated welcome to hypography, Mark!


I’ve not joined the discussion of you physics poetry, ‘cause I need some serious relaxation time to be able to get into the proper state of mind for it. I love physics, and I love poetry, and can appreciate either at a moments notice, but putting them together takes some dedicated mind-bending for me.


If matter is creating the expansion by leaving a trail of four dimensional space (l,w,d,past time distance)

This reminds me of John Wheeler’s “one-electron universe” idea, purported to have been first discussed in a 1940 phone call to his then graduate student Richard Feynman.


You may know this one – as I mentioned, it’s pretty famous in science circles – but if not, follow my wikipedia link above, and I think you’re in for a treat. This is, IMHO, one of the most mind-boggling yet elegantly simple wild ideas in all of modern physics!


when these two collide it may result in some kind of zero distance space or a void in the continuum. literally nothing.

The conventional scientific view on colliding matter and antimatter is that it happened during the “lepton epoch”, 1 to 10 seconds after the big bang, and for still somewhat mysterious and controversial reasons, didn’t quite result in nothing, but rather in every bit of matter we now observe in the universe, and lots more we can’t.


This pretty much rules out equal amounts of matter and antimatter annihilating in the ultimate future – but not Wheeler’s wild single time-traveling electron. :)


keep it simple, you will understand.

Time can be broken up into three dimensions that we are all familiar with. The past, the present, and the future. It may be difficult at first, but try and realize that we are not moving in space but time.

Let's examint these instances of time:

If we look at a star 30 thousand light years away, we are measuring time as a distance. The light that came from that star traveled a distance of 30 thousand years.

We are not seeing the future or the present, but the past. Therefore: we can conclude that if our universe has an edge it must be the edge of an instance of time space past. We also know that our universe is expanding. This makes sensce because history is always growing.



How to you separate these alleged 3 dimensions? What is the "borderline" of the dimensions and how "thick" is the present from time perspective? Or distance perspective?


For me the past and the future do not exist in the universe, all is combined in present, I have not been able to define/understand the “time´s thickness” in the present, is it a Planck´s time or something that cannot be counted as a time as a single individual present which is/could be timeless? If 2 presents are compared time can seem to exist but only one can exist as a “real present”, another is illusory comparison point? I could see an alternative; the “real present” is timeless and it is our mind or time which moves and creates (illusory) time flow over infinite static universe combinations? From my opinion one cannot observe past, one can only observe present, if you observe galaxy 10 billion light years away, you will observe it in the present, not the past. It exist in the present


Time itself and present in it is very challenging topic…

Can anyone really say the he or she understands the present and time, inside out?



Thanks for sharing your ideas



The future must be infinite because if it were nothing, there would be nothing, and I am something. Therefor I have named this theory, "Infinite Theory"

In this model the universe had a beginning state. It probably started off as a single atom caused by some movement in the highly volitile, static, future distance space and then as a chain reaction started growing. It is probably that it will keep expanding forever.


Why only future would be infinite? Past should be likewise and the present? Due they are all the same, cannot be separated?


If the past and the future would be infinite how you can have only starting point, you either have starting point and the end point or you do not have either. If “it” is born “it” will die or it “exist” in eternity, no starting point and no end? Forever changing (only in the mind) and past present and future really all the same, illusory time and distance is created by mind and illusory time passing over static eternities? We cannot observe reality as real now due it would be nonmoving and not existing for us. So “void”/eternity are all there really is but our mind is creating existence by moving/combining "things" which are bits of thought in mind? Light is only “thing” which is in eternity, light do not observe/experience any movement, time or distance? We do due we are cast out from eternity?


Let´s do not forget the mind, it is the "thing" through which we comprehend "all"? We cannot claim to be objective observers, observing real reality, can we?



So, there you go :)



Infinite Theory

By: Mark Beal

Please read slowly. The words are compressed for maximum efficiency


Mass is time and distance present. It moves into time distance future, leaving

time distance past behind.


Our galaxie is (in large part) an expanding past time;time wave distortion bubble.


This time wave distortion bubble is expanding amidst a static, infinite field of pre-present,

and pre-history energy and distance, probably rich in gravity in a thin and stretched state.

This gravity leaks in amidst a cosmologicaly intense electro-static energy storm, coupled with

the surge wave suface tension at the event horizon.

The event horizon is chaotic and not uniform. The gravity condenses once free from

the static and infinite distance. Some in the form of huge swirling vortexes of zero time distance.

zero time offers a path of least resistance for light, energy, and mass nearby. Stretched thin

they disapear then exit on the other side with great force.

Some of the gravity that leaks in is much smaller. Smaller, less intense, gravity vortexes condence

into the atoms if great gas clouds, ice, and rocks of various elements, as they capture the

storms energy attracted to the zero time distance. A meduim sized vortex may well create a galaxie

similar to our own in it's state millions or billions of years ago.




Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. ~Andre Gide

Try and undestand. This is not about the history, present, and past, of humanities world. It is about the history, present, and past of our universe. The past maybe infinite but our universe has a definite point of beginning, present, and future along with the physical things therein.

The past is what you see, The present is what you are, the future is the momentums that guide us along.


Look at our galaxie, Pick a star, It had to radiate enough space to bring the photon to your eyes.

Now look at any physical object around you. It has length, width, and depth, and you can touch it because it's distance is in sync with your own state of present time.

It has mass. If you stand next to the empire state building you will way slighly more because the it is radiating past distance to the larger body (the earth)underneith it and some of that distance is moveing around you adding to your own radiating distance (because you are also are made of atoms) and there's a hot dog stand. (Ok, the hot dog stand is just adding to my radiating past distance by adding more mass to my belly). The future is determined by the massless gravitational momentums radiated by the black hole in the center of our galaxie. Unless some other force comes along to change it our solar system will travel this path of least resistance. It is litterally our future distance momentums. Therefore it stands to reason that beyond the edge of our universe there is black hole material that we are expanding into.

because the black hole came from and we are expanding into, the future.

If mass gets to close to a black hole it will shrink to the size of the energy that it came from, and be dispaced as so.


According to the model at hand, Matter did not collide with anti-matter to create all the mass in the universe. but rather, on these lines.

There can be no movement at all in the future distance space. Movement would present a time referrence of present, and past, thus causing a chain reaction that would result in a new universe not so much unlike our own. However, if the past distance energy from our universe collides with the future Non mass gravity, there should be the instant present distance we call mass. If matter collided with anti matter, where did these matters come from? What is this little marble, we call the universe expanding into? What is fueling the expansion? and most importantly,

how do expect to push the cup of coffee icon on our ipad, then have it magicaly appear hot and ready to drink.


Once we know everything, we'll be able to do anything, so get ready, for the chaos is close at hand.


Try and undestand. This is not about the history, present, and past, of humanities world. It is about the history, present, and past of our universe.


Universe "is what it is", but you should take into account that your brains are the medium where all these interpretations are made. How could you know the "real essence" of the universe? Our brains makes the universe in our mind. Can universe be more human than that? Our universe is "man made" or "brains made", it is only way how we can comprehend it.


Second question ; How do you define the "length" of the present and how do you define specific borderlines between past, present and future?


Universe "is what it is", but you should take into account that your brains are the medium where all these interpretations are made. How could you know the "real essence" of the universe? Our brains makes the universe in our mind. Can universe be more human than that? Our universe is "man made" or "brains made", it is only way how we can comprehend it.


Second question ; How do you define the "length" of the present and how do you define specific borderlines between past, present and future?


Your right, absolutly right. and I know I come up with a lot of crazy ideas and things. But this expanding model can explain and answer to many questions to be ignored. By me anyway. Our father is a good father and all the universe was created for us to explore, including the universe of the mind.

What our father did he will teach us to do, and planets everywhere await our presence.


I think I figured out the mechanics for a worm hole today.




I think I figured out the mechanics for a worm hole today.


Good for you ;) and happy hunting


I am still struggling to understand what is "time" actually, "is it" or is it just our minds which creates this all ?

I do not know, but I can live with it


Your right, absolutly right. and I know I come up with a lot of crazy ideas and things. But this expanding model can explain and answer to many questions to be ignored. By me anyway. Our father is a good father and all the universe was created for us to explore, including the universe of the mind.

What our father did he will teach us to do, and planets everywhere await our presence.


I think I figured out the mechanics for a worm hole today.


so uh...no. :naughty: i mean it's a clever ploy in a small way to tuck the proselytizing away in the weight-room, but i'm afraid that doesn't mean the regulars are going to spot you on a heavy lift. now since i see that you have also posted virtually the same "figured out" stuff in our actual science sections sans the god talk, i really can't believe you have left off of it. this makes you a troll & i'm pretty down on that crapola this week. not good for business is the way i see it.


clearly against our rules in any regard. :read:


Typical reasons for banning

Posted hoax theories without doing proper research (this is a science forum, not a forum for fanatic nuts)


Kept posting with an obvious agenda (like wanting to debunk science) without having proper proof.


Trolling - generally being rude and annoying, and contributing very little


Hypography Rules


i mean to paint as clear a picture as possible & i hope that this is well writ enough to stand as an artistic expression on infinite theory. :painting:

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