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rockytriton: We'll have to agree to disagree.


Nope, not now. You’ve agreed with me. See below.


rockytriton: My wife walked in on me watching it and she said "what? This isn't real is it?"


BINGO! She was misled!


If the show would had presented things appropriately there would have been no question in her (or my sister-in-law’s) mind. But because the show instead presented fantasy as if it were fact, there was confusion as to whether or not that which was being stated as if it were fact, was.


That your wife was confused by the show’s presentation – just as my sister-in-law was - confirms that the show was misleading.


rockytriton: I said, of course not, it's being done like a documentary. Which was made obvious if she watched it for another 10 minutes.




You again support what I said. Judging by your statement if someone watches 10 minutes of the show they will be misled into believing that facts are being stated. That is how the show is presented: as authoritative ... in documentary style, filled with scientific “facts”.


So it sounds like even you admit that the show consisted mostly of long periods of misleading presentation, punctuated now and then with brief periods of disclaimers.


Rockytriton, since you believe the show was really good, why don't you pick the single most impressive/important fact mentioned in the show and post it. Show us that there is more than a mere needle of good hidden in the vast haystack of bad for this show.


Depends on what you means by dragons. Fire breathing beasts, probably not. What some people considered dragons are actually the dinosaurs and brontosaurs. Were they alive in the middle ages? I don't think so. After Noah's flood, they weren't recreated thus their extinction.


I believe that unicorns did exist...but they where not horses with one horn, they had one horn..but they where a totaly diffrent animal. and they didn't have magic or whatever.


Note. I believe dragons where old time dinasaurs...they where not called dinasours back then...the name was not even thaught of....and no I do not believe that dragons all blew fire..not all of them..in fact, quite few...I believe that flying dragons blowing fire is a round up conclusion adopted by all down threw all the ages..thus becomes fary tales...including godmothers or whatever with magic spells.


And Noah DID put dinasours on the Ark.

you guys seriously believe some guy named noah put dinosaurs on an ark?...

Do you really believe the Universe is flat and the planets put dents in it??



To me both statements sound rediculous, but there are people who believe they are both true.


well...there is no science disproving a worldwide flood...and considering the Biblical story is not the only story of such a flood...in many cultures in ancient storys there is also a story of a worldwide flood...and that's not the only interesting thing about it.

well...there is no science disproving a worldwide flood...and considering the Biblical story is not the only story of such a flood...in many cultures in ancient storys there is also a story of a worldwide flood...and that's not the only interesting thing about it.


Well, I believe there was a flood, but after considering the thought I realize the flood or floods could have been localized or only in the places people existed or could map at the time. The flood would seem world wide at the time, even it it wasn't.


some more interesting facts of the stories of a worldwide flood.


all contain a worldwide flood


most contain a boat and the rest( whatever that 1 or 2 may be) high ground


all contain a man, most include family


most have animals in the boat


most contain a god worning of the event, whatever ones are left, a strange fealing to prepare


all contain the man(/included family) building an alter and worshiping the god afterwords


and ancient stories like this where found all over the globe in many cultures.


eMTee, please refrain from turning all threads you participate in into creationist discussions. If you want to discuss the flood in the bible, first search our forums, then if you don't find what you're looking for, start a new thread in the relevant forum (which for the time being would be the Watercooler).


Am I the only one who sees an inconsistency in these two statements by rockytriton?


rockytriton: I saw this show, it was very good.




rockytriton: I can't, I only watched 5 minutes of the show, the 5 minute portion where they were saying that it wasn't real.
Do you really believe the Universe is flat and the planets put dents in it??


Your description is very crude, but yes, I believe that (what you seem to be wanting to describe, but can't). And everyone else who has learned the basic concepts of general relativity does too.


Those who don't believe that are ignorant of the very facts that relate to the matter, so why trust their uninformed, personal opinions?


Back to the original topic (which isn't Creationism or general relativity).


To anyone who thought the show was good, please pick the singlemost important fact about dragons the show presented and post it for discussion ... if you can!

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