Jackie James Posted January 22, 2011 Report Posted January 22, 2011 Project Home 2011 National scientific research program researched quantum physics in the area of magnetism and matter acceleration. John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart both age 44 in 2011 completed the work with an experiment envolving matter acceleration that ended the project successfuly on January 1, 2011 in Connecticut. The information source projecthome2011 tripod com has links to videos of the levitation technology at work developed there. The video of Project Home 2011 levitation technology can be found on You Tube by searching "Project Home 2011"Further information on the project listed- PROJECTHOME 2011 Online official documentation transcribed from research journal-"Project Home 2011 summary". PROJECT HOME 2011SUMMARY2005-2011 Topic OutlineOPENING I. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik complete Project Home 2011 on January 1, 2011HISTORICAL OVERVIEW II. 'Project Home 2011' as the original plan Matt and John are chosen by a talent scout from a research company when they were both 12 years old in 1979, which funds Project Home 2011 from 1979 to 2011 with a 5 year subsidy. Project Home 2011 officialy started June 01, 1979 with the objective to achieve a successful experiment in matter acceleration by 2011.B. The magnetic propulsion in the vacuumed chamber systemC. Motion, it turns out, slows time D. Careful study of electromagnetic phenomena DISCUSSION (BODY)III. In quantum Hall systems and superconductors, zero-resistance states Magnetic field operates on the piece of iron, so that the latter strives to move towards the magnet Einstein theory.B. The Theory of relativity Einstein theory and the relation to Project Home 2011CLOSING STATEMENTThe Project Home 2011 in full function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Home 2011 The project is called 'Project Home 2011' as the original plan was for the working relativity experiment the project develops to be ready to conduct in the year 2011. The entire scientific research Project Home 2011 began in 1979 and the project completes in 2011. The magnetic propulsion system that drives 'Project Home 2011 matter accelerator is an invention in itself. (Project Home 2011).John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart were chosen by an Australian research company called 'Project Home 2011' to study in their think tank. The company funds the Project Home 2011 from 1979 to 2011. The objective of the project was to succeed with an experiment in relativity that would prove out the realities of the universe, however long that took to do it. Matthew Urquhart and John Obik graduated from high school via the colleges they attended as the colleges were linked to the town's High School systems. They both graduated college with honors in 2009. The 2 students were both 12 years old in 1979. They both began college in 2004 at ages 37 while simultaneously working in Project Home 2011 as an extra curricular activity. Project Home 2011 finishes on January 1, 2011. "Within the Project Home 2011 laboratory in Connecticut, the two students built a 47-foot diameter solid welded material stainless steel disc inside a vacuum chamber, which is successfully accelerated to 186,280 miles per second on January 1, 2011"(Project Home 2011). Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2, was used for calculations and for assembling of the disc function. "Einstein discovered that energy was equal to mass times the speed of light squared, with the speed of light as a constant in a vacuum such as space" (Einstein). Based on the same physics concepts of motion, laws of relativity and speed of light, both students worked hard and made many, many sacrifices for achieving the goal. In the project they developed a module, which works on magnetic powered engineering and computerized quantum physics mathematics. Alongside with the magnetic powered Project Home 2011 matter accelerator, they researched and investigated concepts in the physics domain in regard to Einstein's "Ultimate Theory" and "Time Space Continuum" concepts. The development of a large matter accelerator was well underway in 2005 and John Obik and Matt Urquhart began working on it with the Australian company. It was determined that considerable mass could be moved to a great velocity by spinning it in a centralized location, however doing so caused problems with friction. It was then that the 2 students began to look at propulsion by magnetism: John and Matt assembled the disc in the vacuum space-chamber. The disc in the vacuum ran on a cushion of magnetism, which emitted no material discharge that would burn up the disc. The vacuum had to be completely pure, and the students found the way using the very magnetism to propel the disc, to also attract material particles from the vacuum (Project Home 2011 magnetic propulsion method -A) (Project Home 2011). In his research Einstein pointed out that as a result of the electromagnetic phenomena: ...action at a distance as a process is impossible without the intervention of some intermediary medium. Furthermore, if for instance, a magnet attracts a piece of iron, we cannot be content to regard this as meaning that the magnet acts directly on the iron through the intermediate empty space, but we are constrained to imagine that the magnet always calls into being something physically real in the space around it, that something being what we call a magnetic field... In its turn this magnetic field operates on the piece of iron, so that the latter strives to move towards the magnet (Einstein). Their research into developing a magnetic propulsion began. "Matt and John developed magnetic propulsion methods for accelerating the centrifuge disc as an alternative to LOX propulsion as rocket discharge emitted material particles into the environment of the centrifuge chamber causing friction preventing higher speed. (Project Home 2011 magnetic propulsion method-A)" (Project Home 2011). The magnetic propulsion in the vacuumed chamber system was manufactured and utilized based on quantum Hall physics concept, which involves zero-resistance states and high magnetic fields. They found the answer to the friction and resistance problem was indeed through magnetic propulsion: More recently, quantum Hall effects were discovered from investigations of zero- resistance states at low temperatures and high magnetic fields in two-dimensional electron systems ... In quantum Hall systems and superconductors, zero-resistance states often coincide with the appearance of a gap in the energy spectrum ... Zero- resistance-states occur about magnetic fields...(Ramesh Mani & et al.). While they developed the matter accelerator, there was still another component of Project Home 2011 that was on the drawing board that they had to figure out. When the day comes in 2011 (The night of the first day of 2011), that they do the big experiment that will end the project, studying the affect in relativity that was generated by the spinning disc, there needed to be some kind of a vehicle John and Matt ride in through the effect they generate with the disc acceleration. This was not as simple as it seems. The vehicle had to have a rate of acceleration down a track that was precise enough to calculate what point on the track it would pass over accurate within .001 inches, and accurate within one femptosecond. (Initial centrifugal accelerator started on December 31, 1984, and ended on January 1, 2011).Then it hit them. If they could encorporate a version of the magnetic propulsion for the matter acceleration disc into a vehicle that works in air instead of a vacuum, they would have the solution. The beginnings of the vehicle that they would finish the project with had begun. The Project Home 2011 Vehicle: Within the same project John and Matt developed a variation of method-A that works without a vacuum, instead uses the atmosphere as the opposing magnet by self- ionization of the medium. Matt and John incorporate this method (Project Home 2011 method- into a motor vehicle. On deserted strip of the Massachusetts Turnpike early in the morning, the 2 members reached 400 miles per hour with the vehicle. (The vehicle was a 1974 Ford Pick-up truck with a reinforced frame, gutted drive train and solid tires). The propulsion system was carried in the bed of the truck. (Project Home 2011)John's truck was a 1974 green Ford pick-up that John and Matt had installed their test magnetic power system into. John and Matt used this truck for errands and joyrides. John Obik first recieved their drivers licenses in February, 1983, and Matt Urquhart in 1987, so before 1983 they were testing the vehicle equipment on public roads without drivers licenses. In 2011 they finally succeeded with the matter acceleration. John Obik and Matthew Urquhart complete the entire project for good the first day of 2011. "total matter acceleration experiment executed in the year 2011 by Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik at the Project Home 2011 laboratory, Connecticut. Solid matter 47 feet in diameter rotated in angular velocity to 186,280 miles per second successfully for Project Home 2011- (Project Home 2011 experiment)"(Project Home 2011) .The total matter acceleration experiment was implemented based on the Quantum phase transition and wavefunction within a dynamic magnetic quantum field:. ... The transition takes place at the "quantum critical" value of some other parameter such as pressure, composition or magnetic field strength. A quantum phase transition takes place when co-operative ordering of the system disappears, but this loss of order is driven solely by the quantum fluctuations demanded by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The quantum system is described by a complex-valued wavefunction, and the dynamics of its phase near the quantum critical point .(Subir Sachdev) (D Bitko & et al.) Finally, the matter acceleration experiment to completely achieve in 2011. Between February, 2005 and January 2011, John and Matt work on Project Home 2011 to be ready for the big date in 2011 the project gets completed for good. In 2005, John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart began the begining phases of the project and Project Home 2011 initialization procedures. Both students set up stationing at the site the project finishes for good on November 7, 2010. John and Matt set up the matter accelerator execution in 2011 by their programmed interface between their computers at their stations seated at the control panel in the Project Home 2011 Vehicle, in network. Project Home 2011 executed by Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik pulling the hot levers in synchronous in 2011, although there is a fail-safe back-up auto-execution program linked between Starsearch2011 and the Manchester, Connecticut site that will automaticly start the Project Home 2011 mechanism in motion and complete the project before December 31, 2011 if John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart did not execute Project Home 2011 manually at an earlier date in 2011: The 32-year project was successfuly accomplished by John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart on January 1, 2011 as planned (original target date). The Project Home 2011 matter acceleration experiment completion 2011 and the successful achievement taking place in 2011 by Matt and John. At that time Project Home 2011 is completed on time and as planned, and using the findings from Project Home 2011 as related to the matter acceleration experiment is accumulated begining in 1984. Matthew and John complete the entire scientific research project that began in 1979 and finishes in 2011 including the Project Home 2011 matter accelerator constructed into the Project Home 2011 laboratory in Connecticut. The Project Home 2011 Vehicle:The magnetic propulsion system that drives this vehicle is an invention in itself. (Project Home 2011) Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik, both at only age 44 at Project Home 2011's completion in 2011, with the years of work trying to achieve the project, finally succeed with it in 2011. John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart to use the experience gained from the engineering project and the research for it from 1979 when they were 12 years old attending Talcott Mountain Science Center in Avon, Connecticut, and 2011, when the 32=year investor funded project completed with success. The Project Home 2011 vehicle is just a byproduct of the matter acceleration quest. The way the Project Home 2011 Vehicle works: The Project Home 2011 Vehicle is propelled by magnets. This vehicle is constructed of a high-grade polycarbonate and has a tough aerospace coating on it. The Project Home 2011 Vehicle is an 'expendible' component of Project Home 2011, that is the vehicle is destroyed in order to finish the project for good in 2011. This vehicle is Matt's and John's only working magnetic powered vehicle system aside from the Project Home 2011 matter accelerator, they have until 2011 as this vehicle is from Project Home 2011 and is the only device from Project Home 2011 they were able to take with them when the project is done in 2011. This vehicle requires absolutely no gasoline, batteries or sunlight to power. After Matthew and John developed the matter accelerator using magnetic propulsion from December, 1984 to continue until January, 2011, they incorporated a version of this same propulsion into a method that self ionizes the air outside of a vehicle behind the propulsion cells as the opposing magnet for the cells to push or pull against. The cell coils in the Project Home 2011 Vehicle are stainless steel and carry 3000 amperes of current. The invention utilizes a magnetic pulse generator controlled by the vehicle's computers that keeps the 3000 amperes moving continuously recycling the same electrons with no ground. Atmospheric ionization system an electromagnetic frequency is emitted from the cell out into the air to a focal point. This e.m.f. focal point ionizes the air by pushing electrons off the atoms in the air at the focal point and onto neighboring atoms, thus creating two electrically charged air masses, one negative, and one positive. By controlling the position of the focal point behind the cell by the vehicle's computers in Matt's and John's stations, the negative or positive fields can be moved closer or further away from the cell for the cell, which is always a negative charge, to push or pull against respectively. Because the propulsion cells carrying 3000 amperes each cell- (9 cells per rear unit X 2 sides of the Project Home 2011 Vehicle) and 8 cells per levitation unit (X 2 sides of the vehicle), are only the catalyst for atmospheric ionization, the charge lasts an incredibly long time and rarely needs a recharge. The recharge is done with a 2-second 'zap' with a microwave beam from a custom fitted feed horn which charges an entire unit of cells for pennies of electricity. The electrons in the microwave pass through the polycarbonate housing and strike the electrons in the metal coils and reflect off the metallic coil, but the impact of the microwave electrons inducts the stored energy and re-excites the coil's free/transition electrons in the metal coil. The charge lasts over half a year under continuous use. The recharging is only needed because there is never zero resistance. The stainless steel coils, supercooled superconductive liquid nitrogen, and the e.m.f. dissipation still creates milliohms of resistance, which merely slows the perpetual-like current in the coil down. Less current means less inductive magnetism. The cells are merely the catalysts from which no electrons are used from the system to motivate the vehicle. The electromagnetism electrons naturally generate is the energy used as a catalyst that powers the vehicle. The interacting energy power for the Project Home 2011 Vehicle comes from the electrical energy ever present in the air. The electrical energy potential difference in ordinary air can be observed during an electrical storm. We are only observing air that collectively equals a neutral state when the particles in the air have not exchanged their electrons thus ionizing them. The magnetism from the Project Home 2011 Vehicle automatically self ionizes the air using Matt's and John's invented system, without using any electrons from the electromagnets in the vehicle to do so. The electromagnetism from electrons charges the air. This vehicle is essentially powered by air or water using the constant electromagnetism from electrons on a quantum level as the catalyst to interact with the atoms in air/water. (Project Home 2011)The energy comes from the matter in the air or water. The magnets in the vehicle are only the static force that draws this energy from the matter in the air, so the power in the vehicle is not lost. "To move on land, in water, or in the air, even at constant speed and at the same level, always requires an expenditure of energy" (V. Radhakrishnan).John and Matt had to invent a computer processor to govern the flow of the electrons in the electromagnetic coils in the vehicle and shift the polarity at the right time: The ability to achieve high current using the invented polybit computer governed polarity shift for full cycling electrons defeats power-to-weight complications and successfully locks magnetic moments in ambient high entropy gas. Other easy-to-ionize gasses may work also, but this type of propulsion will not work in a vacuum such as space. The acceleration disc in Project Home 2011's experiment in 2011 glides in a vacuumed chamber of which there is no medium between the disc and the magnetic propulsion cells lining the inside wall of the chamber. Thus the disc propulsion requires cells on the wall of the chamber as well as in the spinning disc to oppose each other. This was the first magnetic propulsion system, method-A, Matt and John invented, of which the other versions were developed from such as the vehicle propulsion that turns the air into the other magnet as like the disc's. Matt and John have also found that while working in Project Home 2011, that the Project Home 2011 Vehicle works very well under water. Water ionizes better than air, however there is more drag as well, which makes for slower speed underwater despite the better ionization. The Project Home 2010 Vehicle is the actual vehicle Matt and John use to end the research from Project Home 2011 in 2011. (Project Home 2011)The vehicle is also capable of hovering over the ground by simply turning the ionized field toward the ground: Self-sustained maglev is developed in Project Home 2011.Project Home 2011 Vehicle Levitator Units.Method of levitation for moving objects above the ground without friction of ground contact.These research colleagues have developed a technology for this. Incorporated into the Project Home 2011 Vehicle are magnetic cells (8 each side/ 16 total) with the edges of the circular coils pointed downward on either side of the vehicle mid-body. The same principal applies. A cushion of self-sustained magnetized air is generated below the Project Home 2011 Vehicle and the vehicle hovers above the ground. This is not anti-gravity. The force of gravity is still there, but the force of repelling magnetism 'wedges' the Project Home 2011 Vehicle up (when activated). The magnetized air below the vehicle immediately tries to escape out from under the vehicle, but new ionized air is constantly self generated from the e.m.f. emitted from the vehicle's propulsion cells keeping a constant cushion of magnetic air maintained below the vehicle and the vehicle hovers. The height of the vehicle's hovering capability is proportionate to the scale of the cell. 3000 amperes per square area of conductive material. (Project Home 2011)The Project Home 2011 Vehicle is a component of the machinery that is used to conduct Project Home 20111 and Project Home 2011 research from 1979 to 2011. The unique engineering of the vehicle gives the vehicle a versitility above any other motor vehicle or aircraft. The aerospace engineering required for a large matter acceleration experiment in 2011 is incorporated into the Project Home 2011 vehicle. The Project Home 2011 Vehicle control panels are large super computers in a small package. This is possible because of Matt's and John's polybit processor invention. Their polybit processor treats the entire memory as one byte made up of trillions of bits instead of trillions of bytes made up of 8 bits each. The result is that their polybit processor invention can execute an entire program in one step: On the control panels are two hand-pads. One labeled 'LINE' and the other labeled 'LEV'. One man can operate the vehicle's linear movement and levitation, but Matt and John have a system where one picks whether to run the line thrust and the other the levitation axis. The monitor screen is slimline as is the polybit processor they invented in Project Home 2011. The entire panel is thin and built to fit Matt's and John's compartments. The keyboard is also graphically generated on a touch screen and keying is done by touch on a key screen. The other instruments they use for vehicle and Project Home 2011 work for the matter acceleration data for 2011, are touch screen or analog switches. (Project Home 2011)The project is completed for good in the year 2011 using the Project Home 2011 Vehicle. John and Matt complete the work from 1984 to 2011 (Project Home 2011) using the 'hot levers' in 2011: The main 'pull' switches that complete the 5-year project in 2011 are made of an aerospace nickel alloy. There are only 2 of these levers onboard the Project Home 2011 Vehicle, in Matt's and John's private compartments at their seats in the cockpit in the Project Home 2011 Vehicle. These 2 devices are connected to the Project Home 2011 matter accelerator in the Project Home 2011 lab in Connecticut, Starsearch 2011, and the link site in Manchester, Connecticut where the triangulation devices for doing Project Home in 2011 were set by John Obik in late February, 2005 and a temporary station was set up in March, 2005 with John Obik on duty. (Project Home 2011). PROJECT HOME 2011 TIMELINE: 1979 : Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik are picked by talent scout to attend Project Home 2011. John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart, both age 12, accept to attend voluntarily. 1984-2005 : The long awaited official start of Project Home 2011 began in Connecticut and John Obik together with Matthew Mitchel Urquhart began working on Project Home 2011 at the Project Home 2011 laboratory in Connecticut while attending college and living in the Project Home 2011 funded student housing for college and Project Home 2011 attendance. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik both 38 years old by 2005. 2011 : The 32-year project is completed for good with the 2 members, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik present. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik both age 44. (Project Home 2011) Quote
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