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On The Nature Of Time And Space

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Guest Domenico

It is a given fact that the coordinate system (3+1) in which our physical laws are embedded is not known. The parameter space with its 3 dimensions still carries the tag vacuum with some sort of unknown energy in it, although there is nowadays a rush to fill it with what it is called dark energy and what used to be: the defunct ether, the dielectric field of Maxwell, the zero-point field of Max Planck, the negative energy of Einstein, the stochastic covariant ether of Dirac, the thermal bath of Louis de Broglie, the quantized Higgs field, the subquantum level of David Bohm, and the covariant vacuum now fallen in disgrace. The parameter time, on the other hand, notwithstanding the irreversibility of it, there for anyone to see, is left loose to go up and down to obey our physical laws which are symmetric in time; that is, they indicate no preferred direction of physical processes with respect to time. To say it in scientific parlance: they are invariant under the operation of time-reversal.

It is then against this background that I shall start my proposition by saying at once that a common way of thinking for all of us is to consider time and space in their aspect of absolute quantities. Seen as physical quantities, time and space are almost always thought of: the first in terms of millions of years, and the second in terms of interstellar space. What I have in my mind instead is the smallest unit measure of time and space; in the matter at hand: the second of time and the corresponding distance of space which is 300 million metres, roughly from here to the Moon. In my assessment, I am also giving for granted: radial distance for time and linear distance for space.

It is quite clear, from this early stage, that we must come away from the abstract philosophical concept of time and space and move mentally to the physical world where things are seen and touched, where things are tangible.

To clear the way, I shall now start my theorem by recalling to mind Minkowski’s idea of space-time and make an appeal to good old Pythagoras as Minkowski himself did. If we do it, we may want to draw something like this:



We must now imagine that at the intersection of the ordinate and the abscissa (origin) there exists a process something similar to what Aristotle had in mind when, in his book of physics, he wrote: «Time is therefore either a process or is somehow dependent upon a process; and since it is not the former, it must be the latter».

Let us now go a step further than Aristotle. Let us think of the process as being an electromagnetic process for the physical creation of Time and Space which we can easily identify, as I am now doing, with the electromagnetic spectrum. In order to register in the mind a radial concept, let us think of figure 2 as a solid 1/8 of a sphere.



Think fast, please. If Time and Space are made by a process and are a product of nature, they have to be made in small ascending bits (there is no other choice). Their unit measure would therefore be very tiny at the beginning (origin) and it would reach the full length (expansion in time and extension in space) at the end (1 second = 300 million metres), hence a gradation scale such as the above spectrum to satisfy our two main requirements:

1) the building up of a time and/or space unit measure along the ascending scale; that is, the wavelength, and

2) the required energy decrease along the ascending scale, energy needed for the build-up of the wavelength.

Having in mind to put forward my proposition logically and geometrically, let me show you some examples of logic at work. We can speak of time length or space length.

> We can say: the length of a football field (space)

and we can say: the length of a movie (time)

> We can say: the distance in-between us is short (space)

and we can say: a given event repeated itself at the distance of years (time)

> We may speak of interval between first and second half, or we may speak of interval between two given trains (and we refer to time)

> And we can say that the interval in-between two or more poles is uniform, or we can say: the trees are at regular intervals (and we refer to space).

And to conclude my logical discourse, we say: the time dimension, and we can also say: the space dimension.

Notwithstanding the mathematical underpinning sustaining my theory the way it is presented in my book «The physical creation of Time and Space», I have here recalled for our immediate benefit some words which may be used either when we refer to time or when we refer to space. In doing so, I wanted to put in relief that in support of a physical process put there by mother nature creating time and space, I have appealed to logic as well as to geometry.

In other words, I am proposing the existence of a physical process in antithesis to the mental abstraction used to describe «time» and «space». What has put my mind in motion was the simple realization that Science, for a long time now, was and still is unable to say what is the intrinsic nature and/or physical make-up , if any, of both time and space.

What I have tried to tell you with a few words and, I hope, without confusing you too much, is that time and space are made physically as physically is made, for example, the bread. To make the bread we need flour, yeast, water, salt, and an oven. To make time and space mother nature has predisposed the electromagnetic waves which are utilized in decreasing order, and as such give existence to a continuous creation. Consequently, the physical process uses the entire range of these waves: from those that are infinitely short at very high frequency up to those that are very long at low frequency. And it is in such a manner that these waves create time and space.

We can then accept that the end product of this physical process which extends itself in space and expands itself in time, for each second of the clock, is: from one hand a single wavelength 300 million metres long, which adds itself to the already immense dimension of our universe, and from the other a second of time, which adds itself to its venerable age.

Back to good old Pythagoras. If, for argument sake, we are standing still, as we actually are, on the intersection point of the ordinate/abscissa, then, we would experience only the temporal part of the process (imagine an expanding sinusoid going upwards along the ordinate), that is: we would get one second old for each second of the clock.

If, as a second option, we move along the abscissa be it just walking, by car or by the fastest possible way on this planet; we would experience as well a very small part, very tiny indeed, of the spatial process and we get older slightly less; that is, our unit measure of time has become shorter with respect to someone standing still. The faster we go, the shorter will be the unit length of time.

The third option is that in which we move at the velocity of the process, that is: if we were, hypothetically speaking, riding a ray of light, we would suffer only the spatial process. We would cover, in this case, 300 million metres of space for each second of the clock, without experiencing time and therefore without getting older.

Yes, it isn’t what you would call orthodox thinking. It has done one thing though. If Time and Space are physically created by nature; that is, if they are a product of nature, as they should and appear to be, all the unanswered questions plaguing Quantum mechanics and its branches can be easily explained; and all the Relativity paradoxes are no longer there.

Empirical evidence of my proposition is given by the so-called dark energy needed for the space expansion of the universe and by the total clearance of all paradoxes. Things such as length contraction, time dilation, the twin paradox and the like become the most natural things to happen. Direct evidence, on the other hand, may be given, technology and medical science permitting, by responding to the following hypothesis: A commercial airline pilot who has clocked ten thousand hours of flying time at an average speed of 700 kilometres per hour for a total of 7 million kilometres is 23.33 seconds biologically younger since his age is made up of mostly time, yes; but, with the addition, or if you prefer with the subtraction, of a little bit of space.

With the proviso that time and space are a legitimate product of nature and that they are made by an electromagnetic process, I shall now try to give a simplified view of the geometrical and topological structure of space which is the natural arena where time is performing its own dynamics. Let me be more geometrically articulate.

In figure 3, let lambda1, ...2, ...3, lambdan be a sequence of electromagnetic sources generating electromagnetic waves to process time and/or space along the line A—B where lambda is the space length in-between the pointlike sources. Further, let lambda1, ...2 lambdan be the new space lengths acquired along the process of time expansion and/or space extension. Given these conditions, the spatial discreteness would be the cause of the time-fall in-between point-sources. The zero we see at the top centre of the diagram is what in my work I have labelled “0-point maximum time expansion” to indicate the apex as well as the centre of a given frame of reference. Moreover, if in-between point-sources we accept Planck’s length which is 1.6x10−35 metres, we see at once that free space is filled with electromagnetic waves, hence filled with energy.

As a matter of fact, evidence of resident energy in free space is given by the action-at-a-distance type of force, be it gravitational or electrostatic, felt without the presence of any material (direct) connection between two given points; and it is also given by the expanding space between clusters of galaxies which is to say by spaces vacated by the galactic recession as observed via the cosmological redshift. We would, then, have free space chock-full of waves from Planck’s length to the length of 300 million metres with each one of them being an expression of energy, as indeed I am suggesting.

With reference to the nature of space itself, Science has clearly demonstrated that the universe is expanding. If the speed of the expansion is finite and is constant it would cause each small pointlike point-source in free (optical) space to magnetize. The magnetized point-source would instantly generate (according to our friend Faraday) an electric field which in turn will generate e magnetic field which in turn etc... etc... Seeing that the expanding universe magnetizes the point-sources and the point-sources are causing the expansion, we have the first question for the unlikely sniper: was the expanding universe or were the fleeting monopoles born first ? The question is unimportant.

If we accept that Time and Space are created by a natural electromagnetic process, then; we must visualize the field, that is: free (optical) space as an expanding substance made of infinitely many small pointlike electromagnetic point-sources of self-generating energy each having its own unsaturated sink with continuous absorption because of the constant and continuous expansion and/or extension (the wavelength proper of the process for the creation of time and/or space). These point-sources must be considered inertial frames moving with velocity 1/(ε0μ0)½ (speed of light) and consequently their slope is 1/c, or 3.335x10−11 centimetres per second.

While apologizing for the schematic, and perhaps not quite sufficient presentation of my proposition, I shall end my topic by recalling to mind Einstein and his book «The principle of Relativity» Dover Edition. A reprint of the original 1923 edition published by Methuen and Company Ltd. At page 106 he says and I quote ...If we did not satisfy this condition, we would arrive at a definition of time by the application of which time would merge explicitly into the laws of nature, and this would certainly be unnatural and unpractical unquote. There you have it. A son of his own time. A man of science strongly conditioned by the intellectual influence of Immanuel Kant. As a matter of fact, there was no scholar in those days who did not have on his desk a copy of «Kritik der reinen Vernunft». We all must agree that Kant with his «Critique of Pure Reason» did really have an enormous influence on the scientific and philosophical thinking of the western world. It was most unfortunate that all, and I say all, the forefathers of modern Science drank avidly from that chalice.

Guest Domenico

You have described my thinking exactly. Very impressive. Every charged particle, since their beginning, has been creating your space/time.

I apologize if I didn't answer you straight away. I was getting ready another piece of the puzzle which I posted today to the <Alternative theories> forum. Although I think we are moving along different lines of thought, there is always a common ground for ampliflying and render more intelligible some issues.


If we consider space as an electric field, which it is, then time is any disturbance in that field.EM waves are generated in that field by the movement or acceleration of charged particles only. There are no other sources for EM waves.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Domenico

If we consider space as an electric field, which it is, then time is any disturbance in that field.EM waves are generated in that field by the movement or acceleration of charged particles only. There are no other sources for EM waves.

First of all I will apologize to you for being so clumsy. You have sent the above message two weeks ago and I can only blush with shame for having missed it. I hope you’ll accept my apologies. As for the field and your view of it, I disagree and I like to do it in a quite manner. I have been doing it since 1957 and that should be enough proof that I am not pushing my way in.

In my thread “The electromagnetic wave in space” which has been in the “Alternative theories” forum since February the 3rd, the paragraph before last reads: I come now to the end suggesting that there exists an expanding and/or extending process initialized and terminated by the same magnetic component. This is confirmed by the magnetic nature of the world we live in. If the electric component were primary, as our physical laws demand, the universe would have to have an electric nature; in which case I wouldn’t have been here, in this ball of fire, to profess my reasoning and you wouldn’t have been here either to contest it.

Guest Domenico

Yes, Little Bang, you profess the electric field to be primary. For me it is the electromagnetic field covering this job, as I have stated in my threads and reported above. Nonetheless, since in my view from the visible spectrum onwards electric forces take the lead and become stronger and stronger, it may be worth going a bit deeper into it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Would you mind telling me where and when this experiment that measured c in a strong magnetic field was preformed?


The speed of light is verified everyday inside the strong magnetic fields of particle accelerators.

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