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HI all. New here. (sort of)

I've just realised what a fascinating site this is. Your discussions are right up my street.

I was unsure where to post this, but I like the sound of throwing around a few odd speculative theories, so here I am.


I'm a writer and I've just finished writing a book called The Perfects. It's a fantasy novel, but I have used a lot of realism within the story line, such as my theories about crop circles, Stonehenge, Glastonbury tor, the crystal skulls etc etc, and it would be good to get an opinion or two from you guys who may be interested in this sort of thing.


Skulls are predominant in my story because the Perfects are men with no skin and their faces are covered in a visage of bone, like a skull or a gladiator’s helmet.


I'm really excited at the moment because I've recently discovered a face, resembling the Perfects in the landscape around the Nazca Plains in Peru. Here's a snapshot. I haven't shown anyone else this, so if you come back and tell me you can't see a face, I'm going to be gutted. Take a look. You'll find it on the right, next to the dark round patch.



I cannot access this, can you repair the link?
It's on her file system.


Mum, you can share the file by making it an attachment to the post.


Just below the full editor box you should see the word Attachments and you can paste the same thing as above: "C:\Users\wendy\Documents\The Perfects\Perfects research\nazca skull 2.jpg" into the textbox and click the blue button. Below that there's a guide. If you need even more help, ask us.


It's on her file system.


Mum, you can share the file by making it an attachment to the post.


Just below the full editor box you should see the word Attachments and you can paste the same thing as above: "C:\Users\wendy\Documents\The Perfects\Perfects research\nazca skull 2.jpg" into the textbox and click the blue button. Below that there's a guide. If you need even more help, ask us.


i just meant fix it ;)


Actually, the face was the very first thing I noticed. I am not surprised though, as seeking out human features in art, clouds and trees, is something I often do. I am interested in those theories, if you would like to elaborate. The crystal skull has always awed me, aye, even haunted a dream or two.



HI Pam. Glad you saw it too. i was beginning to think i had a eye disorder.


My book has been built around myths and legends, which I have connected with a fantasy storyline. I'm a storyteller, not a scientist or anything else, but I can weave a good tale. (In the proper sense)


As I said in the beginning, all the things in my book are all speculative and many people will argue against them for the sake of argument, but it's really just intended as entertainment, for people who love a conspiracy or an opinion that goes against the grain.


For example the making of mankind, our evolution alongside this other species (The Perfects) who have been born from the planet. I love myths and legends so I have included things like the green man, air spirits, spirit doors to the underworld and so on. I have taken my research and i have built them into a story which i believe is credible. The reason I posted about the white horses was because it was the one thing I couldn't decide on being feasible. I've removed it now although I'm still trying to link them in some way.


I can't talk about the crystal skulls because its predominant to my storyline, so i don't want to divulge too much.


However here's one you may like. I did some research on the Cretan maze or labyrinth. It ties in with the detail surrounding Glastonbury tor, so it gained my interest. Anyway i was looking at a Google earth image of woodhenge, which from the air looks like a circle of dots, and i managed to form the labyrinth by joining all the wooden posts.


I'll download it next




Here it is. It only took me 4 hours to convert it. Arghh!!!


Right...Bear in mind that a labyrinth isn't like a normal maze. A maze has walls blocking its paths, but a labyrinth has only one route and it's very difficult to create.


I've included a photo of a Cretan maze on an ancient coin and a sketch of the outline.


There's actually one etched amongst all those wonderful, unexplained drawings on the Nazca Plains and also the Glastonbury Tor has terraces, which form the labyrinth rising to the top.


It's fascinating stuff.




as i suggested, and modest showed, the vulva shape around the base of the washington monument is not a true vesica piscis. :naughty:


I wondered how long it would take you.


What difference does it make whether it's true or not? After all, I don't mind that you're not a real turtle!


..this is a sacred symbol use by many cultures and it is the meaning behind it that is 'real', not its dimensions.


Besides, I thought your theory of the Washington monument not being a VP was quite lame. You dismissed it out of hand and called the circles ovals. I thought Modest's interpretation was excellent.


Support what claims? That I and many others from different cultures can call a VP a VP ('true' or not), when it's not geometrically aligned?


This is not a Vesica Piscis thread, I am talking about the method of my theories within my book and the VP is one of them.

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