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Mind Over Matter: Eecog May Finally Allow Enduring Control Of A Prosthetic Or A Paralyzed Arm By Thought Alone

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Mind Over Matter: EECoG May Finally Allow Enduring Control of a Prosthetic or a Paralyzed Arm by Thought Alone


In 2006, a teenager played Space Invaders with the help of an electrocorticography (ECoG) grid that used signals from the area of his motor cortex that normally controlled his right hand and his tongue to move the cursor left and right. (Credit: Eric Leuthardt and Daniel Moran)


ScienceDaily (Feb. 19, 2011) — Daniel Moran has dedicated his career to developing the best brain-computer interface, or BCI, he possibly can. His motivation is simple but compelling. "My sophomore year in high school," Moran says, "a good friend and I were on the varsity baseball team. I broke my arm and was out for the season. I was feeling sorry for myself when he slide into home plate head first and broke his neck.



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