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(spam link deleted)

Project Home 2010 National scientific research program researches quantum physics in the area of magnetism and matter acceleration. John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart both age 18 in 2005 work on developing machinery to conduct an experiment envolving matter acceleration that will end the project in 2010.



Matter acceleration: one foot ruler, four cube magnets, nine ball bearings, some sticky tape.


Afterschool for All: Project 2010 brings together individuals and organizations across the nation who support the vision that all children and youth deserve access to quality, affordable afterschool programs by the year 2010.


Deserve! Do they "deserve" to get an education during school? Shall we reinstall the hate languages of reading, writing, and arithmetic plus standardized testing to discriminate against the stupid? Amercan zero-goal education - every child left behind! American public education is an expensive dysfunctional obscenity of politics and corruption.


There wasn't intended to be any SPAM. Project Home 2010 is a think tank for researching ways to use magnetic energy and there was the thought of starting a brainstorming session where some good ideas could derrive. 2 of the students participating, John and Matt, have developed a computerized electromagnet with levitation streingth that defeats power-to-weight ratios in that the computer recycles electrons in a continuous loop for inductive magnetic fields which the power of is limited only by the capacity of the conductor. This means vehicles that levitate may not be that far away because of Project Home 2010. The website for the project goes into detail about the general workings of the technology. Project Home 2010 is not selling anything.


They are not selling anything, except an endless amount of popups, ads, and in general unreadable text which is repeated multiple times on the same page.


Don't bother posting the link again.


The laws of thermodynamics allow electrons to orbit nuclii for billions of years on end. The universe is filled with compressed energy. It is usually found in matter. Magnetism is nature's maze to get at this energy. Matter is just compressed space. ( Project Home 2010 )

The laws of thermodynamics allow electrons to orbit nuclii for billions of years on end. The universe is filled with compressed energy. It is usually found in matter. Magnetism is nature's maze to get at this energy. Matter is just compressed space. ( Project Home 2010 )

Horrible, unconscionable blather. If you don't know, don't speak. Some of us obtained university degrees and work as science professionals. Your having made the statement you made is just cause for either summary education or summary execution. Your choice.


Near as anybody can tell, the overall algebraic sum of mass, energy, and fields in the universe is exactly zero. Content is not everything. Configuration is important.


Is zero not infinity? Zero is the infinitely small. A concept of the smallest possible entity--not the absence of all. There is never 'nothing'.

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