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so perhaps, my comments will be silly too?


when we discuss our universe, does not that pretty much encompass the whole bannana?

i mean everything we can exist in and/or measure? there is no more? no sense talking about multi-universes as how could we ever measure them unlese we meant in some future time or past time we were to hook up with them or had been hooked up to them and then they were to be or were part of our universe anyway!


If i didnt quote this right tell me...


I believe the reason we have trouble discussing things outside of what we know exists is because of sophistication phases... Ive explained this before and would really not like to again as it took half an hour, but in essence, we are at a point in which we are almost at the next phase, but cant quite grasp it. We went from a phase trying to figure out why we did things, then how, then we started to ry to control those things. The next step up cannot be revealed to us until weve reached it. It is like taking a toaster back to the medieval times. It is not compatible.


So long everyone!

If i didnt quote this right tell me...


I believe the reason we have trouble discussing things outside of what we know exists is because of sophistication phases... Ive explained this before and would really not like to again as it took half an hour, but in essence, we are at a point in which we are almost at the next phase, but cant quite grasp it. We went from a phase trying to figure out why we did things, then how, then we started to ry to control those things. The next step up cannot be revealed to us until weve reached it. It is like taking a toaster back to the medieval times. It is not compatible.


So long everyone!


I believe a radio would have gotten one labeled as speaking to devils and burned at the stake.

Multiple universes? There are infinite universes. The universe has alwas existed and will always exist. The universe is infinite in space. Within an atom, there are infinite universes and within the atoms of those universes are more infinite universes, thus the infinitely small. We are part of an atom in another universe and that universe is part of another atom, thus the infintely large.

so do you beleive that reality is something like the ultimate fractal?? is each of these universes different or the same?


I have to weigh in toooo.....I'm going to make a guess there is only one universe with a beginning and an end. Where(when) it starts I don't know, where(when) it ends, I don't know. I know it's big and seems to be getting bigger, but I am guessing since there was a start,(Big Bang), there will also be an end. Maybe there already is an end we just haven't reached it yet? Like the light of a burned out star? The universe has already ended we just don't know it, ha, I like it..


To get back on the topic, reading some books (science-fiction actually) I started wondering what actually space-time is (I already asked this on these forums about a year ago). Because the multiverse theory supposes the understanding of space-time. I mean if we want to say that our universe starts here and ends here, we limit space-time.


i dont think we limit spacetime in any sense. each bubble-universe could still be infinite. remember that an expansion of the universe means an expansion of the space, not of the boundary; that can always be infinitely far away.

as for the question 'what is space', i still don't have a satisfying answer :hyper:




Yes Bo, but to be able to say here is a bubble universe and here is another we have to be able to separate them and locate in a higher concept than space-time. We could for example re-introduce ether and say that's what's between the universes.


Or we could say that each universe is on a perpendicualer axis (like the real and imaginary numbers) and then th QM probability would be explained as a result of superpositions and projections. I like that thought....

i'm curious about this theory. could somebody tell me how valid it is in the world of science, and more information about it?

i heard that the universe splits itself into infinite copies of itself at every moment. :xx: :hihi: something as of right now i can not comprehend...........


Dear Orbscyli,


Here is the best link I have to answer your query. i am told this series is shown in the US on some public broadcasting networks that carry BBC programming..and belive it may be on Discovery channel as well...



Hope you enjoy the read and that it answers your questions [and provokes still more!].


Yes Bo, but to be able to say here is a bubble universe and here is another we have to be able to separate them and locate in a higher concept than space-time. We could for example re-introduce ether and say that's what's between the universes.



Dear Sanctos,


Substitute the zero point field for 'ether' and I'm with you all the way..



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