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___Some time ago, my roommmate Ace & I were looking at raw images from NASA Spirit Rover, & Ace saw something he spotted a UFO in one of the images from SOL 33. I notified Coast To Coast AM radio show, & another listener did a zoom in on the object & they posted the image:


___Today Ace called & said NASA had edited the anomoly out of the raw image:



___What's up with that? ;)


OMG! Its a flying pope's hat! That Pope Benedict sure wants to out do John Paul in travel miles huh?


Wait a second! Hold on: those are NOT the same picture.... Lucy! You got some 'splainin' to do!


I'll send it to my friends at JPL and see what they have to say....





Yeah, but where's the edited/unedited image? The one on the coast2coast site (with the pope's hat) is not the same image as the one on the nasa site....different angle, details, etc.





___Mmmmm... very strange! Now the JPL image is back with the "original" image! But you all saw it was different right after I posted! Mmmmm...

___It wouldn't be the first time they doctored stuff. I saw someone mention in another thread the UFO's spotted by Apollo astronauts & the tape of that conversation that disapeared.

___These kinds of subterfuge will out in the end & especially because oF resources like Hypography here. Among my top reasons for liking this place is the reliability of sharp minds to challenge any susceptible proposition. As far as anyone can demostrate, this is unprecedented in the history of EARTH.


These are not views from the same perspective. Look at the position of the speck in the picture relative to the landing vehicle in the foreground and then find the laqnding vehicle in the foreground of the two pics at NASA and you will see that the speck is off the edge of both pics. Here's links to the pics only.






I wouldn't read anything into this.

___Mmmmm... very strange! Now the JPL image is back with the "original" image! But you all saw it was different right after I posted! Mmmmm...

___It wouldn't be the first time they doctored stuff. I saw someone mention in another thread the UFO's spotted by Apollo astronauts & the tape of that conversation that disapeared....

I guess. I know dozens of people up and down the heirarchy at JPL: most all of them are left-leaning up to left-wing loony. If any of them caught wind of anything internal like this, it would hit every TV station and the LA Times within 10 minutes. Its not that high security there (in yes, out no). And I cannot believe it would be possible... As you can imagine most of these people work there because they *want* to find aliens....they'd be the last people to hide it....





___I must beg to differ. I am the one who originally reported this anomoly to Coast To Coast (my roommate Ace spotted it). The Coast To Coast Webmaster, Lex Lonehood, went to the JPL site & viewd their image. Shortly thereafter a listener submitted the enlarged view the site posted.

___When Ace saw it, we zoomed in & saw the saucer shape clearly. When he called me today to say JPL image change I went to look & it was changed; a pixelated whitish blotch where the dark anomoly just above the horizon had been. I then posted here & e-mailed Coast, but when Ace came back from work & we looked, the raw image was back to what we saw months ago.

___Further, I admit this is likely dust, as it appeared only on the left Nav cam & not the right. The point is, NASA is very sensitive & cagey when it comes to UFO's & they have been caught in the past messing with this kind of data. I & all Americans paid for this stuff & these people work for us & oughtant have this ability to withhold information.

___Since I am saying this all changed again in a matter of hours, I was hoping some of you went to look & saw the dark blotch (UFO) was not in the raw image of Spirit from the left nav cam on SOL 33. :Alien:

Since I am saying this all changed again in a matter of hours, I was hoping some of you went to look & saw the dark blotch (UFO) was not in the raw image of Spirit from the left nav cam on SOL 33. :Alien:

I did. That's why I pointed out the difference in perspective. In both of the pics at NASA the camera is panned to the left compared to the pic at Coast to Coast. The pics all look like they were shot from the same location but in different directions.


C1lay is right. There is very little overlap between the image posted by Thai Ho and the one in the other two links. The spot ever the horizon in Thai's image is a lot more to the right than the other image even reaches.


They are from the same viewpoint though, stones on the ground match up with the robot's shoes. All you can say is they don't show that bit, while Thai didn't show the other bit. I guess they're even then. :Alien:


Ah, Buffy...


I forgot to add, it wasn't Benedicte XVI!!! He's still alive!!! Neither was it Iohannes Paulus II, the picture was before March the 5th.


Benedicte XV maybe. :Alien:


___Well this was all a time-sensitive thing & the moment is past. I was not trying to say there was a difference between Thai Ho's image & JPLs. (whether he cropped it some is not the point)

___What happened yesterday was the image at JPL had changed, ie. the object was simply not there. Then when I started posting, the image changed back to have the object. Unless you all looked right when I posted at the JPL page & saw the object gone, you can't verify what I claimed.

___Pope or no Pope, NASA has & does hide information & pictures from us; the opportunity to show that with this image now is passed. :Alien:

___Well this was all a time-sensitive thing & the moment is past. I was not trying to say there was a difference between Thai Ho's image & JPLs. (whether he cropped it some is not the point)

___What happened yesterday was the image at JPL had changed, ie. the object was simply not there. Then when I started posting, the image changed back to have the object. Unless you all looked right when I posted at the JPL page & saw the object gone, you can't verify what I claimed.

___Pope or no Pope, NASA has & does hide information & pictures from us; the opportunity to show that with this image now is passed. :Alien:


I agree with your assement Turtle; we pay our government for information and all we get is the runaround. This behavior causes many of us to ask the question: Does our government have a secret agenda?? I personaly believe that the answer to this question is YES.....

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