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hi all

im doing a project and thermodynamics is a major step that i have no experience with it ..say i have a tank that contains about 15K gallon ..so doing a cooling cycle with freon will cost much during time ,, i need a solution with less cost as possible ....


the 2nd problem ..say that i have freezed the water and i have another water tank with same size ..how to apply a heat transfer and is that a good idea


the 3rd problem ..the isolation ..what is the best way .. to prevent heat loss or the surrounding heat


thanks all


Well a quick but unconventional way to freeze the tank is to take it to a store or restaraunt with a freezer and offer them what you can pay to have them freeze it.


Otherwise you could put the tank into a larger tank with ice and very salt water. It may take a lot of ice and a long time. Another way to freeze it is CO2 ice. It's cheeper than freon and faster than ordinary ice. You can put the CO2 ice into the water if you don't mind CO2 flavored water and ice that is kind of irregular. Other wise you can do it the same way as with ordinary ice but you don't need salt water.


Insulation can be done with household fiberglass insulation, loosly packed newspaper or blankets.


Heat transfer can be done by putting both tanks into the insulation container or by pumping water through a hose around the ice tank and the tank you want to transfer heat from.


Depending on the resources you have available, aerogel is likely the best bet for insulation. While it is susceptible to shattering, it is one of the best insulators around. For example, a common demonstration of it is to put a few crayons on top of a plate of it and lighting a blowtorch underneath. The blowtorch is unable to melt the crayons. However, aerogel is probably expensive.

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