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Here is the 64 billion dollar question!Since the URO block has no way to inflate out of its decline (and other subject to be sure!), it is just a matter of months or a year or two before it collapses. The big question is what will it do to the dollar?


To be sure, the banking and finance industry would be hard hit and trade with Europe would decline, but would all that increase or decrease the value of the dollar? It would perhaps be difficult to say since there would be no URO to measure its value with. Perhaps it would have no immediate effect, just lead to a long and gradual decline in the dollar relative to the Asian Basket of currencies, but it seems to me that Asia would be in as bad a shape by then as Europe. It too trades with Eruope and could be as seriously impaced as we would be.


This seems to me to be a great subject. I sure would like to hear what others think.

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