rocket art Posted January 15, 2012 Report Posted January 15, 2012 Hi folks, I would like to share this knowledge culled from personal research. It would be interesting to hear opinions about it : Ancient Indigenous Tribe Narrates Identity of All Tribes in The World Originated From Cibolan in Davao, Philippines Read more: The ancient knowledge of the Bagobo People's, an Indigenous Tribe from Davao, Philippines claimed that all tribes in the World originated their identities from Cibolan located in the foothills of Mt. Apo in Davao, Mindanao Island, Philippines.This article is an attempt to vindicate the tribe's ancient knowledge that had been passed from generation to generation.
rocket art Posted January 15, 2012 Author Report Posted January 15, 2012 Ancient Indigenous Tribe Narrates Identity of All Tribes in The World Originated From Cibolan in Davao, Philippines Read more: Thousands of miles from Sibulan in Davao, Philippines, across the vast Pacific Ocean, the Native Indians of continental America claimed of the legendary golden cities of “Cibola.” Spanish conquistadores attempted to search for and failed to find it, and Western Literature immortalized the place as “El Dorado.” The natives said that it was to be found to the north of Mexico. Could the Bagobo People’s be right in claiming that all tribes in the World, Native Americans included, would still remember the place of their origin, in Cibolan? Ridiculous it may seem, for how could the legendary cities of “Cibola” remembered by Native Americans be linked with the claims of the Bagobo People’s thousands of miles and seas and far in the foothills of Davao’s Mt. Apo, in Mindanao Island? However, legends spoke of the ancient continent of MU, or Lemuria that supposedly existed hundreds of thousands of years ago. This great continent was said to occupy the vast portion of the Pacific Ocean that once stetched from the shores of Japan, the trenches of the Philippine Deep and the Marianas, the Easter Islands, and along the western coast of present day Alaska and California. The legendary continent was said to have finally sunk about 22,600 years ago. Intriguingly, portions of MU in Alaska and California were indeed located, as the Native Americans directed of the legendary Cibola, to the “north of Mexico!” could it be that the ancient forefathers of the Native Americans, escaping from the drought in Cibolan, travelled further up north then finally to settle in the continents of America, just as the ancient ancestors of the Bagobo People’s had narrated? Scientific findings revealed however, that such phenomenon as the legendary sinking of Lemuria may have occured in the areas of the Pacific Ocean by a natural geological process known as Subduction. In such phenomenon the crust of the Pacific Ocean continually moved deeper ( and still does at about 3 in. per year) towards the Marianas Trench and the Philippine Deep, which partly explained the awesome depth achieved by these trenches. The crust are then “cooked” by the mantle, forming hot magma eventually spewed by volcanoes, with new islands furthermore born, and from such geological phenomenon the volcanic islands of the Pacific, as well as the Philippine archipelago, were created. Further evidences revealed of an ancient sunken city discovered underneath the waters of Yonaguni, Japan, where divers eerily discovered not just ancient streets and platforms, but amazing sculpture of a human figure wearing feathered headrest otherwise associated with the Native Americans! And furthermore intriguing were such sculpted figures that undeniably reminded of the mysterious rock faces of Easter Islands and the ancient ruins of Native American cities!
sigurdV Posted January 15, 2012 Report Posted January 15, 2012 Interesting! Im not sure how far the progress of the work of resurrecting the original language has gone, but results have been claimed... so if a language analysis is done, perhaps this "Cibola Hypothesis" will be strenghtened.
belovelife Posted January 15, 2012 Report Posted January 15, 2012 where are the pictures of the staues and cities located?
dduckwessel Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 Could this also be where the stories of Atlantis came from? It sounds similar.
rocket art Posted January 16, 2012 Author Report Posted January 16, 2012 I will officially call my personal research as "Ric Vil Hori's Cibolan Theory" :) where are the pictures of the staues and cities located? approximate locations of places and images mentioned in the article: (map courtesy of Could this also be where the stories of Atlantis came from? It sounds similar. It had been said that Plato's Atlantis was inadvertently referred to the presently named "Atlantic" Ocean because earlier historians were not yet aware that beyond the Atlantic Ocean was still the American continent, and beyond it was the present day Pacific Ocean where the ancient continent of MU turned out to be originally located. However it was also said that the final sinking of the Lemurian (MU) Continent occurred 22,600 years, or 10,700 years before the ultimate sinking of Atlantis, said to be in contemporary with the biblical Flood. The Lemurians were actually a much older race and MU a much older continent than Atlantis, and the Atlanteans their later cousin race.
Turtle Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 are there commonalities among the world's creation myths & languages? assuredly. however, there is absolutely no geological evidence for the pictured continent, sunken or otherwise. a strange claim in deed. atlantis & mu...Lewis Spence, a Scottish mythologist who used "inspiration" instead of scientific methods, attributes Cro-Magnon cave paintings in Europe to displaced Atlanteans (Feder, 130). Helena Blavatsky and the theosophists of the late 19th century invented the notion that the Atlanteans had invented airplanes and explosives and grew extraterrestrial wheat. The theosophists and James Churchward also invented Mu, a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean. Psychic healer Edgar Cayce claimed to have had psychic knowledge of Atlantean texts which assisted him in his prophecies and cures. J.Z. Knight claims that Ramtha, the spirit she channels, is from Atlantis....See also alternative science, confirmation bias, pseudoscience, selective thinking, self-deception, any entry listed in New Age Nirvana, or Mass Media Funk 22.
rocket art Posted January 16, 2012 Author Report Posted January 16, 2012 are there commonalities among the world's creation myths & languages? assuredly. however, there is absolutely no geological evidence for the pictured continent, sunken or otherwise. a strange claim in deed. atlantis & mu pls. refer to the Subduction phenomenon as mentioned in the article. Subduction may partly explain the formation of the Marianas Trench and Philippine Deep and may provide basis to the possible existence of a legendary sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean area (which is said to be continually moving approx. 3"/year). I believe this is the video documentary from the History Channel where I based my personal research: The link that you posted was not my source of information, and I am keen on my sources and preferred that there are scientific and factual basis whenever possible.
JMJones0424 Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 (edited) Let's assume, contrary to accepted scientific evidence, that your hypothesis is true. Humans have existed as a species for about 200,000 years. Let's say they immediately made a bee-line for the Philippines. Why not, I would too. Subduction is a real and verifiable phenomenon. Wikipedia gives the rate of subduction on the Philippine Trench as about 16cm/year, which is more than twice your assumed value of 3 inches per year. Even still, 16cm/year times 200,000 years that humans have been on Earth equals a total of 32km. That's one terribly small continent, certainly smaller than the one imagined by your source. Unfortunately, all sorts of wild psuedoscientific clap-trap can be found on the internet. One of the cornerstones of science is peer review. Your source is hogwash. When compared to geologic times, humanity has simply not been around long enough. All of the world's languages, including those that are extinct, share one important factor. Humans speak them. It should not surprise you that languages have commonalities, and one may certainly find some sort of spiritual satisfaction knowing that while we have seemingly innumerable tongues, we all share a common ancestry and common experiences. This, however, does not provide support for any of the many origin mythologies that place one particular culture as the origin of all other peoples. It is important to note than many ancient cultures have this myth, and not surprisingly, each places itself as the origin. If you are truly interested in a scientific foundation for the origin of mankind, you may enjoy looking into studies of the matrilineal (mitochondrial) and patrilineal (Y-chromosome) most recent common ancestor. It is generally accepted (as far as I know) that all humans can trace their ancestry back to Africa. One would assume that if it could be accurately performed, a study of languages would show similar results. I doubt how effective such a study could be though, because language is a living thing that changes over time, and unlike mtDNA and Y-DNA, there is no way to construct a continuous record of human languages. Edited January 16, 2012 by JMJones0424 Moontanman, Turtle and CraigD 3
Turtle Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 pls. refer to the Subduction phenomenon as mentioned in the article. Subduction may partly explain the formation of the Marianas Trench and Philippine Deep and may provide basis to the possible existence of a legendary sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean area (which is said to be continually moving approx. 3"/year). I believe this is the video documentary from the History Channel where I based my personal research: snip... The link that you posted was not my source of information, and I am keen on my sources and preferred that there are scientific and factual basis whenever possible. i'm sure my source was not to your liking inasmuch as my source gives a traceable history for the idea/name "continent of Mu in the pacific" and finds it a pure invention of the late 1800's. subduction and other plate movements notwithstanding, there is NO bona fide geologic evidence of a continent -mu, atlantis, or otherwise- as shown on your map, seen in the video, or described in your imaginings. assuming the phillipine creation myth is not recorded in academic anals or archives you have at best a new one to submit. did you find the story again? seems to me you see what you want to sea; my source calls this confirmation bias if i recall.
JMJones0424 Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 (edited) Finally found what I was looking for :) This documentary (though two hours long but absolutely worth it if you are interested in this type of study) does a good job providing the genetic evidence that supports the idea that all living humans can trace their ancestry back to Africa. The host, geneticist Dr. Spencer Wells, also goes through the process of trying to tie in archaeological and anthropological evidence that supports this hypothesis. This documentary was based on the book, The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, and a brief synopsis can be found in the wikipedia article here. Dr. Wells is the project director of The Genographic Project and gave a talk for TED Global 2007 which is only 21 minutes long, so it's much more manageable for a quick overview. Building a Family Tree for All Humanity Edited January 16, 2012 by JMJones0424
sigurdV Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 Finally found what I was looking for :) This documentary (though two hours long but absolutely worth it if you are interested in this type of study) does a good job providing the genetic evidence that supports the idea that all living humans can trace their ancestry back to Africa. The host, geneticist Dr. Spencer Wells, also goes through the process of trying to tie in archaeological and anthropological evidence that supports this hypothesis. This documentary was based on the book, The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, and a brief synopsis can be found in the wikipedia article here. Dr. Wells is the project director of The Genographic Project and gave a talk for TED Global 2007 which is only 21 minutes long, so it's much more manageable for a quick overview. Building a Family Tree for All HumanityWell done jones... The claim will probably not survive close scrutiny.. BUT Maybe we are here studying a community with close roots to the exodus. Let them state their claim in peace, it has probably to do with getting money for a closer scrutiny!
Moontanman Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 As a guide to the origins of humanity I suggest this video...
rocket art Posted January 16, 2012 Author Report Posted January 16, 2012 Subduction is a real and verifiable phenomenon. Wikipedia gives the rate of subduction on the Philippine Trench as about 16cm/year, which is more than twice your assumed value of 3 inches per year. Even still, 16cm/year times 200,000 years that humans have been on Earth equals a total of 32km. That's one terribly small continent, certainly smaller than the one imagined by your source. Unfortunately, all sorts of wild psuedoscientific clap-trap can be found on the internet. One of the cornerstones of science is peer review. Your source is hogwash. When compared to geologic times, humanity has simply not been around long enough. I had not expected to conceive that for such a very long span of years the Subduction rate was dutifully followed at snail's pace according to the Wiki assumption (by the way the value that I mentioned was not my assumption but based according to a scientifically verified source). Definitely for such a long time there may have been drastic changes in the topography as some remnants of land mass noticeable in the present even manifest clues of some violent upheavals in some time or another. Concluding someone else's source as hogwash just because available data of one's sources could not match up certain ancient claims seems a condescending gesture. Although the map that I had shown was just used as basis of course it is not to be considered as conclusive proof. However, it is sometimes amusing to observe that while limiting one's source of information according to one's convenient system, culture and paradigms, other cultures may have been in their possession even more detailed version of an argued topic. Take the case of the legendary continent. While the West still baffle itself as of its existence, some ancient records from the East may have even itemized it in detail to be composing of 7 subcontinents. Simply concluding that the Human species had not been long enough cannot seem to resign to the hypothesis that great upheaval as a sunken continent could have virtually wiped out traces of it, irregardless if such unfortunate race or civilization may have existed hundreds of thousands of years more prior to its demise. f you are truly interested in a scientific foundation for the origin of mankind, you may enjoy looking into studies of the matrilineal (mitochondrial) and patrilineal (Y-chromosome) most recent common ancestor. It is generally accepted (as far as I know) that all humans can trace their ancestry back to Africa. One would assume that if it could be accurately performed, a study of languages would show similar results. I doubt how effective such a study could be though, because language is a living thing that changes over time, and unlike mtDNA and Y-DNA, there is no way to construct a continuous record of human languages. I may not contest to that as far the origin of mankind is concerned. Definitely in such evolution it is already presumed the mankind being referred already manifested the male-female gender. Although there will always be two sides in any legend, which is to assume whether true or not, but one cannot extremely conclude on one to disregard the other. With regards to the ancient MU, it had been said to exist in much older era such that it turned out to be the origin of Plato's legendary claim that Humanity's ancient ancestors, before there was man or woman, was said to be hermaphroditic. Preposterous it may seem, but then in a legend one cannot totally conclude that it isn't true merely by one's horrified subjective opinion. It just turned out that the claim of the existence of MU was actually believed to be once inhabited by hermaphroditic beings, and even one of the Indigenous Tribes in Mindanao, the B'laan actually possesed with them ancient knowledge narrating that our ancient ancestors were once hermaphroditic as well, eerily similar to the claims of Plato's of ancient Greece thousand more years ago. Obviously an African ancestry with prominent male-female gender may easily be predated by a much older ancestry claimed to be hermaphroditic, one's horrified subjective reaction aside.
rocket art Posted January 16, 2012 Author Report Posted January 16, 2012 i'm sure my source was not to your liking inasmuch as my source gives a traceable history for the idea/name "continent of Mu in the pacific" and finds it a pure invention of the late 1800's. subduction and other plate movements notwithstanding, there is NO bona fide geologic evidence of a continent -mu, atlantis, or otherwise- as shown on your map, seen in the video, or described in your imaginings. assuming the phillipine creation myth is not recorded in academic anals or archives you have at best a new one to submit. did you find the story again? seems to me you see what you want to sea; my source calls this confirmation bias if i recall. oh, I'm sure it's not to your liking, but then you cannot confirm the same to mine in the same manner that your source confirmed it as such, otherwise such conclusion would be called, to borrow your term - "Confirmation bias." Seems it turned out your position is guilty of it even this early. Well done jones... The claim will probably not survive close scrutiny.. BUT Maybe we are here studying a community with close roots to the exodus. Let them state their claim in peace, it has probably to do with getting money for a closer scrutiny! It is amusing that sometimes one encounters a reaction with convenient conclusive opinion without even letting the other side express in defense of one's position, and even accussing the other according to what one will actually do if he/she is in the other's shoe. Anyway, such reaction can easily be dismissed as products of mediocrity.
JMJones0424 Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 On the contrary, mediocre minds accept whatever fancy they may come across that confirms their own desires. According to site rules, you must provide evidence for your claims. Crackpot postings of tripe on the internet does not meet that standard. Your own reference contradicts itself, there is no supporting evidence for the existence of this continent the size of the Pacific that disappeared in a phenomenally brief amount of time, and the whole premise is fundamentally flawed. You have a mountain of linguistic, archaeological, geological, and genealogical evidence refuting your claim. It is a nice origin myth, as origin myths go. No need to soil it by attaching it to crackpot lunacy to try to verify it. Accept it for what it is, a spoken and literary tradition that enriches your heritage. Moontanman 1
rocket art Posted January 16, 2012 Author Report Posted January 16, 2012 On the contrary, mediocre minds accept whatever fancy they may come across that confirms their own desires. According to site rules, you must provide evidence for your claims. Crackpot postings of tripe on the internet does not meet that standard. Your own reference contradicts itself, there is no supporting evidence for the existence of this continent the size of the Pacific that disappeared in a phenomenally brief amount of time, and the whole premise is fundamentally flawed. You have a mountain of linguistic, archaeological, geological, and genealogical evidence refuting your claim. It is a nice origin myth, as origin myths go. No need to soil it by attaching it to crackpot lunacy to try to verify it. Accept it for what it is, a spoken and literary tradition that enriches your heritage. I believe it must have something to do with some illlustration borrowed that portrayed the probable profile of a legendary continent , but then a few inkblots and drawn lines should not be reason enough to dismiss or outrightly ridicule an ancient knowledge that had survived for centuries, echoing an ancient claim even from your revered historical figure, Plato who had virtually enriched it further, and even provided, perhaps promisingly, glimpses of plausible explanation to age-old manmade mysteries that otherwise present day Science cannot provide convincing explanations, such as that of the Easter Island ancient faces, the submerged ancient city discovered in Yonaguni, Japan with its equally baffling stone sculpture of a human face wearing feathered headrest otherwise associated with Native Americans, the mystery of how a Dravidian word found its way to the far continent with the myths and legends of a Native American empire, the possible link between Native American, Eskimo, Filipino, Polynesian, and other Asian races. The gathered research that I had presented here may actually even provided valuable clues for it. And it would be a more productive endeavor and it should be treated well with its due and for some forumers to refrain from hasty and nasty remarks for even they are yet to achieve what may finally provide even glimpses and clues to otherwise baffling mysteries in our World that we seek to find answers for ourselves as a Human race, until now. Based in the highlighted statement It must have been a misconmunication as neither will I find it agreeable that such a huge land mass could have suddenly vanished in just a short time, for even the initial discussions here had already encompassed time frames that speak of hundreds of thousands of years, and when discussed further, even more. May it be further implied here that such a legendary continent may have vanished not in such a short time interval, but rather gradually, and in longer time span, exacerbated more likely with great upheavals, comprising of subcontinents, that the task of further discussing it may even require a wide scope of range that perhaps may even expand beyond the boundaries of the Planet, and even probe deeper undeneath it. It is then necessary that we further exchange our ideas with such a dauntingly intriguing task, to verify and scrutinize further, to enrich it, for I believe this will be an exciting journey that could make a difference to how we perceive of our Planet, and of the Human Race in facing the challenges of a broader, wider Future and the mysteries of our Planet and of Human civilization, and beyond the wide frontiers of the great mystery that we call our Universe. And for such a daunting task, it definitely may not require mediocrity, closemindedness and bigotry, but a continued discipline of discernment, scrutiny, veracity accorded with due respect, and a continually open mind.
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