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Ancient Indigenous Tribe Narrates Identity Of All Tribes In The World Originated From Cibolan In Davao

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It seems the process of Evolution had been inadvertently overlooked in this comparison. Although geological duration may be recorded to a span of millions or even hundreds of millions of years as manifested by data on rocks and other inanimate objects, the evolution of organic life relative to the span of such duration can neither be disregarded, as genetic components also carry with it data. It is to be reminded that the complexity of Evolutionary process carry with it imprints that define the development of organisms from simple metazoan to extremely complex biological marvels as mammals and ultimately Humans, and neither the former cannot be discounted in defining the integral formation of the latter.


This embedded data inherent to organic life that began in the earliest primordial stages and ultimately manifesting with the Human species may have been the key to record within the cellular and genetic imprints of any organic life the necessary functions to attain survival and eventual Evolution in this Planet. This may eventually manifest with more complex processing as animal instinct or Human reasoning, and ultimately the capacity of a more evolved Human for Intuition.


It is therefore inappropriate for the notion of geological duration not to be considered beyond one's Conscious realm for in contemporary with such duration the integral component of one's organic genetic imprint embedded through eons in the process of Evolution had actually been associated with its timeline. Having said that, discussion shall commence.



Just in case you missed it I'll say it again, your arguments are delusional....


First off Moontanman, this thread is in strange claims. Secondly, you do not have to participate. Thirdly,You can oppose an argument without having to resort to mudslinging. I suggest you take the time to learn how to effectively argue. You may start here


My link


Mootanman's avatar motto is amusing, he should say hello to himself.




I'm quite glad to have amused you, I like like to amuse people, evidently judging from your thread so do you...


First off Moontanman, this thread is in strange claims. Secondly, you do not have to participate. Thirdly,You can oppose an argument without having to resort to mudslinging. I suggest you take the time to learn how to effectively argue. You may start here


My link



I'm sorry, i didn't know that anything could be asserted in strange claims with no supporting evidence, I'll take that into consideration next time, as for my forum skills, are we really going there? This guy has been excreting his bodily waste products all over this forum for days, I happen to like this forum are you suggesting that i leave and not come back? If I am here I will continue to point out threads and posts like his for what they are, I was never personally insulting to him but his arguments are delusional, I see no reason why i can't point that out...


ahh a little humour to ease the tension- nice gentlemen :)


his posts had not been contributing relevance to the thread at all and had been annoyingly making repetitive attacks as if in a fit of fanatical paranoia and disturbing closemindedness, kindly address this concern.


I'm sorry, i didn't know that anything could be asserted in strange claims with no supporting evidence, I'll take that into consideration next time,

the evidence is required and he has been trying to provide some- whether that is viable or not will be determined


as for my forum skills, are we really going there? This guy has been excreting his bodily waste products all over this forum for days,

again with the mudslinging- this is not the best way to support an argument-infact this diminishes it

I happen to like this forum are you suggesting that i leave and not come back?

Now who is asserting? I never said that nor did i infer it

If I am here I will continue to point out threads and posts like his for what they are, I was never personally insulting to him but his arguments are delusional, I see no reason why i can't point that out...

You are attacking him by claiming his argument is delusional as if it comes from a delusional mind-That is simply not cool and is demeaning. Treat our members with respect whether you agree with their claim or not.Point out facts. Do not point a finger at personality or someone's state of mental health, you are not qualified to make that claim.


his posts had not been contributing relevance to the thread at all and had been annoyingly making repetitive attacks as if in a fit of fanatical paranoia and disturbing closemindedness, kindly address this concern.



you are correct, I apologize profusely, please continue your totally unsupported rants, i see no reason what so ever to get involved...


Gentlemen, although I may be using that term loosely now, please refrain from this personal bickering or I will be forced to MODERATE.


the staff


Thank you.


Now the discussion shall commence without irrelevant disturbance. I have noticed something intriguing relative to Pangaea and the Continental Drift map, will discuss it soon.



you are correct, I apologize profusely, please continue your totally unsupported rants, i see no reason what so ever to get involved...


thanks. It is also my concern to provide data to my views and I am confident that I can seek evidence for it. However, it would take time and availability as I believe my thread carries weight and not mere pigment.


I find the maps relative to each other intriguing. In the Pangaea map no inclusion of the legendary continent MU were to be found and in fact was actually represented with a huge gap as encircled:



Scrounging from this map I have noticed seemingly distinct relation on the location of the legendary continent. The area manifested in the Continental Drift Map with a huge portion of older time duration (blue/ light blue legend spanning 200 Million years). It would also be noted that based on the well delineated separation between Southwest Africa and South America encircled on the lower right, most of the occurrence of the Continental Drift could have occurred along the age duration of the green legend that may have spanned more or less 130 Million years.



It may have provided evidence that the huge gap manifested in contemporary with the duration of Pangaea the presence of an equally large land mass that predated the general occurrence of Continental Drift as manifested by the green areas. It could be that such an equally huge land mass in contemporary with Pangaea may have manifested itself as the legendary continent of MU as shown in the previous illustration.




The dilemma however, remains in question, where was the lost continent? Could it be that the myths and legends of Humanity's ancestors may hold the answer to the riddle? Recalling back the myths and legends that had survived for thousands of years did narrate about a great upheaval in the cosmos eons ago, and had been translated in modern language by Zechariah Sitchin from the ancient Sumerians (as well as in the creation mythology of the Samal Tribe in Davao) as a collission between two heavenly bodies that may have actually explained the formation of the Asteroid Belt:



the gaping "wound" that could have occurred and its eventual "healing" may be attributed to the phenomenon known as Continental Drift. The manifestation had occurred as the Planetary Core, in which my rockety referred to as "Planetary Consciousness Core" was still rendered intact and with the marvels of gravity as mentioned by my rockety wisdom:


rockety: "Consciousness is gravity's source."


resulted with the debris dutifully following the laws of Physics with the Planet reverting back to spherical form through the process of Continental Drift, albeit with the legendary continent now missing and its remaining contemporary landmass Pangaea transforming to contain the "gap" and resulting into the present continents that manifest today. :hyper: :dance: :yay_jump:


Although Continental Drift may have sound basis, but this phenomenon that vindicated the ancient knowledge of Humanity's ancestors could actually debunk the Expanding Earth theory claiming that the Planet is supposedly growing!


Could this be that geological evidence 2 had now been considerably discussed and the thread be proceeding further into archeological evidence 3.


As far as this thread is concerned relative to discussion on evidence 2, the limitations in modern Science in providing answers to age old mysteries have now reached the crossroads wherein Humanity's ancient knowledge (myths and legends) had provided that missing gap, and may be supported by veracity from the most available data that Science, for the moment, can provide.


just checking, but, if at the time the pyramids in the americas were being build, the sea level was rising, which sort of correlated to the great flood in the bible,


and fishing boats were still able to get to the americas, and eventually the city was completely underwater, what would be the years that this happened




(with of coarse a journey to egypt to see what was going on there)

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