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Im a student from Brisbane, Australia, and while going insane trying to write up my honours thesis i found this site. i hope to procarastinate away many hours here, although im a little overwhelmed by how informed some threads sound.

to keep myself happy, i generally need a bit of excited discussion, a bit of learning, a bit of challenge to the status quo, and plenty of beach time with my dog and my Ipod. plus a dose of british humour, or futurama. anything about viruses gives me goosebumps too.

hope that suffices for an intro. be warned, my ability to type what i mean is a little shabby, so bear with me.

cheers guys


Im a student from Brisbane, Australia, and while going insane trying to write up my honours thesis i found this site. i hope to procarastinate away many hours here, although im a little overwhelmed by how informed some threads sound.

to keep myself happy, i generally need a bit of excited discussion, a bit of learning, a bit of challenge to the status quo, and plenty of beach time with my dog and my Ipod. plus a dose of british humour, or futurama. anything about viruses gives me goosebumps too.

hope that suffices for an intro. be warned, my ability to type what i mean is a little shabby, so bear with me.

cheers guys



Procrastinate away Nix, your in good company mate.


Greetings from the Golden State to the Gold Coast! We care less about whether you type what you mean, but be sure to mean what you type! Or at least mean what you mean!





G'Day Nix! Say, since your down under, when was the last earthquake you know of there?

I'm no dog person myself, but what kinda' canine have ya? Somethin' Mr. Bean can screw up I trust!? :xx:

___I wouldn't be a resident mathemagician if I didn't suggest you search my threads for the most exciting stuff of all. Welcome mate! :)


pffft, earthquake?? i wouldnt know sorry, which i guess means we're not big on that down under (too busy watching news about wars, or aussie citizens done for drug smuggling). ill see you on mathematics and say the most interesting stuff is in virology. you can take your thoughts to anywhere with the ramifications of virology!!

my dogs Bon Bons is a german shepherd cross aussie kelpie. fan-bloody-tanstic she is!!!


___Well 'ya need numbers to count them little bugs then? Long live Fibonacci & reproductive growth progression! I'll ask then is all this flu shot stuff on the up & up? Do you all under take 'em?

___What color are the dog's eyes then? Sorry if I carry on, but love talkin' to outlanders. :xx:


nyah sorry, went to lunch.

YES!!!!GET A FLU SHOT!!!! people will argue that you only need it if your immune system is weak, but with the asian bird flu and SARS around the corner, you should immunise yourself against everything possible to prevent a dual infection that could be fatal. the flu shots are redesigned every year, so they're one step ahead of the mutating flu. so do it!!!

colour of dogs eyes hey. planning on making a voodoo doll?? no really, same coloured eyes as your neck of the woods im sure, although cos she's a kelpie they're an unusual yellow/brown. nothing better than a kelpie and a beach....and a beer.....and a barbie...bit of role playing there


weird!!! aussie kelpies come in two kinds that i know of (i could be horrible wrong here since im not from the outback). you've got the stocky blue heelers, which come in a splotchy grey or splotchy rusty red and both have dark eyes. then red heelers or kelpies (me thinks) that are your typical sheep dog shape only leaner, with a reddish coat and yellow eyes. there's more but im going to offend a farmer if i get it wrong. i found my dog wandering around with some hippies, so i could be very wrong about her, although she responds nicely to german...... tell me when im boring you :xx:


___I hoped to write auf Deutch, "Do you enjoy playing with your dog?" with the most innocent possible meaning. :xx:

___I studied some German many years ago & I only have a passing familiarity these days. I still like to think I could pick it up again if I found myself among fluent speakers. Even then, I studied Hoch Deutch, ie High German & many regional dialects vary considerably.

Ein tassee kafee? :)


sigh.please dont mean fosters!!XXXX is the only beer for self respecting drinkers, and then maybe tooheys...although i heard a myth that we couldnt export XXXX to the becuase it had other connotations?? true?

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