tetrahedron Posted May 30, 2012 Report Posted May 30, 2012 Finally found some atomic nucleus relations to the Golden Ratio, linked to the (semi)magic numbers. Wonder whether your lemma might also? Jess Tauber Quote
tetrahedron Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 Looks like others have thought of this before me, but have been wondering whether the 11 dimensional string theory might be based on Pascal Triangle horizontals which are all powers of 11, when the individual digits are read as powers of 10. Then all the weird multidimensional objects in the 11th dimension might be manifestations of some effects from Pascal- along the different diagonal types, etc.? Jess Tauber Quote
CraigD Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 I’ve been work-consumed (and will be for a while), so haven’t given as much thought to this thread’s subject of Fibonacci sequence and Pascal triangle wonders as I’d have liked. Just casually poking at them spewed out about 500 lines of notes, though, which I’ll try to condense into a single burp/post here. A sister Pascal Triangle is, like the Classical version, created by drawing integers down the sides of an open-bottomed equilateral triangle (though of course any triangle will do), and then summing any two neighboring terms in the same row and putting the result centered beneath them in the next row down. I COINED the term because I can't find any literature on these either, so I don't know what the professional terminology is.I’ve never seen a term for these, either, so herby adopt yours, Jess :thumbs_up After a bit of play, it seems clear to me that the shallow diagonals of the sister Pascal triangles give the 2-fib sequences for “non classical” initial terms other than 0,1 or 1,1. For example, the shallow diagonals (which, the left-trimmed way I’ve drawn them, are just ordinary diagonals) for2 32 5 32 7 8 32 9 15 11 32 11 24 26 14 32 13 35 50 40 17 32 15 48 85 90 57 20 32 17 63 133 175 147 77 23 32 19 80 196 308 322 224 100 26 3...sum to give the 2-fib sequence 3, 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31, 50, 81, 131 ... The classical 2-fib sequences (starting 1, 1) and the Lucas sequences (1,2) are just special cases of the general 2-fib sequence starting a,b. For all cases, [math]\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{G(n+1)}{G(n)} = \frac{1 +\sqrt{5}}{2} = \varphi[/math] the famous golden ratio :) By the way, I was looking into the way that sister Pascal triangles should stack one atop the other in a third dimension.…I wonder whether some of the things you've found here might map to a larger system like this (and it might be higher-D than 3).I haven’t been able to imagine any interesting way to stack sister triangles, but there’s a well-known generalization of Pascal’s triangle into 3-dimensions, Pascal's pyramid, which looks like this: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 2 1 3 6 3 6 12 6 10 20 10 15 30 15 1 3 3 1 4 12 12 4 10 30 30 10 20 60 60 20 1 4 6 4 1 5 20 30 20 5 15 60 90 60 15 1 5 10 10 5 1 6 30 60 60 30 6 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 By noting that the 2-d P triangle is just an arrangement of the binomial sequence, and the pyramid of the trinomial sequence, we can draw generalized “Pascal’s hyper-pyramids” of any number of dimensions by calculating and arranging the coefficients of [imath](a+b+\dots)^n[/imath] Here’s the tip of the 4-d one: 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 4 4 12 12 12 12 4 4 6 12 6 12 24 12 6 12 6 4 12 12 4 4 12 12 4 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 5 5 20 20 30 30 20 20 5 5 10 20 10 30 60 30 30 60 30 10 20 10 10 30 30 10 20 60 60 20 10 30 30 10 5 20 30 20 5 5 20 30 20 5 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 6 6 30 30 60 60 60 60 30 30 6 6 15 30 15 60 120 60 90 180 90 60 120 60 15 30 15 20 60 60 20 60 180 180 60 60 180 180 60 20 60 60 20 15 60 90 60 15 30 120 180 120 30 15 60 90 60 15 6 30 60 60 30 6 6 30 60 60 30 6 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 http://www.mi.sanu.ac.rs/vismath/spinadel/index.htmlIn just the first few pages of this wonderful paper, Vera de Spinadel's THE FAMILY OF METALLIC MEANS, I find a different kind of generalization, of the 2-fib sequence: [math]\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{G(n+1)}{G(n)} = \frac{p +\sqrt{p^2+4q}}{2}[/math] Where [math]G(n)= qG(n-2) +pG(n-1)[/math] What fascinates me most about this is that it opens the doors on special context values of the golden ratio (phi) that are rational. For example, [math]G(n)= 2G(n-2) +G(n-1)[/math] gives the sequence: 0 1 1 3 5 11 21 43 85 171 341 683 1365 2731 5461 10923 21845 43691 87381 … for which [math]\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{G(n+1)}{G(n)} = 2[/math] There’s something comforting about rational magic numbers. :) Some people have trouble thinking in terms of abstract equations. I'm one of them. But charts and graphs I can understand. And sequences. More intuitive I guess. So its also surprising that I don't like to create depictions.Though long ago (ca. 1980) I studied enough math to get a BS degree in it, before and since then, I’ve been a writer of computer programs. So, while I wouldn’t say I really understand equations, or charts and graphs, I appreciate that the one can be used to write programs to generate the others. I’ve long harbored the sneaking suspicion that computer have an effect on the math-inclined similar to that that would occur if you gave a helicopter, a machine gun, the training to use them, and an unlimited supply of fuel and ammo, to a child from a society who’s elders were patiently teaching him to hunt with only a spear. He’d bag an amazing amount of game, but, like my mathematical proof skills, his tracking and stalking skills would likely atrophy. Turtle 1 Quote
tetrahedron Posted May 31, 2012 Report Posted May 31, 2012 Just found this last night after posting- surprisingly one of the authors is a chemist involved in the new 'mathematical chemistry' movement, which I'd only first heard of two nights ago. And my search had nothing to do with chemistry per se. To have the same person pop up that way is, well, spooky! www.emis.de/journals/DM/v16-2/art3.pdf They are calling these Triangles Pascal-like. Which makes sense given I call Lucas, etc. Fibonacci-like. As for your post, first thought- try stacking the Triangles close-packed, as if made from spheres. Then more interesting straight-line intersphere connectivity- as in my tetrahedral models. Tried (thinking second time's a charm) posting some of my stuff again over at physicsforums, only to have their head 'mathematician' (the mod in charge of their number theory section) delete my thread and attach a warning, telling me that my stuff was 'bunk'. Not just wrong, but no discussion of why- this after asking for help in identifying the various patternings. I specifically tried to find the one place where people weren't just asking for homework help too, who were doing their own personal research (contra their 'rules') off the mainstream. Was it something I ate? Or do they really believe the universe is closed and knowledge 'done'? Jess Tauber Turtle 1 Quote
tetrahedron Posted November 24, 2012 Report Posted November 24, 2012 Been a while here on this topic. Was just looking at the pages again when I noticed that within CraigD's sequence from above there is a repeating pattern of final digits, even at times double digit terms- what do you folks make of it? Are there other hidden structures?: 2 1/1 3 1/5 4 1/11 5 1/19 6 1/29 7 1/41 8 1/55 9 1/7110 1/8911 1/10912 1/13113 1/15514 1/18115 1/20916 1/23917 1/27118 1/30519 1/34120 1/37921 1/41922 1/46123 1/50524 1/55125 1/59926 1/64927 1/70128 1/75529 1/81130 1/86931 1/92932 1/99133 1/105534 1/112135 1/118936 1/125937 1/133138 1/140539 1/148140 1/155941 1/163942 1/172143 1/180544 1/189145 1/197946 1/206947 1/216148 1/225549 1/235150 1/244951 1/254952 1/265153 1/275554 1/286155 1/296956 1/307957 1/319158 1/330559 1/342160 1/353961 1/365962 1/378163 1/390564 1/403165 1/415966 1/428967 1/442168 1/455569 1/469170 1/482971 1/496972 1/511173 1/525574 1/540175 1/554976 1/569977 1/585178 1/600579 1/616180 1/631981 1/647982 1/664183 1/680584 1/697185 1/713986 1/730987 1/748188 1/765589 1/783190 1/800991 1/818992 1/837193 1/855594 1/874195 1/892996 1/911997 1/931198 1/950599 1/9701100 1/9899 Jess Tauber Quote
tetrahedron Posted August 9, 2013 Report Posted August 9, 2013 So its been a while- hope all of you are well and happy. Today, after leaving the problem for a long time, came back to it and was able to discover how to derive all the simpler generalized Fib sequences parallel to the way 1/89 patterns Fib numbers as terminating in successive negative powers of 10. And the solution is trivially simple, which I worked out on paper with the aid of handheld calculator. Just add 9/89 successively starting with 1/89. 10/89 reproduces the same Fib sequence, moved up a notch. 19/89 gives the Lucas sequence, 28/89 the next one (3,1,4...), 37/89 (4,1,5...), 46/89 (5,1,6...). Don't seem to be any exceptions for these simplest generalized Fib sequences. But I have to be able to generalize the rule to any. Best regards to all,Jess Tauber Quote
tetrahedron Posted August 9, 2013 Report Posted August 9, 2013 Update- after checking closely I've found that any general Fib sequence relates to some multiple of 1/89. If you take 'seeds' of two digits each from 0 to 9, the following holds: If the second term is held constant you always get a difference of 9/89 (so 1,1;2,1;3,1; or 1,2;2,2;3,2, etc.). If on the other hand you hold the first term constant the difference between seeds is 1/89, for adjacent seeds (so 1,1;2,1;3,1 etc.). At least between these limits there are no exceptions. Now, can any of you tell me how this will work in other bases than 10??? Jess Tauber Quote
Turtle Posted August 10, 2013 Author Report Posted August 10, 2013 Been a while here on this topic. Was just looking at the pages again when I noticed that within CraigD's sequence from above there is a repeating pattern of final digits, even at times double digit terms- what do you folks make of it? Are there other hidden structures?: 2 1/1 3 1/5 4 1/11 5 1/19 6 1/29 7 1/41 8 1/55 9 1/7110 1/8911 1/109... 12 1/13113 1/15514 1/18115 1/20916 1/23917 1/27118 1/30519 1/34120 1/37921 1/41922 1/46123 1/50524 1/55125 1/59926 1/64927 1/70128 1/75529 1/81130 1/86931 1/92932 1/99133 1/105534 1/112135 1/118936 1/125937 1/133138 1/140539 1/148140 1/155941 1/163942 1/172143 1/180544 1/189145 1/197946 1/206947 1/216148 1/225549 1/235150 1/244951 1/254952 1/265153 1/275554 1/286155 1/296956 1/307957 1/319158 1/330559 1/342160 1/353961 1/365962 1/378163 1/390564 1/403165 1/415966 1/428967 1/442168 1/455569 1/469170 1/482971 1/496972 1/511173 1/525574 1/540175 1/554976 1/569977 1/585178 1/600579 1/616180 1/631981 1/647982 1/664183 1/680584 1/697185 1/713986 1/730987 1/748188 1/765589 1/783190 1/800991 1/818992 1/837193 1/855594 1/874195 1/892996 1/911997 1/931198 1/950599 1/9701100 1/9899 Jess Tauber I see the end-digit repeating pattern {1 5 1 9 9}. The end digit of a number x written base-10 is congruent to the digital root of x in base 11. I went through my Katabatak graphs base 11 and found a match -of sorts- for the pattern { 1 5 1 9 9} In the Katabatak Powers Base 11 graph, powers of the form x 4y-2. The repeating pattern is {1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0} Extending it...{1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 ...} Start with 1, skip three and you get 5. skip three and you get 1. skip three and you get 9. skip three and you get 9. Rinse & repeat ad infinitum. Well, that's all I got Pascal. Quote
Turtle Posted August 10, 2013 Author Report Posted August 10, 2013 I see the end-digit repeating pattern {1 5 1 9 9}. The end digit of a number x written base-10 is congruent to the digital root of x in base 11. I went through my Katabatak graphs base 11 and found a match -of sorts- for the pattern { 1 5 1 9 9} In the Katabatak Powers Base 11 graph, powers of the form x 4y-2. The repeating pattern is {1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0} Extending it...{1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 6 5 6 9 4 1 0 ...} Start with 1, skip three and you get 5. skip three and you get 1. skip three and you get 9. skip three and you get 9. Rinse & repeat ad infinitum. Well, that's all I got Pascal. Here is an expansion of values generated by my system. x ^(4y-2) y=1 x^22 x^63 x^ 104 x^ 14... x^2n=1 15 259 8113 16917 289...x^61 15 156259 53144113 482680917 24137569...x^101 15 97656259 348678440113 13785849184917 2015993900449... Quote
tetrahedron Posted August 10, 2013 Report Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) Thanks. Not that I understand half of what you wrote :) . Way over MY head. Yesterday I started looking at series similar to generalized Fibonacci, except for other Metallic Means (Fib of course relating to the Golden). The Metallic Means can be calculated several ways, but I find most convenient the equation 1/2(N+(sqrt(N^2+4)). This equation yields 1.000... when N=0, the Golden Mean for N=1, Silver Mean for N=2, and so on through other 'metals'. We already know that in base 10 the fundamental term for Phi-based sequences is 1/89, with differences of 1/89 when the first seed term is held constant but we vary the second one at a time (1,2,3...), and 9/89 when we vary the first but hold the second constant similarly. I found that for the Silver Mean (N=2) the fundamental base 10 term is 1/79, and varying the first seed term holding the second constant gives 8/79.For the next one after this (based on N=3) fundamental is 1/69, variable 7/69, and for N=4 fundamental 1/59, variable 6/59. That is, say for the Silver Mean, to generate decimalized strings containing, over negative powers of ten, the entire series of generalized Pell numbers (analogous to generalized Fib numbers), we keep adding to the fundamental fraction increments of 8/79. So all of this, at least in base 10, is a massive interconnecting system. From this perspective I want to remind the folks that I also found several years ago that the parent sequences (nondecimalized) behind these relate to the Pascal Triangle system. Powers of the Metallic Means can be generated by equations each of whose terms have numerical coefficients and power values that come out of the diagonal and diagonal dimensional values of a (2,1)-sided generalized Pascal Triangle (what I used to call a 'sister' Pascal). The shallow diagonals of this Triangle, leading up to the 2's side, sample numerical values summing to Lucas numbers, and the values themselves are the numerical values of the terms giving individual powers of Metallic Means. I haven't yet found it possible to create multidimensional analogues of the Pascal system whose summed shallow dimensional values give the basic sequences (like Fib or Pell) associated with each Metallic Mean. Doesn't mean impossible to do- after all I just worked out the whole 1/89 thing for these, but I'm not often as clever as I think I am. There are still lots of questions- all the Metallic Means associated decimalized strings relate, in base 10, to fractions whose denominators all seem to end in 9. Does this then shift in some regular way for similar sequences in other bases? Or are such shifts part of a larger hierarchically higher similar system for Pisot-Vijayaraghavan numbers? Just how far does all this go? Jess Tauber Edited August 10, 2013 by pascal Quote
tetrahedron Posted September 10, 2017 Report Posted September 10, 2017 (edited) Please note change in username! Anyway, I'm back on. I recently discovered the following relationship: in the harmonic oscillator-only model of nuclei, for spheres, the energy levels are all 1.5, 2.5. 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5.... in terms of h-bar omega bar energy units. The shells have occupancies which are themselves doubled triangular numbers because of the way the orbitals assort into period analogues- only positive (s,d,g,i...) or negative parity (p,d,h,j..) quantum numbers ml. 1s=21p=61d2s=121f2p=201g2d3s=301h2f3p=421i2g3d4s=561j2h3f4p=72 If we multiply the energy levels with their associated shell occupancies, the resulting products are: 3,15,42,90,165,273,420,612,855.... Differences between the products are then: 12,27,48,75,198,147,192,243.... which, when divided by 3, become 4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81 If we divide the original set (3,15,42,,,,) by 3, we end up with the set: 1,3,5,14,30,55,91,140.204.... These last numbers then turn out to be the terms of the diagonal from the (2,1) 'sister' Pascal Triangle (which I now know is usually called a 'generalized' Pascal Triangle, which is equivalent to the tetrahedral numbers from the classical Pascal system). It also turn out that these numbers are themselves SUMS of tetrahedral numbers: 5=1+4, 14=4+10, 30=10+20, 55=20+35, 91=35+56, 140=56+84, 204=84+120.. and so on. Jess Tauber Edited September 10, 2017 by yahganlang1958 Quote
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