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They really ought to rename it "SciFi Channel 2" and be done with it....





I'd agree, but then again some of the SF out there makes more sence as far as science goes. If I gather things right from the info they've taken some scientific speculation of what life might look like out there, added in from the planet's picture on that info a bit about us going to Mars in a bit over ten years time, and thrown it all together into a let's imagine script. Perhaps Discovery ought to be titled SciFi Channel one and SciFi go into doing solid science shows. They are both presenting speculation and to a certain extent fiction since we've never seen an alien directly to my knowledge and we have no strong evidence for current life on Mars. At least the SciFi channel says its fiction.

We should all remember that yesterdays SciFi gives vision to tomarrows dicoveries. Without speculation, few if any new technologies would evolve.
I for one like SF a lot. The real issue is full disclosure... Or for you computer industry people, getting annoyed with Larry Ellison saying "sometimes I get my verb tenses mixed up..."




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