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It's nice but.....Natural law will never be one sided, G vs E, is natural law, just like a seed grows, a plant dies, cancer kills, people smoke, babies die, dogs bite, the will of the universe will always be free it is too big to contain...


Obviously, you did not understand the two-sided equation because if you did, you would realize that this discovery does not negate one's freedom to choose. If you read the last section, this principle will only work when people are given complete freedom and they know in advance that they will never again be blamed for anything.

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I now speak as a MODERATOR/ADMINISTRATOR of thess forums (the questions and answers I had as a member will be put aside):


Peacegirl: I see you put much of effort in your post,but not in the forum you ignored all the questions in let's say the last 50-80 posts at least. It seems to me you just copied and pasted your book, ignoring what all the members asked you. This is not how the forum works, it is a platform for discussion, that's not what yo do (anymore, at the start there was discussion)! This is a WARNING, but don't get me wrong, I wish you stay on the forums and discuss as your theory is quite interesting as far as I understood and your knowledge of what you want to defend seems very profound (by the pm's I sent you, you see I took you seriously).


I got your PM and I answered you. I also explained that in order for me to give this work justice I cannot demonstrate it without going in a step by step fashion. How can I explain an equation that will change the world by a quick question and answer format. I asked people if they wanted me to contine and I also tried to break up the sentences so that it could be easier to read. If took me a lot of time to cut and paste, but it was clear as a result. I am glad I posted the way I did. iIf on account of the form of my presentation you are ready to throw me out, then I will leave. No hard feelings. Sometimes, one cannot take shortcuts and in this case I couldn't.

Don't, again I am no physicist, but I understand it a little(you must remove cars to prevent car accidents), Tires pop, engines break, headlights burn out..Oh yeah people fall asleep, get drunk. There's more.


I wish you would not jump to premature conclusions. Geeshhhhhhh!!! :eek:

Obviously, you did not understand the two-sided equation because if you did, you would realize that this discovery does not negate one's freedom to choose. If you read the last section, this principle will only work when people are given complete freedom and they know in advance that they will never again be blamed for anything.

Yeah right, not responsible, not me. The devil made me do it, how can I be blamed for the inevitable. License to steal................

Yeah right, not responsible, not me. The devil made me do it, how can I be blamed for the inevitable. License to steal................


I don't know when you came in but you have missed the entire second part of this discussion obviously.

...I asked people if they wanted me to contine and I also tried to break up the sentences so that it could be easier to read. If took me a lot of time to cut and paste, but it was clear as a result. I am glad I posted the way I did. ..
PG- I don't think anyone understands what you are saying. I certainly don't. Adding another 100 posts will not clarify it.


I do not know where you are cutting from (it would be nice to post a link to it, insted of cutting in a tome) but the writing is both vague and extraordinarily repetitive. I have mentioned in several posts that you are using words that are at odds with their dictionary definitions regularly, and it just confuses us reviewers.


I personally think you should either answer the backlog of questions, or just stop.

PG- I don't think anyone understands what you are saying. I certainly don't. Adding another 100 posts will not clarify it.


I do not know where you are cutting from (it would be nice to post a link to it, insted of cutting in a tome) but the writing is both vague and extraordinarily repetitive. I have mentioned in several posts that you are using words that are at odds with their dictionary definitions regularly, and it just confuses us reviewers.


I personnaly think you should either answer the backlog of questions, or just stop.

Well spoken Bio.

Obviously, you did not understand the two-sided equation because if you did, you would realize that this discovery does not negate one's freedom to choose. If you read the last section, this principle will only work when people are given complete freedom and they know in advance that they will never again be blamed for anything.

Unless my eyes are failing me, I believe that I was just agreeing with the last sentence of this post.

PG- I don't think anyone understands what you are saying. I certainly don't. Adding another 100 posts will not clarify it.


I do not know where you are cutting from (it would be nice to post a link to it, insted of cutting in a tome) but the writing is both vague and extraordinarily repetitive. I have mentioned in several posts that you are using words that are at odds with their dictionary definitions regularly, and it just confuses us reviewers.


I personally think you should either answer the backlog of questions, or just stop.


Thanks for the tip; I am cutting from my own file that's on my computer. I know one thing. I am not going to cut and paste to any forum again as this is not the right way to share this knowledge. I just got the proof today and I ordered my first ten books. I am excited. Unfortunately, I don't have a link to these two chapters online, although I might post it on my website shortly.


What is at odds with the dictionary besides my explanation of determinism?


Peace, peacegirl; I'll ask one question and one question only. What's New about this discovery. I'm serious, no joke. I really haven't heard anything in this disortation that is new. I believe in determinism as you do, but my belief is founded on principles of physics and not philosophy. And I will pass this thought on for your evaluation; Even philosophy is dependant upon the laws of physics. Philosophy is created in the brain, physics will define the brain, therefore physics will ultimately define philosophy.

Peace, peacegirl; I'll ask one question and one question only. What's New about this discovery. I'm serious, no joke. I really haven't heard anything in this disortation that is new. I believe in determinism as you do, but my belief is founded on principles of physics and not philosophy. And I will pass this thought on for your evaluation; Even philosophy is dependant upon the laws of physics. Philosophy is created in the brain, physics will define the brain, therefore physics will ultimately define philosophy.


I think you are right. I made a mistake, thanks for letting me know. There is nothing new here at all. But let me ask you one question and one question only, since you seem to understand everything that was written. What is the discovery? Can you explain it? If you can't, you may want to reread it because what you are saying is that there is nothing valuable here. I am certainly not in the position to tell whether a discovery is valuable unless I understand it, so at least explain the discovery to me and point out the inaccuracies. That is the least you can do.

I think you are right. I made a mistake, thanks for letting me know. There is nothing new here at all. But let me ask you one question and one question only, since you seem to understand everything that was written. What is the discovery? Can you explain it? If you can't, you may want to reread it because what you are saying is that there is nothing valuable here. I am certainly not in the position to tell whether a discovery is valuable unless I understand it, so at least explain the discovery to me and point out the inaccuracies. That is the least you can do.


Peacegirl; I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, honestly, but you are the person that should be trying to explain your position, not me. Your point about satisfaction being the driving force that is the determinant goes without saying. Everyone understands why we do what we do, the fullfillment of our desires. But we have a responsibility to others, we can't excuse our actions just because our desires led us to so. Physics defines determinism, not philosophy. So please don't ask me to define a position that is your responsibility to show reasonable evidence for.

Under your premise, the child would never be murdered.....


The basis for this argument is thoughtworthy, but, as you will find in your travels with this new thought in mind, it is Humanly impossible, as you will learn as opposition confronts you...The idea is Jesus like though :shrug:

Peacegirl; I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, honestly, but you are the person that should be trying to explain your position, not me. Your point about satisfaction being the driving force that is the determinant goes without saying. Everyone understands why we do what we do, the fullfillment of our desires. But we have a responsibility to others, we can't excuse our actions just because our desires led us to so. Physics defines determinism, not philosophy. So please don't ask me to define a position that is your responsibility to show reasonable evidence for.


Please do not tell me that this is what you got from my posts. Who is excusing your actions? You have to be kidding? You do not understand one iota of what this discovery is about. I suggest you start all over again from the very first post. That is your assignment for the next week. I have defined my position and I am responsible for that; but you have not fulfilled your responsibility which is to read this work carefully, which obviously you did not.

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