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someone just told me that "they got the translation wrong" and the the devil being 666 should actually be 676.

obviously i don't know anything about this....just want to run it by you guys and see what you say. alright! thanks as always,


i know and most agree with you c1ay, as also i think it's ridiculous to bring numbers to these deities like numbers on a nascar.


just something i heard and wanted to confirm that maybe it was translated wrong?

but translated from where?

i'm guessing from your sarcasm that this was a stupid question..


"if man is 5, then the devil is 6, and if the devil is 6, then god is 7!" - the pixies


Everything and its opposite in religion are true. 666 has numerological significance. So does every other number. During the 15th century the One True Church demanded that only Roman numerals be used for calculation. Devilish ciphers were the path to excommunication and eternal damnation. 666 is DCLXVI. Clearly the number of the Beast is truly MDCLXVI - but that is inconveniently large and beyond the mentalities of the contemporary mob. All Christian sailors hugged the shoreline. Only Muslim, Jewish, and pagan navigators could negotiate the maths necessary to return from being out of sight of land.


This brings us to the end of the Inquisition in 1492, Spain having purged itself of Muslims and filled its jails with Jews, substantially reducing the remaining average IQ. Christopher Columbus appears - a nominal Christian strangely conversant with lost Greek knowledge (shepharded by Muslims and Masons), anxious to crew his boats with Jewish prisoners, and exceedingly adept at deep water navigation. Curious. Now go look up the date of his departure from Spain (correcting for Julian vs. Gregorian calendar) and compare with tide tables and the Jewish holy day calendar. Why did a sailor not depart on a waning tide to push his boats along for free?


If you want crap, religion is the crapper.


No wonder the Mazda 676 sucked....


If either of these numbers magically appears on your forehead, be afraid, very afraid...




i'm guessing from your sarcasm that this was a stupid question..

That would depend one's point of view I suppose. IMO it is gibberish since there is no devil. It's kind of funny when you think about all the evil people do in the supposed name of God and yet, you never hear anyone claim that they are doing something in the name of satan, except maybe sacrificing a goat or something.

WOuld you be safe with a 999 as long as you did not do head-stands?

Ask Turtle? He tried sitting on 999 with his post count and some mythical force pushed him over the mark anyhow :)


There used to be a skater named Natas Kappas.... There were all kinds of rumors and parents that banned because his first name was satan backwards (would that not signify the oppsosite of satan then, god?)


It was actual a change from Natasha...He was supposed to be a girl...

It was actual a change from Natasha...He was supposed to be a girl...
Well that's no better, its just "Ah Satan!" backwards...




What is 1111 the mark of then?




That's his zen palindrome. I even pm'd him and told him if he'd start posting again he'd get to 1221 before he knew it :D Maybe the 1111 makes him feel 15 again :)


He just posted again in the Katabak thread (where else?), but he deleted an old post, so he's still at 1111. Prolly will stay there forever....




He just posted again in the Katabak thread (where else?), but he deleted an old post, so he's still at 1111. Prolly will stay there forever....





Once he finds something that tickles his fancy he'll probably shoot right up to the 1221 mark. :)


Turtle and his palindromes... :D

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