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well, welcome chewbaclka


interesting, i feel planetary formation is close to the opposite,


i have a unique theory, but it takes a while to explain,

otherwise, i like the idea of your experiment

i would like a similar one done, but at the moment, i am at an impass in the way to do it


i have a few ideas, but they are just ideas,


but i wish you good luck




Thank you for the response!


This was my idea on the creation of the experiment maybe this may or may not help your experiment out... Hopefully helps!!!


Two small long cylinders lathed to fit perfectly inside one another

One hollow, one as a center punch with a slightly concave end

Both are electromagnetically magnetized to hopefully prevent leakage of the compressed matter

Both cylinders are attached to a compressing unit possibly hydraulic even just a geared torque screw setup

To prevent contamination the entire machine is contained in a vacuum chamber

Liquid nitrogen is slowly circulated throughout the chamber decreasing the temperature to as low as possible while a steady increasing pressure is applied to the material

To measure temperature changes a simple thermal camera

I am quite aware that i will never create enough pressure to create an actual core but even a slight temperature anomaly would be fantastic!!!


I am interested in hearing your theory on planatary formation another insight on how others view this would be a rather great asset. You see this is really the only way being on a fourm for me to get a theory based conversation. Everyone else just looks at me like i have three heads lol aka absolutely zero input.


K i have read thru your attempt to fusion and i have a few questions mainly confusion on different insights lol


First question this shrinking circle or shrinking cell?

I am assuming this shrinking circle shrinking cell which i will refer to from now as SC to shorten it down for now lol is an adjustable containment unit to hold the plasma from the heated foil?


Second question i am confused by why a laser is being used to attempt to break the bonds of the atoms in hopes of creating a higher element there are pieces of the puzzle missing here...


The confusion stems from basing this off of solar fusion in stars

I can totaly understand why plasma was formed by the laser, makes complete sense but the mass pressure and magnetic fields the sun has at its disposal are missing


I am aware that plasma can be contained in magnetic fields but i am not sure how it is setup you appear to be a rather sharp person i am sure you can answer that as for pressure created by the sun i was thinking maybe you could contain all this within a compression tank meaning create your pressure from air pressure... As long as the system can hold it you should be able to create just barley enough to detect something. Magnetic fields should not be affected at all by pressure so you will be easily able to contain your plasma


So canya clear me up on this lol do i have it all wrong lol!


Sorry no degree in this brain of mine lol


K i ran thru your atomic model theory i can see how that might work besides our differences on planetary formation lol for instances i do not think the outside of the planet required that much cooling i am not saying that constant meteorite bombardment wont cause some heating issues lol but with no atmosphere losing heat should not be an issue in a cold space. I am sure it was hot but no hotter then the average temperature for any other planet today. What i do agree is a highly probably is which i am assuming your trying to say with your atomic model is that the center of cores densities are so dense it seems to create a plasma like interior makes sense i could see how that might actually occur... As well as your idea on how the BB theory worked its way through its course to present day i totally agree with your statement. At my first read through i got a little worried seeing the phrases space. Time. Then i saw densities which made me realize your not trying to confirm time travel lol your actually looking at extremely feasible logic here not crazy talk lol... My only real questions are if my conclusion is correct are all cores containing a plasma center? If so this seems to have a dangerous capability i am not sure here but it sounds explosive and if the cores have this as well as the surrounding areas around the cores on suns whats happening to the plasma at the center in such a well contained area? The heat would be so tremendous with no where to escape unless in a plasma state it can pass but the magnetic fields would contain it... Maybe this is what causes suns to explode... Maybe or eventually solid matter is slowly transformed into plasma causing so much heat that it can not contain it and kaboom!!! Lol. A little dramatic but if it works for ya then great more then likely i have mis read your theory tell me if i am right out to lunch lol you have to remember to dumb it down i have no degree lol


first i would have to say one thing,


when you look at light, and light that travels through "solid" objects


the only measureable light that travels through is heat, very high frequency as to be able to travel through

the matter without actually being effected by the nuclei of all the atoms


second, the attributes of a plasma, are that a cup to water is a magnetic field to plasma


therefore, all matter can have the impetali fields arranged in the same fashon, just at the plasma state

some matter can rearrange the impetali at what we consider stp



and some of the energy in the univese ( at the core of a , planet/star/active galactic nuclei : depending on age )

because of the density involved, either already have alighnment as a single entity, or are already past that point



don't worry, i don't have a degree either, just my own studies :ph34r:


I understood a good chunk of that already what i had no absolute clue about was plasma is that easy to contain... Seriously? If this is so why are they having such difficulty with plasma and why does it only naturally occur in excessive enviorments such as excessive electrical power or in the suns intense gravity? If a cup of water can contain it what is the point of even asking how to contain it lol all this time i have been assuming it was a difficult procedure basing this off of the sun as well as the plasma generator they are trying to create and powerful lighting strikes creating ball lighting... I am going to have to read the rest of the evening on this lol

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