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Hi :smile:


My main philosophical interest is ethics and I've been reading a bit about intrinsic value. I've always wondered; what is the worth of a person; how do we measure it? I think it's extremely difficult. I used to be a psychiatric nurse and I've seen all kinds of people, from all walks of life, from the bottom to the top and all their f-ed up problems - and so I seem to have a very different perspective than most people about other people's worth.


It disturbs me very much that our society ('the west') measures a person's worth by how much money, prestige and power they have. But is this really how the worth of a person should be measured?


I know in some cultures it's about how many kids you've raised, or how much wisdom you have in you to share. But is that how our worth should be measured?


It's important, because in our society ('the west') your value is judged by others, authority, and esp. the government and then you're treated on how 'worthy' they think you are. So how can an old lady living alone with no family be 'worthless' as a person, while a rich man is regarded as of 'value'? If a person cannot contribute to society due to their mental state or handicaps, does this de-value them as people?


So, By what criteria should a person's value be measured? Are all people of equal worth - if not, why not - and how should those deemed 'unworthy' be treated (and is that fair, civilised, or humane)??

  On 10/1/2012 at 5:26 PM, IamJoy said:

Hi :smile:


My main philosophical interest is ethics and I've been reading a bit about intrinsic value. I've always wondered; what is the worth of a person; how do we measure it? I think it's extremely difficult. I used to be a psychiatric nurse and I've seen all kinds of people, from all walks of life, from the bottom to the top and all their f-ed up problems - and so I seem to have a very different perspective than most people about other people's worth.


From the nature of your work, you have undoubtedly interacted with a broader spectrum of humanity than many others.


It disturbs me very much that our society ('the west') measures a person's worth by how much money, prestige and power they have. But is this really how the worth of a person should be measured?


These are measures that many of us have been conditioned to utilize in western society, yet they are not accurate, in my opinion, for they are all changeable and external to the person to whom they are applied. They do not adequately reflect the person and their potential.


I know in some cultures it's about how many kids you've raised, or how much wisdom you have in you to share. But is that how our worth should be measured?


Different scales of measure, yet once again, external to the intrinsic value of the person.


It's important, because in our society ('the west') your value is judged by others, authority, and esp. the government and then you're treated on how 'worthy' they think you are. So how can an old lady living alone with no family be 'worthless' as a person, while a rich man is regarded as of 'value'? If a person cannot contribute to society due to their mental state or handicaps, does this de-value them as people?


It is not seemly that we should judge others as though they were a commodity, yet this is precisely what most of us have been conditioned to do. Not all of this evaluation is cultural though, I would suggest, for any living organism must evaluate it's interactions in the terms of energy exchange/expenditure. For that reason, we naturally are drawn to persons and situations which enable us to conserve our own resources and must take into consideration at all times how much energy we have in reserve to share with others.


So, By what criteria should a person's value be measured? Are all people of equal worth - if not, why not - and how should those deemed 'unworthy' be treated (and is that fair, civilised, or humane)??


Life is not fair, civilized or even humane, in my opinion. These are all human concepts which we apply in organizing and arbitrating larger populations. The energy of life seems only interested in continuance, and as conditions are variable, so shall be the outcomes. Of all the 'rules' which I have encountered in life, the single rule of treating others as you would like to be treated in kind seems the most applicable across the board.


I strive to give back as much as I take out of any given situation, and thus far this simple set of values has worked for me, though in fairness, I live in a less populated region of the world which may have some bearing on how people assign value to their interactions with each other.


i know native americans have a saying


"talk the talk, but don't walk the walk"



or something similar, imho, we should be on a moral judgemnet base, only issue is whose moral judgement

matriaricle, patriaricle?


religios, spiritual?


work ethic, thought ethic, family history,


i have pondered this for many years,


worth, whose worth, what worth,


what do we have to gain, what do we have to lose,

-- golden rule --


i can only see myself in this situation as an exhample



1- my spelling is horrible along with sentance structure

2- i have good intentions

3- i try to do my best in almost everything i do

4- i have my own set of moral standards

5- i help someone whenever possible

6- i give people benifit of the doubt

7- i try to think of the greater good for all

8- at 33, 23yo girl is to young for me

9- and i love playing hackeysac :)

Posted (edited)

I am with everyone on this, those are characteristics i view as an honest trustworthy persons. IamJoy you have a very valid point as well strongly orientated towards the governments point of view as well as some others that seem to follow that way. The only nice outcome about these certain types of people is that they truly never have any friends because they have no real measurable self worth. If they were to go bankrupt they become worthless to the people who held them so high. Basically in a nut shell lol the whole idea of valuing self worth is totally up to the individual and those he or she socializes with. These values are distorted by the company you acompany in your journey in life. That is why its so hard to generalize such a vast topic, everyone is somewhat unique not totally unique as we would like to believe but unique enough that our respective cliques can function.

Edited by Chewbalka
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/1/2012 at 10:19 PM, Under the Rose said:

From the nature of your work, you have undoubtedly interacted with a broader spectrum of humanity than many others.




These are measures that many of us have been conditioned to utilize in western society, yet they are not accurate, in my opinion, for they are all changeable and external to the person to whom they are applied. They do not adequately reflect the person and their potential.




Different scales of measure, yet once again, external to the intrinsic value of the person.




It is not seemly that we should judge others as though they were a commodity, yet this is precisely what most of us have been conditioned to do. Not all of this evaluation is cultural though, I would suggest, for any living organism must evaluate it's interactions in the terms of energy exchange/expenditure. For that reason, we naturally are drawn to persons and situations which enable us to conserve our own resources and must take into consideration at all times how much energy we have in reserve to share with others.




Life is not fair, civilized or even humane, in my opinion. These are all human concepts which we apply in organizing and arbitrating larger populations. The energy of life seems only interested in continuance, and as conditions are variable, so shall be the outcomes. Of all the 'rules' which I have encountered in life, the single rule of treating others as you would like to be treated in kind seems the most applicable across the board.


I strive to give back as much as I take out of any given situation, and thus far this simple set of values has worked for me, though in fairness, I live in a less populated region of the world which may have some bearing on how people assign value to their interactions with each other.



Its true that people are not equal, even if you try to tell your self that you are equal with the others but still you will find your self down by all means, but that is the humanly understanding but though with God, it may be different there. Its upon to us to fight with that feeling. in my society sometime a man can be judged by what he can do or get but not on what he has.


None of my friends believe in god and none of us feel as though we are better then the other and our values of one another are exactly the same as what you stated with a god... Maybe the problem is the people you talk to or maybe your to judgmental and assuming these things... But that could not be the case because only god has the right too judge others. Meaning i could say any offensive thing i want about religion and not one religious person is allowed to get mad about it. Otherwise you are judging me and therefore a sinner and has very little faith in his or her beliefs. Sorry everyone for this outburst. I just get irritated by religious comments on a science forum. I dont care if they want to believe in a god or don't just keep it too yourself. I can't stand people preaching as though if you were to believe in god you can attain a life like this. I dont and have the same life so now you all know that its all a lie.

  On 10/1/2012 at 11:26 PM, belovelife said:

i know native americans have a saying


"talk the talk, but don't walk the walk"




this is in refrence to people who are quick to judge, but they themselves do not practice what they preach


i just wanted to clear this up


To feel unwothy or to be made feel so is wrong. I see that as a force that pulls you back to be a loser or that can motivate you to be worthy everything but if feel your self as unworthy then who will tell you that you are worthy. people can talk or can make us feel everything but its upon to us to chose between the two lines. Either belief what they say or don't and don't be it

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