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Posted (edited)

Please see below link in new window

this is what I discover and measure I want know Your Opinion


Right now I just make next test many discovers I'm looking support

I need get money for reaserch Please Help me find money for next test


I discover that power of light beam has relation with direction

where signal go ( not only light but radio wave too )


this I discover

( copy and open in new window )



how to build own experiment in home


material list : www.maroszvsnewton.cba.pl/materiallist.pdf

main idea how to prepare : www.maroszvsnewton.cba.pl/instrukcja.pdf

what mean average brightness ( explain photoshop tool ) : www.maroszvsnewton.cba.pl/photoshop10.pdf


Real Experiment 24h test (6h ,6h,6h,6h )

see how I measure Earth velocity and Earth around own axis velocity ( sign change my camera feel this change)


START Poland 8 of October 18:00 , step 2 24:00 , step3 9 of october 6:00 AM , step 4 12:00 AM


18:00 Poland 50 degree Wide






after finish above I made 23-24 degree test







12:00 finsh


Edited by tesla2
Posted (edited)

What was the purpose of the laser beam flashing on and off for? Are you measuring the light from the laser? As well as the master light? If you are measuring with the laser your cameras might just be picking up the laser sometimes and then not at all and it makes the patteren by chance or by a catching up kind of thing can you do this without the laser blinking... Just solid?

Edited by Chewbalka
Posted (edited)

What was the purpose of the laser beam flashing on and off for? Are you measuring the light from the laser? As well as the master light? If you are measuring with the laser your cameras might just be picking up the laser sometimes and then not at all and it makes the patteren by chance or by a catching up kind of thing can you do this without the laser blinking... Just solid?


Big fish (whales ) have inside head special empty


From one place in this chamber they sent in all direction master signal ( ultra sound Wave ) for me

Wave sound = Light Wave that is how I start thinking BIG FISH USE


iside special CHAMBER


please read below see movie and read about my last discover final.pdf file in this direction I have HUGE light different


oryginal photos histogram power of light with Earth velocity arrow and opposite velocity arrow camera position ( Earth around own axis line velocity in my geographic wide Poland 1,8 km/s)

(on graph it is trend not mistake I can repeat In your room too... )


I use classical bulb ( constant light beam ) the same resoult ( exist direction where camera measure more power of light ) I also change place where I was measure


( this what see my Nikon has relation with solar system position

Earth around sun and Earth own rotation and general Earth velocity )


I use right now LED light ( camera time is set 10 camera measure average light

if time rise up to 13 camera measure more power of light


Exist special direction where camera show me huge velocity ( I evaluate 250 km/s ) please see below file


this huge velocity is constant and has strong relation with 66.66 Earth axis ( light different is 2,5 - 3,5 )


I also try set my camera 90 degree ( perfect up sky signal )



I need help ( I don't know nothing about astronomy -I'm enginner I was try find way how to measure airplane velocity )


my final exeriment on this direction I measure about 3.0 power of light different


Reason why my camera show not the same light is easy


Edited by tesla2
Posted (edited)

I don't know man i can see that you have discovered something, but it might just be manufacturing defects in the two cameras... Try switching the two cameras around and see if you still get the same exact results...


it is ENERGy rule and inertia forces sorry for my english

read below 10.pdf

only picture idea and main topic experiment name it is natural not like Einstein



******************************* camera has 19018 point of measure

why my camera make mistake only west East ???

or the bigest mistake is on 55 degree up North direction

( I 'm production engineer never hear about

mistake that has relation with earth direction )


1 degree for Earth move equal 4 minutes


10 s picture time west

10 s time picture east


10s picture west

10s picture east


it is 40 seconds see my table

it is very small mistake 0,25 geographic degree )lower than our GPS)


Edited by tesla2

If your on to something draw a diagram on how this experiment is made. Its really hard to sell an idea when your viewers can clearly see plastic bags and an oversized childrens lego block holding it all up. The worst part is your only showing numbers with no information other then you view the pictures to measure light. How are you measuring these changes by viewing standard pictures from a camera? As well as the only diagrams you show are just slightly above basic geometry levels on where you are and your angels you set for the cameras. Its pretty much impossible for people to just take your word on this. I would say you would have better luck if you made your experiment much more eye pleasing and submit all information including diagrams of how its built all results with angles and times to a university where they can get funding to further the tests. You won't loose credit doing it this way. You will remain the creator of the theory. If you continue the way you are promoting people only see scam artist looking for suckers. You are hiding too much therefore appear as a scammer. I only entertained you on this to help you if you are not a scammer. I am sorry i will not send you any money not even a penny. Go to a university do what will work better for you. At least that way no one will steal your idea.

Posted (edited)

click my home page I never get any money for my Ideas this world is full of

dirty game ( universytets ? I was born in POLAND 1000000 km far away from this world )


I save many people live ( up sky signal / bomb alarm /- ski sportsman ... )




right now I will start my work on tesla earth quake tool

I plan start make small earth quake people will see what I doing

I hope get money for reaserch like this

( it is only way for people like me)

earth quake will explain big corporation that the cannot use my IDEA

Edited by tesla2



There are quite a bit of universities in poland...


And now your starting to sound a little crazy... I could understand mad, angry resentful for the words i listed such as scammer... But acting crazy? This is the first time in my whole life that this has happened. I poke peoples buttons all the time to see what there made of, most just get dumber the rest run away... Congratulations you have surprised me I could not have predicted a response like yours.




There are quite a bit of universities in poland...


And now your starting to sound a little crazy... I could understand mad, angry resentful for the words i listed such as scammer... But acting crazy? This is the first time in my whole life that this has happened. I poke peoples buttons all the time to see what there made of, most just get dumber the rest run away... Congratulations you have surprised me I could not have predicted a response like yours.


I'm very sorry ( I know that I have nothing to say more... I'm sorry ) time to time I lost my hope ....

next day I wake Up Full energy and create below link are true they Explain how person insde rocket

can feel own velocity ( rocket not accelerate not slowingdown it is True That I confirm by my Nikon

08/09 of october

part 1

Part 2




There are quite a bit of universities in poland...


And now your starting to sound a little crazy... I could understand mad, angry resentful for the words i listed such as scammer... But acting crazy? This is the first time in my whole life that this has happened. I poke peoples buttons all the time to see what there made of, most just get dumber the rest run away... Congratulations you have surprised me I could not have predicted a response like yours.


I'm very sorry ( I know that I have nothing to say more... I'm sorry ) time to time I lost my hope ....

next day I wake Up Full energy and create below link are true they Explain how person insde rocket

can feel own velocity ( rocket not accelerate not slowingdown it is True That I confirm by my Nikon

08/09 of october

part 1

Part 2


I agree with you on the rocket idea, light has a set speed. What i don't understand is how a camera is capable of detecting these minor changes... This alone is why i am so confused by your claim. I do not want you to tell me i want you to go to one of the universities to get funding. They will take your idea and get students to work on it while you will maintain full credit for discovery... And if it all works out congratulations if it does not then oh well it was a great learning experience. What is it that makes you hate the universities so much? What have they done to you?


It is simly why camera see this efect

I use time 10s and strong ( very dark filter BLUE )


if I will rise up camera time 30 s ( I need use more stronger blue filter )

then You will see very small velocity


I already make test my camera and time 4s , 6s , 8s , 10s ( 10s is max that I can use)

camera has some light limit ( more than 10 s mean 100% wite picture zero data on photoshop

graph )


Animal use sound wave ( ultra sound wave ) each velocity has special wave that is the best (Hz,energy , long )

for show only one and special velocity




I agree with you on the rocket idea, light has a set speed. What i don't understand is how a camera is capable of detecting these minor changes... This alone is why i am so confused by your claim. I do not want you to tell me i want you to go to one of the universities to get funding. They will take your idea and get students to work on it while you will maintain full credit for discovery... And if it all works out congratulations if it does not then oh well it was a great learning experience. What is it that makes you hate the universities so much? What have they done to you?


1 You have master source of light inside rocket

- rocket has V ( velocity that not change )


2 end of rocket is one person with camera ( P1)

3 front of rocket is one person with the same camera (P2)


way of light for P1 is more shorter than for person P2

this way has relation with C/V c - light velocity V - rocket velocity


please think that rocket velocity V=C2 or C/4 or ...


if V = C person on front and camera will never see power of light

- distance that rocket make is close to infinity

power of light / infinity^2


P1 will get light on very short way s1

P2 will get light impulse after s2


s2 way You can count using V/C or C/V

or measure by camera and confirm

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