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Can anyone tell me what this error message means? I get it when I try to log into "another science forum"


Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_global_other_1::globalTemplateMinimal() in /www/area52.scienceforums.net/html/admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php on line 294


In short, it means the program that website is using to render its pages is fatally flawed.


Specifically, in line number 294 of a PHP interpreted programming language (a common language used for websites - hypography uses it) file htmlOutput.php, a reference is made to a method (in most languages, including PHP, "methods" are things in "objects" that can be invoked, which do not return values, while "properties" or "functions" are similar and do return values. Practically speaking, there's no need to make this distinction here) that hasn't been defined in the program.


Whoever keeps this website up needs to fix this problem.

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