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Moderation note: the 1st post of this thread was split from another Space forum thread, because it's a different subject


A colony of humans living in outer space isolated from Earth would provide the opportunity to form a government and society as presented by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged. Question..would they survive and why or why not ?


I saw a show the other day on the Science channel. It was a hypothetical star entering our solar system. The human race had 70 yrs notice to do something about it.


It was decided that a long range ark would be built for 250,000 people. Of course they went through the issues of the whole world having to pool their resources and only a choosen few getting to go. The issue of the thousands of launches and space walks to put something like that together and make it all work.


They discussed issues of how the super rich would either be buying their way in or pooling their money and buiding a smaller ship just for the worlds wealthiest.


Getting back to your original question, one of the major talking points of the experts was the government both on the ground before and after the launch. There was concern about security and mutiny. After years and years of eating dried seaweed crackers among other hardships how would the people hold up? They would need a large compliment of security to carry out the leaders tough choices whatever they may be.


It was a very interesting show. Although a little unreal for us, were it to happen. Just look how we deal with the threat of global warming. A renegade star entering our solar system in 70 yrs wouldn't warrant action by this world government until their eyebrows got singed :o

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