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I was watching a science fiction anime series (Space Brothers – not recommended by me for any but the most hard-core and eclectic spaceflight fans, so slowly paces that NASA withdrew its approval of it on essentially the grounds that “real astronaut training isn’t this complicated and boring”), in which 5 people choose 2 from their numbers by playing a single round of rock-paper-scissors. It worked in one round, 2 throwing paper, 3 stone, giving 2 winners. The narrator expressed wonder and satisfaction, having expected that many rounds would be needed.


I wondered how likely such an outcome is, so wrote this little MUMPS program to calculate its probability, assuming the 5 player follow a completely random strategy:

n (XMRPSN,R) s A=R k R s R=A,N=+R,M=$p(A,",",2) s:'M M=3 f A=0:1:M**N-1 x XMRPSN(1,1) s R(C)=$g(R(C))+1 ;XMRPSN(1): returns R(#nonlosers)=count given R=#player,#plays
s C=0 f B=1:1:N s AB=A\(M**B/M)#M,F=0 x XMRPSN(1,1,1) s:'F C=C+1 ;XMRPSN(1,1)
f D=1:1:N s F=A\(M**D/M)#M-AB#M#2 q:F  ;XMRPSN(1,1,1)

S R=5 x XMRPSN(1) gives R(2)/(3**5)= 30/243 =~ 12.3%, showing that the depicted outcome is lucky, but not extraordinarily so.

A look at these counts of the number of players not eliminated in a single round of play for different numbers of players N,

N=2       0       6       3
N=3       6       9       9       3
N=4      36      12      18      12       3
N=5     150      15      30      30      15       3
N=6     540      18      45      60      45      18       3
N=7    1806      21      63     105     105      63      21       3
N=8    5796      24      84     168     210     168      84      24       3

Showed something that surprised me. Ignoring the first column (which shows the count of plays in which 0 players avoid elimination) and dividing by a common factor of 4, it’s a variation on Pascal’s triangle, where the cell-setting rule is the usual [math][x,y] = [x-1,y-1]+[x,y-1][/math], and 1 of the 2 edge cell-setting rules is the usual [math][y,y]=1[/math],but the other is, rather than the usual [math][1,y]=1[/math], [math][1,y]=y[/math]

2  1
3  3  1
4  6  4  1
5 10 10  5  1
6 15 20 15  6 1
7 21 35 35 21 7 1

Folk who socialize with the right sort of folk, or just watch the popular TV show about folk who do The Big Bang Theory, know that the rock/paper/scissor game can be played, and remain optimal-strategied with a evenly weighted random choice of play, for not just 3, but 5 possible plays. A bit of thinking (or a quick read of wikipedia) reveals that it is so for any properly handled odd number of possible plays. Adding a second argument to the above program shows the counts for some odd number of possible plays M >3

N=2,M=5        0      20       5
N=3,M=5       30      60      30       5
N=4,M=5      300     160     120      40       5
N=5,M=5     2070     400     400     200      50       5
N=6,M=5    12300     960    1200     800     300      60       5
N=7,M=5    67830    2240    3360    2800    1400     420      70       5
N=8,M=5   359100    5120    8960    8960    5600    2240     560      80       5
N=9,M=5  1857270   11520   23040   26880   20160   10080    3360     720      90      5
N=10,M=5 9475500   25600   57600   76800   67200   40320   16800    4800     900     100       5

N=2,M=7       0      42       7
N=3,M=7      84     189      63       7
N=4,M=7    1176     756     378      84       7
N=5,M=7   11340    2835    1890     630     105       7
N=6,M=7   94080   10206    8505    3780     945     126       7
N=7,M=7  724164   35721   35721   19845    6615    1323     147       7

N=2,M=9       0      72       9
N=3,M=9     180     432     108       9
N=4,M=9    3240    2304     864     144       9
N=5,M=9   40140   11520    5760    1440     180       9
N=6,M=9  427680   55296   34560   11520    2160     216       9

Their corresponding Pascall triangle cell-filling rules, however, are more complicated:


[math][x,y] = [x-1,y-1] +k[x,y-1], \, [1,y] = f(y), \, [x,y] = 1[/math]


where [math]f(y) = \frac{f(y-1)ky}{y -1}, k = \frac{M -1}{2}[/math]


From [imath]f(y)[/imath] for M=3, we can see a trivial but interesting identity,


[math]n+1 = \prod_{a=1}^n \frac{2(a+1)}{a}[/math]


Sketching [imath]f(y)[/imath] it for M=5 gives

[imath]1 \cdot \frac{4}{1} = 4[/imath]


[imath]4 \cdot \frac{6}{2} = 12[/imath]


[imath]12 \cdot \frac{8}{3} = 32[/imath]


[imath]32 \cdot \frac{10}{4} = 80[/imath]


[imath]80 \cdot \frac{12}{5} = 192[/imath]


[imath]192 \cdot \frac{14}{6} = 448[/imath]


[imath]448 \cdot \frac{16}{7} = 1024[/imath]



I’ve a vague hunch there’s some deep number theoretical profundity buried in these coincidences.

  • 3 weeks later...

There is always some profundity to be had- the question is at what cost to you in time and in sanity (with or without spacer).


As for me, after months of lean pickings I finally found ANOTHER Pascal-related nuclear numerical relation. And I'm probably now certifiable!


Jess Tauber

  On 2/10/2013 at 9:17 PM, CraigD said:


[math]n+1 = \prod_{a=1}^n \frac{2(a+1)}{a}[/math]


Sketching [imath]f(y)[/imath] it for M=5 gives

[imath]1 \cdot \frac{4}{1} = 4[/imath]


[imath]4 \cdot \frac{6}{2} = 12[/imath]


[imath]12 \cdot \frac{8}{3} = 32[/imath]


[imath]32 \cdot \frac{10}{4} = 80[/imath]


[imath]80 \cdot \frac{12}{5} = 192[/imath]


[imath]192 \cdot \frac{14}{6} = 448[/imath]


[imath]448 \cdot \frac{16}{7} = 1024[/imath]



I’ve a vague hunch there’s some deep number theoretical profundity buried in these coincidences.


i got some profundity on my shoes once & so i started going barefoot. :D since you first posted i have been trying to place your values there, {4 12 32 80 192 448 1024...}, in some context i grok, but no lok. :loser:

but wait!!... circumstances prompted me today to throw them at the Wolfram Alpha Engine and among other things it gave an=2n(n+1) . not sure if that's the same as your above notation or not. :reallyconfused: help? :thumbs_up no help? :thumbs_do


the engine gives this continuation: {4 12 32 80 192 448 1024 2304 5120 11264 24576 53248 114688 ...}


4 12 32 80 192 448 @Wolfram Alpha

  On 3/5/2013 at 8:19 AM, Turtle said:

since you first posted i have been trying to place your values there, {4 12 32 80 192 448 1024...}, in some context i grok, but no lok. :loser:

but wait!!... circumstances prompted me today to throw them at the Wolfram Alpha Engine and among other things it gave an=2n(n+1) . not sure if that's the same as your above notation or not. :reallyconfused: help? :thumbs_up no help? :thumbs_do


the engine gives this continuation: {4 12 32 80 192 448 1024 2304 5120 11264 24576 53248 114688 ...}

That’s it, for the 5-play case (AKA rock/paper/scissor/lizard/Spock :))


I noticed this shortly after my first post, without (I swear ;)) consulting the oracle of Wolfram, but didn’t post it – a good thing, as you likely wouldn’t have had the searching and groping for grocking fun you did if I had, Turtle.


The recursive

[math]f(y) = \frac{ky}{y -1}f(y-1), k = \frac{M -1}{2}[/math]

where M is the number of plays, which must be odd.

can be rewritten as the non-recursive

[math]f(y) = yk^{y-1}[/math]


Either give sequences like this:

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28, ...

1,4,12,32,80,192,448,1024,2304,5120,11264,24576,53248,114688,245760,524288, ...

1,6,27,108,405,1458,5103,17496,59049,196830,649539,2125764,6908733,22320522, ...

1,8,48,256,1280,6144,28672,131072,589824,2621440,11534336,50331648,218103808, ...

1,10,75,500,3125,18750,109375,625000,3515625,19531250,107421875,585937500, ...

1,12,108,864,6480,46656,326592,2239488,15116544,100776960,665127936,4353564672, ...

1,14,147,1372,12005,100842,823543,6588344,51883209,403536070,3107227739, ...

1,16,192,2048,20480,196608,1835008,16777216,150994944,1342177280,11811160064, ...

1,18,243,2916,32805,354294,3720087,38263752,387420489,3874204890,38354628411, ...

1,20,300,4000,50000,600000,7000000,80000000,900000000,10000000000,110000000000, ...

1,22,363,5324,73205,966306,12400927,155897368,1929229929,23579476910, ...

1,24,432,6912,103680,1492992,20901888,286654464,3869835264,51597803520, ...

1,26,507,8788,142805,2227758,33787663,501988136,7341576489,106044993730, ...

1,28,588,10976,192080,3226944,52706752,843308032,13282101504,206610467840, ...

1,30,675,13500,253125,4556250,79734375,1366875000,23066015625,384433593750, ...



The recursive formula seems prettier and more fitting, though, given that the other terms use recursive, Pascal-esque triangle generating formulae for all the terms except the 0 and 1 winner ones.


What amazes me the most about this is how these fairly simple formulae exactly describe the probabilities of outcome of a randomly (and optimally) played, fair, simple, well-known game (and its more obscure variants), and their practical value in showing how large a gang of people can play such games and expect to get a useful outcome (ie: something other than everybody loses to someone, 0 winners).

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