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This is a survey I am doing for my senior project on subliminal messaging in magazine advertisments. In total I need 50 responses, but I am greatful for however many I recieve. Thank you so much for your time! ;)


- Etoilerose


1. How many times a week do you look at magazines?

2. Do you have a favorite kind magazine?

3. Has this industry's overall quality improved or declined in this last decade?

4. What would you suggest to be improved in magazines in general?

5. Are you aware of subliminal messaging? What is your view on the usage?

6. Do you think that everyone can fall under the spell of subliminal messages?

7. Do you think subliminal messaging helps the sale of the magazine or the products advertised in the magazine?

8. How prominent are subliminal messages to you?


1. 1>

2. music, guitar.

3. sexier content, the content itself is about the same.

4. i love looking at those beautiful women on the cover...but i think we need to totally reduce the amount of it. it's ruining girls' self esteem...it's very rare to find a girl who isn't subconcious anymore.

5. yes! i find it hilarious when i spot it. my view? it's hilarious, effective, and i think it's wrong.

6. in one way or another.

7. of course, that's it's purpose.

8. well i'm sure i've never even detected some....but the ones i have, i noticed pretty quick!


1. 3-4, but it's all National Geo and science stuff

2. photographic and science

3. declined- more ad space, less content space.

4. less ads, recyclable paper

5. usually aware- it's funny, and as soon as you notice it, it's not effective. but if you don't...

6. i'm sure everybody does sometimes.

7. i would imagine so, that's why it's paid for by the manufacturer

8. usually pretty obvious. but again, it's the ones you don't see that gets ya.


1. c. 5

2. Science, news

3. Declined

4. More content that require concentration to read.

5. I'm aware. I don't believe it works.

6. No

7. No

8. How could you tell if you noticed them all? The ones I see are pretty clear.


1. How many times a week do you look at magazines?


2. Do you have a favorite kind magazine?


3. Has this industry's overall quality improved or declined in this last decade?


4. What would you suggest to be improved in magazines in general?

___the vocabulary

5. Are you aware of subliminal messaging? What is your view on the usage?

___Yes:too often used for deceit

6. Do you think that everyone cal fall under the spell of subliminal messages?


7. Do you think subliminal messaging helps the sale of the magazine or the products advertised in the magazine?

___Yes, otherwise they wouldn't employ it.

8. How prominent are subliminal messages to you?

___a contradiction in terms here as subliminal means under the awareness.


___I recall back in the 70's there was a big flap over the evil faces in the ice cubes in a magazine liquor add. Follow the money. Hopebuy thisbuy helpsbuy yourbuy projectbuy. ;)


#1. 3 or 4 times


#2. Science articles, Hotrod & antique cars


#3. Way too many advertisements, going downhill


#4. More contemporary research articles


#5. If it were possible to outlaw these practices, I would be in favor. Enforcement would be however impossible.


#6. Absolutely, if it were not, the practice would not continue


#7. More than likely


#8. I agree with Turtle on this one, if it's truly subliminal, you'll never notice. If you notice, it failed to be subliminal.


1. How many times a week do you look at magazines?

More than once per day on average (I read them while commuting to work).


2. Do you have a favorite kind magazine?

Science mags, music mags, computer mags


3. Has this industry's overall quality improved or declined in this last decade?

The magazine industry? Definitely. Not sure I understand what you are asking for here. The quality of content and presentation of the overall concept in mags have both greatly improved. The variety of mags available is also a good thing.


4. What would you suggest to be improved in magazines in general?

There are so many kinds of magazine that I don't think a general tip would be meaningful. One thing I'd like to see is the option to subscribe to magazine without advertisements, for example kids' magazines. As for myself, I read mags partly to check out ads and see what's happening. Another problem is that foreign magazines tend to be very expensive - in Norway we pay 3-4 times the cost of a magazine which originates in England.


5. Are you aware of subliminal messaging? What is your view on the usage?

I am aware of it. My main issue is that advertisements create idealistic views of what people should do, look like, and spend their money on, which is fine also problematic towards certain user groups (like children).


6. Do you think that everyone cal fall under the spell of subliminal messages?



7. Do you think subliminal messaging helps the sale of the magazine or the products advertised in the magazine?

Most likely.


8. How prominent are subliminal messages to you?

Quite a bit. In some mags it is hard to see the content for the ads - simply because advertisers seem to pay for "positioning" (like ads that happen to promote a product that was awarded Editor's Choice 2 pages back). I also tend to have more favorable feelings towards products with good ads, even though I know this is folly.


1. >1


2. Animal Journals, Game mags (mainly for the demos).


3. It seems to have done both. In some mags, the newer technology and content available is exploding, and the magazines are growing with this change. OTH there are many trade journals that have been essentailly killed by the internet. I used to subscribe to a number of upperend herpetology mags and marine aquaculture magazines. The information available in each issue was good, but not always aplicable and in many cases somewhat limited. This is the area that the internet has filled this niche with specialized sites that are much more current, searchable and useful.


4. I personally do not see how print mags can change too much. I may have specific ideas as to what the exact content could be or advertising should be, but I am just one purchaser that may not fall in with the main demographic of the publication.


5. A bit of a loaded question...I understand subliminal advertising and its aplkications and recognize it in many adds, but there may be some that is not recognized and I would assume at least partially effective. (there was quite a thread on here about the concept aplication and definition of subliminal advertising).


6. Yes


7. To some degree if not more so.


8. I personally feel that I at least recognize some of the most blantant associative subliminal adds (ie pretty girls hanging around guys who drink coors). There is still the whole realm of emotional manipulation through color and sound. Some is recognized and I would assume that some is not.

  etoilerose said:

1. How many times a week do you look at magazines?

2. Do you have a favorite kind magazine?

3. Has this industry's overall quality improved or declined in this last decade?

4. What would you suggest to be improved in magazines in general?

5. Are you aware of subliminal messaging? What is your view on the usage?

6. Do you think that everyone can fall under the spell of subliminal messages?

7. Do you think subliminal messaging helps the sale of the magazine or the products advertised in the magazine?

8. How prominent are subliminal messages to you?


  1. >2, <10
  2. Science and Video Games (Popular Science; Game Informer)
  3. Definitely improved
  4. As orbsycli said, less women used for advertising
  5. Yes. Whatever works.
  6. Sure.
  7. Sometimes.
  8. I'm not sure, who is?


1. How many times a week do you look at magazines?

A:hardly ever

2. Do you have a favorite kind magazine?

A:computer ones or white dwarf

3. Has this industry's overall quality improved or declined in this last decade?

A:i don't know over the last decade but in the last 5 years or so it has defentily increased

4. What would you suggest to be improved in magazines in general?


5. Are you aware of subliminal messaging? What is your view on the usage?

A:no but is it not illigeal

6. Do you think that everyone can fall under the spell of subliminal messages?

A:so long as u don't see it

7. Do you think subliminal messaging helps the sale of the magazine or the products advertised in the magazine?

A: well if it works yes because that is what it was made to do

8. How prominent are subliminal messages to you?

A:i never see them but i never fall for them either so yeah

  • 2 months later...

1.<1 a week

2. Music

3 Improved

4 content, information

5 Yes, and i believe it's real and interesting

6 Absolutely

7 according to my research into the effects, yes

8 If they we're noticed then they were'nt subliminal but i guess not very prominent

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