ResistETIntervention Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 Has anyone here read any of the followings books? 1) “Life in the Universe” (A free e-book can be requested from here: )2) “The Allies of Humanity” (A free pdf copy can be downloaded from here: “Taken” (A free pdf copy can be downloaded from here. )4) “The Aliens and the Scalpel” by Dr. Roger Leir What are your thoughts on the UFO/ET phenomenon?Have you ever sighted any UFOs or know of someone who has?Has anybody ever had a close encounter with extraterrestrials? Quote
Moontanman Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 Hey Resist ET Intervention good to see you, my thoughts on UFOs varies depending on the assertions used in conjunction with them as you probably already know. I am not a big fan of the contactee school of thought or the abduction explanations and while i am aware of the books you suggest and have read some of them none of them is definitive nor can they be supported with any empirical evidence. However this is another forum and feel free to show your supporting evidence and we can discuss them at length here as well... Quote
Rade Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 Reading the first link, I was fascinated to learn about the New Message Society. The leader of this society has been receiving new messages from who he believes is God of the Hebrew bible (indirectly via an angle...keep this in mind) over a number of years, well over 500 new messages as of 2013. One of these New Messages was to inform humans that the earth has been populated by an alien race from another planet(s). Apparently the goal of this alien race is to "take advantage" of humans because humans are divided, such as by country, religion, culture, etc. But, it is not clear how these aliens plan to 'take advantage' of humans...are humans to become slaves, objects of reproduction, all that is kmnown is that they plan to take advantage of humans for their own selfish purpose. The goal of humans is thus to learn how to resist the evil intentions of these aliens. So, be on the watch for anyone reading the book, Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand...most likely a 'how-to' manual for these aliens motivated by selfish intent. Yet another New Message received by the leader of the society is that there is yet a second group of aliens from another planet(s) who are, friends and allies of humans. Sounds like good news, but the devil is in the details. Apparently these alien friends have decided not to send anyone in person to help humans against the evil aliens with selfish motives already on earth. Instead they send wisdom to educate humans how they are to resist the evil of the aliens. To date, this wisdom is only sent to the leader of the New Message Society, with his mission to get the word out, hence his need for helper bees and of course money etc. Now, what is clear to me, is that neither of the New Messages received by the leader of the New Message Society were sent by the God of the Christians. Why ? Because the son of God, Christ, over 2000 years ago, gave the true New Message to humans in his own voice, and it was in English translation: RESIST NOT EVIL ! So, whoever is sending messages to the leader of the New Message Society cannot be the God father of Christ, but more likely one of his fallen angels, Lucifer. Quote
Eclogite Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 What are your thoughts on the UFO/ET phenomenon?The vast majority are a consequence of the notorious inability of most observers to observe objectively, as a consequence of the human talent for forming patterns where none exist and the tendency to derive immense satisfaction from imaginging the bizarre. Most observations are natural features (Venus, clouds), aircraft, or delusions. I suspect a small, but finite number may be the consequence of a yet unrecognised natural phenomenom, but are not ET. ET, if she has visited the Earth would either avoid observation, or announce herself. Random revelations to country hicks does not seem a likely modus operandi. Have you ever sighted any UFOs or know of someone who has?I have sighted several UFOs. Most were subsequently identified. Some were not. My conclusion from these situations is that when time or distance are too great perfectly ordinary objects or phenomena will not be readily identified. If I suffered from mental disorders, feelings of inadequacy, or an inability to relate to reality I would probably have a different view of what I saw. Has anybody ever had a close encounter with extraterrestrials?My wife is quite strange at times, but other than that, no. Moontanman 1 Quote
Moontanman Posted April 15, 2013 Report Posted April 15, 2013 The vast majority are a consequence of the notorious inability of most observers to observe objectively, as a consequence of the human talent for forming patterns where none exist and the tendency to derive immense satisfaction from imaginging the bizarre. Most observations are natural features (Venus, clouds), aircraft, or delusions. I suspect a small, but finite number may be the consequence of a yet unrecognised natural phenomenom, but are not ET. ET, if she has visited the Earth would either avoid observation, or announce herself. Random revelations to country hicks does not seem a likely modus operandi. I have sighted several UFOs. Most were subsequently identified. Some were not. My conclusion from these situations is that when time or distance are too great perfectly ordinary objects or phenomena will not be readily identified. If I suffered from mental disorders, feelings of inadequacy, or an inability to relate to reality I would probably have a different view of what I saw. My wife is quite strange at times, but other than that, no. Eclogite, do I really have to haul out all my UFO sighting links that cannot be explained? :rolleyes: I was held down by little grey guys one evening, I was determined to hold on to those little spindly arms, I held on for dear life while i tried to alert my son who was in the next room... he heard me trying to get his attention and came in and woke me up... I was holding on to my own thumbs... yes i enjoy the effects of sleep paralysis quite often... Quote
ResistETIntervention Posted April 18, 2013 Author Report Posted April 18, 2013 Small world, Moontanman, or is it Michael? Quote by Moontanman: “while i am aware of the books you suggest and have read some of them none of them is definitive nor can they be supported with any empirical evidence.” I think you have probably read some or all of my posts in another forum. Yet, I will pose the question here again: what empirical evidence regarding the UFO/ET phenomenon would you regard as scientifically valid and acceptable? If you recall, those members seemingly scientifically inclined in another forum refused to accept even the physical evidence obtained by scientists. Why? Because their denial provides them comfort; it is out of fear that they cannot attempt to be objective and face the reality. quote by Moontanman: “yes i enjoy the effects of sleep paralysis quite often...” May I ask how many episodes of the “sleep paralysis” you have had, and for how many years? Are they recurring “dreams,” or do the “stories” vary in contents? What else occurs during this “sleep paralysis” episodes? Why do you think during these “sleep paralysis,” people always (?) experience extraterrestrial abduction scenarios, and not “dreams”, say, about eerie ghosts, nightmarish ex’s, overbearing bosses or in-laws, etc.? Eclogite, the ET Intervention is mainly carrying out its activities clandestinely and will not present itself to the public. If and when they do present themselves to the public, then that would be an indication that they have accomplished their goals completely and that there is no reason for them to hide themselves. It’d also indicate that it is too late for humanity to thwart their Intervention without raising some extraordinary and costly (in terms of casualties) resistance movements against them. That is, if enough people are not so pacified as to gather their inner strengths to do so. Despite their intention to keep themselves hidden, when their spaceships are sighted (and they have been observed for more than six decades now), how many people see them for what they are? Please note that these are seen as aerially maneuvering in ways that cannot be explained away by human science or technology: they are seen to remain completely stationary for hours at a time; they are seen to move vertically straight up or down; they are seen to obtain unearthly speeds from a stationary position within a second or so; they are seen to “break up” into several ships from one vehicle or vice versa; they are seen to make all of the above maneuverings without making any noise. Some were observed up close within a few yards. Some were targeted with missiles by air force officers who identified them as not of human-made vehicles, but the navigators of the vehicles apparently disabled the launch functionalities before the missiles were launched. People have been abducted by extraterrestrials, some of whom recall the abduction episodes, and some have returned with physical implants that were identified as having engineered out of extraterrestrial substances. Yet, some people prefer to regard these incidences as experienced by people with mental disorders or visual errors, so that they would not have to deal with the reality that our world is being covertly invaded by extraterrestrial forces. Fear and preferences get in the way of seeing objectively and knowing what to do. In what ways is your wife strange? Does she claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials? Quote
ResistETIntervention Posted April 18, 2013 Author Report Posted April 18, 2013 The New Message from God was received by Marshall Vian Summers over a period of 30 years in over 850 encounters with the Angelic Presence that watches over the well-being and development of this world and some others. The Teachings received are now over 9200 pages in length. Intelligence has been seeded on this planet, yes, by several extraterrestrial races a long time ago. However, the Extraterrestrial Intervention that has been well underway for over six decades now is not of the same races. The extraterrestrials of the ET Intervention are of several collectives, each consisting of several different ET races. They are resource seekers and, indeed, here to overtake the world covertly by taking advantage of the weak and divided humanity. Their ultimate goal is to gain access to the world’s resources and maintaining that access. There are four fundamental areas of their activities to achieve that end: - influencing and manipulating certain people in the positions of power in politics, commerce, and religions to establish a liaison with them - manipulating people’s religious values and impulses to engender human allegiance to their causes- establishing their presence and have people become used to their presence- human-alien hybridization program to create hybrids that are physically adapted to the world, but are completely allegiant to the ET’s agenda These activities and their purposes are described in more detail which can be found in (page 8 ~ page 20). In any circumstance in which we are faced with adversaries, it is absolutely crucial that we find out as much as possible about them, is it not so? It is no different in facing the Extraterrestrial Intervention. We must find out about their true intention, what sort of activities they are carrying how and why, their weaknesses as well as their strengths, their limitations, etc. Throughout human history, native races living isolated in some remote place with a wealth of resources have been targeted and exploited. Now, entire humanity is the native race of this world that is being targeted and exploited for its resources. While these extraterrestrials have been studying human physiology, psychology, customs, values, philosophies, etc. for a long time, we know virtually nothing about the ETs. How can we know? We simply have not travelled far enough into the space to know what life is like in the universe, let alone what is truly occurring in our own world unbeknownst to humanity at large. Despite millions of sightings and allegedly thousands of known abduction cases which have occurred over a period of more than six decades, we are still debating over whether the UFOs are, indeed, extraterrestrial vehicles. That is the reason that the Angelic Presence that has been speaking through Marshall Vian Summers has requested that a group of individuals to make a journey to our solar system. This group of nine individuals from seven free worlds from our local universe calls themselves the Allies of Humanity. They had one purpose: to observe the ET Intervention and report their activities and intentions to humanity through Marshall. If people knew that freedom is very rare in the universe and thus, free races are in the minority, what they have had to do in order to secure their freedom, and what they must abide by in order to maintain their freedom, then people would understand why humanity’s true allies cannot help human beings fight the ET Intervention militarily. What they are able to provide is the wisdom they gained from their own experiences of being invaded by extraterrestrial Intervention in their own worlds, and warn us so that we may not fall prey to the persuasion of the ET Intervention. For that will lead to a loss of freedom which is what some of the races of the Allies of Humanity has had to endure as a consequence of either ignorance or denial of the ET Intervention in their worlds, or persuasion by the ET Intervention. What they are able to provide is the preparation that humanity must undergo in order to become a more mature, responsible, and stronger race that can withstand not only these extraterrestrials, but also any future Intervention from extraterrestrial forces. Humanity has been living in relative isolation. However, the isolation is now permanently over, and we must emerge into the Greater Community of Worlds, whether we are prepared or not. The question is can we emerge as a strong, independent, self-sufficient, united, free race, or will we become subservient races dominated by other extraterrestrial races? Human beings as a race are like juveniles hoping that some adults would take care of all their issues for them, while they remain irresponsible and reckless. Yet, they must learn to become responsible and wiser in the process of becoming more mature. If you contemplate upon it for a while, what would we gain by having benevolent race(s) to drive the ET Intervention out of our solar system now? We would still be immature, reckless, irresponsible, weak, and divided race that must rely on other extraterrestrial races to continuously drive out future Intervention. No benevolent races would do that for any emerging races, for there is no meaningful future for such weak races in the Greater Community of Worlds. We must go through this evolutionary stage that all races in the universe must undergo. The human race will either emerge a stronger race, or fall prey to the persuasion and become a slave to foreign races perhaps permanently. Quote
Moontanman Posted April 20, 2013 Report Posted April 20, 2013 Small world, Moontanman, or is it Michael? My real name is indeed Michael, you can call me either. I think you have probably read some or all of my posts in another forum. Yet, I will pose the question here again: what empirical evidence regarding the UFO/ET phenomenon would you regard as scientifically valid and acceptable? That's a reasonable question, technology that cannot have been produced on the Earth, DNA evidence might be possible, radar traces especially multiple radars, multiple independent eyewitnesses would be evidence, not proof but evidence. I would accept pictures and video that is shown to be real as suggestive at least as evidence. And yes before you say it i understand that some of these things if not all exist but they are not evidence of your conspiracy... If you recall, those members seemingly scientifically inclined in another forum refused to accept even the physical evidence obtained by scientists. Why? Because their denial provides them comfort; it is out of fear that they cannot attempt to be objective and face the reality. No, because there is no physical evidence, what you suggested as physical evidence was bollocks... May I ask how many episodes of the “sleep paralysis” you have had, and for how many years? Most of my life, innumerable times... Are they recurring “dreams,” or do the “stories” vary in contents? Not dreams, they have no connection with dreams. What else occurs during this “sleep paralysis” episodes? Many things occur, I see no reason at this point to go into details with you. Why do you think during these “sleep paralysis,” people always (?) experience extraterrestrial abduction scenarios, Not everyone does "always experience extraterrestrial abduction scenarios" and not “dreams”, say, about eerie ghosts, nightmarish ex’s, overbearing bosses or in-laws, etc.? And again these are not dreams, you are not being honest here, stop trying to build a strawman... Please note that these are seen as aerially maneuvering in ways that cannot be explained away by human science or technology: they are seen to remain completely stationary for hours at a time; they are seen to move vertically straight up or down; they are seen to obtain unearthly speeds from a stationary position within a second or so; they are seen to “break up” into several ships from one vehicle or vice versa; they are seen to make all of the above maneuverings without making any noise. Some were observed up close within a few yards. Some were targeted with missiles by air force officers who identified them as not of human-made vehicles, but the navigators of the vehicles apparently disabled the launch functionalities before the missiles were launched. This contains some grains of truth but overall it is inflationary and dishonest... People have been abducted by extraterrestrials, some of whom recall the abduction episodes, and some have returned with physical implants that were identified as having engineered out of extraterrestrial substances. This is bollocks Yet, some people prefer to regard these incidences as experienced by people with mental disorders or visual errors, so that they would not have to deal with the reality that our world is being covertly invaded by extraterrestrial forces. Fear and preferences get in the way of seeing objectively and knowing what to do. Unsupported assertions... nothing else... Eclogite 1 Quote
blamski Posted April 22, 2013 Report Posted April 22, 2013 i used to suffer sleep paralysis regularly until my late twenties. i could hypothesise that the aliens just got bored of visiting me - the problem being that i was never aware of aliens. to me it seemed like more a demonic or ghostly being than an alien. this ET Intervention collective appear to be a very advanced, technologically capable and powerful bunch of dudes. why are they trying to take our resources covertly instead of just knocking us on the head with a neutron disruptor and eating our babies? Moontanman 1 Quote
ResistETIntervention Posted April 24, 2013 Author Report Posted April 24, 2013 What were labeled “inflationary and dishonest” above are precisely the descriptions I gathered from the sightings people including myself had. From what I could tell, they were not trying to exaggerate or be dishonest in their descriptions. So we can assert that yes, these UFOs are capable of aerial maneuvering as described above. They are not aerial vehicles that could have possibly been manufactured through human technology now, let alone 50~60 years ago, as testified by air force officers who would know better than most laymen regarding such technology. Also, they could not possibly have been any natural phenomenon (weather phenomenon, for example, as some of them were observed quite up close). Then it’s only logical that they are aerial vehicles manufactured and navigated by intelligent beings from outer space, extraterrestrials. Regarding your episodes of “sleep paralysis,” please note that I’m not trying to build a straw man, or invade your privacy if you don’t feel comfortable talking about them further. You maintain that they were not dreams and the episodes have occurred innumerable times throughout most of your life, with all of them, or at least some of them, accompanied by “alien abduction scenarios.” Since I don’t know much about the incidences, I can’t tell you anything one way or another about those episodes. However, I can tell you that these extraterrestrials have studied human psychology, physiology, culture, religions, etc., for some time now, and have been exploiting human fears, fantasies, desires, weaknesses, and strengths for their benefits. They are capable of projecting images of demons, angels, or whatever. They can project them right before you, or in your dreams. They can speak to people in the mental environment in order to evoke commitment, who cannot discern Divine Voices from the voice of the ET Intervention. So, are people suffering from “sleep paralysis” actually abducted and returned, and/or tormented or lured in the mental environment? Some abductees have reported as having “loving” experiences during their episodes of abduction. For example, a man was abducted and met (more precisely, was projected an image of) an alluring “Pledian” alien woman who seemed to want to kiss him, but then turned into a monstrous alien. A woman was abducted and was forced to have a sexual intercourse with some atrocious alien. When she stated that she would not do so with anyone but her late husband, out of an adjacent room appeared her husband who turned into the alien in the middle of their intercourse. A man from a forum such as this stated that god speaks to him and all of his friends, in a voice that they can actually hear. Yet, he did not reveal what exactly that “god” talks to him about. How can people discern these aliens that are capable of deceiving our perceptions, through projecting of images or speaking to people in the mental environment? Some people experience spiritually or mentally “uplifting” experiences during their abduction episodes. They are then returned to welcome and support these very ETs that abducted them. They would regard those ETs as angelic beings, spiritual emissaries, or space friends here to elevate humanity spiritually, advance our intelligence, teach us to live peacefully, or help us fight bad aliens or solve global issues, etc. Yet, if you consider it very objectively, why would they need to abduct people to persuade them that they were benevolent beings? Abduction is an absolute violation of fundamental rights of every individual. It is utterly unethical. What is ironic here is that the ET Intervention currently present in our world and in our solar system are more likely space-traveling pirates whom no established worlds would allow in their own worlds. If human beings were well versed in life in the universe, we would never allow these ETs in our solar system. They are certainly not spiritually advanced, for they would not be here exploiting humanity to acquire resources of this world. Spiritually advanced beings do not act in such unethical manners. So how can THEY uplift anyone spiritually, if they themselves aren’t? Technological societies tend to become very secular in nature in the universe. While these ETs are technologically more advanced, these collectives consisting of several different ET races are strictly controlled and controlling. They are genetically engineered and/or bred to function very efficiently only on tasks that they are assigned to perform, in a strict hierarchical system. Creativity, compassions, and love for one another have been bred out. They cannot deal with complexities or adapt to changes very well. In order to maintain order among these various extraterrestrial races within their collectives, they chose the path of strict control, rather than the path of freedom. So, individual freedom does not exist in their societies and they do not value individual freedom, regarding it as chaotic. So, what they will “teach” human beings in order to live peacefully will be how they learned to live “peacefully” – genetic manipulation and modification of human beings, breeding us like livestock, corralling us to work on whatever functions they would assign us, and maintaining strict control over us, so that we couldn’t even resist them. Those rebels who’d resist them would become alienated or destroyed. It would be utterly harsh and exacting for humanity, were this world to become a subservient client state ruled by extraterrestrial forces. Again, if humanity were educated about these ETs, then it would know better than to seek any help from them, or accept any gift or technology from them, for accepting anything from them would lead to the loss of humanity’s freedom and self-determination. Could humanity resist such temptations? Could humanity cease its conflicts, unite itself, maintain its self-sufficiency within this world, and cooperate with one another in order to resolve its own global issues without seeking extraterrestrial “help,” or putting itself in a vulnerable position for becoming lured for it? In the midst of the ET Intervention’s manipulation of humanity to engender loss of faith in itself and its leadership, could humanity manage to maintain faith in itself and its leaderships, so that it doesn’t give away its freedom and self-determination over to these extraterrestrial forces? There are currently several collectives each consisting of several extraterrestrial races that are present in our world. They are not at war with each other, but they are competing for the control of this world. Any ETs that would “fight for bad ETs” for us, or solve our global issues for us are being deceitful, as the intention of each of these collectives is all the same: to gain control of the world and thus, control of the access to the resources of this world. Obtaining humanity’s “permission” to fight other ETs would just eliminate their own competitions that have the same self-serving goals as themselves. Any global issues they claim to have solutions for are initiated, exacerbated, or used by them, to induce humanity to put itself in vulnerable position and seek assistance from the extraterrestrial forces eventually. In this manner, they could engender human beings’ trust in them and allegiance for them. All of these are merely seductions meant to serve their ends. Could humanity recognize such seduction and resist the Extraterrestrial Intervention? In order to understand why these ETs are carrying out their activities covertly, we must first understand that our solar system is located in a region of the galaxy, consisting of about 5000 solar systems. These are mature societies with long-standing commerce and trade with well-established rules of engagement which keeps trade routes free of problems. Through their own experiences, they realized that conflicts involving advanced technology only destroy precious natural environments, the source of resources. In effect, both the winners and the losers lose in such conflicts. So, they have come to establish strict regulations which prohibit overtaking another world by force. Though internal conflicts within a world do occur, no worlds can conquer another world by force. Technologically advanced societies generally have depleted resources on their planets, so resource acquisition becomes one of their focus of attention, with the others being security of their worlds, and stability within their worlds and within the local universe. Any world or collective hoping to overtake another world for resource acquisition would have to find a different method, a more subtle method, which would not violate – at least on the surface – those rules of engagements established in the local universe. To that end, they have developed very sophisticated skills to manipulate and persuade others in the mental environment. This is the reason that the ETs carry out their activities covertly, rather than overtly. They are not allowed to overtake any world by force. If they did, in order to keep trading routes free of troubles, so many worlds would gather forces to crush that one group of ETs that it wouldn’t stand a chance of accomplishing its goals. Thus, the ET Intervention has been carrying out what is called “the Pacification Program” upon humanity in order to keep us ignorant about their presence, in denial of their presence, welcoming and supporting of their presence, or at least, neutral regarding their presence in our world. Their intention is to present themselves as guests welcomed or unbothered by the native of the world, in the eye of outside observers in the local universe. Can people perceive the ignorance, denial, or neutrality regarding the ET Intervention, or unreasonable support of these ETs among human beings? Can they recognize the effect of the Pacification Program, and resist it? Can people resist the ET Intervention? Quote
blamski Posted April 24, 2013 Report Posted April 24, 2013 if i was a member of the ET intervention, i would most certainly know about your attempts to uncover me and my colleagues. i would know where you live and what you look like. i would kill you, abduct you, or otherwise stop you, immediately. you and anyone else who shared your information and beliefs. the fact that i haven't done this would mean i am not very good at what i am trying to do. therefore, the only thing that will make me start to believe in the ET intervention is your sudden and unexplained disappearance from the forum. Turtle and JMJones0424 2 Quote
sigurdV Posted April 26, 2013 Report Posted April 26, 2013 if i was a member of the ET intervention, i would most certainly know about your attempts to uncover me and my colleagues. i would know where you live and what you look like. i would kill you, abduct you, or otherwise stop you, immediately. you and anyone else who shared your information and beliefs. the fact that i haven't done this would mean i am not very good at what i am trying to do. therefore, the only thing that will make me start to believe in the ET intervention is your sudden and unexplained disappearance from the forum.Just for fun: Suppose the aliens are mental parasites residing in our brain undetectable because they mimic and function like ordinary brain cells and suppose they only have partial control over our minds making us "see aliens" everywhere but where they are... then if I die soon you will believe they exist? Quote
Moontanman Posted April 30, 2013 Report Posted April 30, 2013 What were labeled “inflationary and dishonest” above are precisely the descriptions I gathered from the sightings people including myself had. From what I could tell, they were not trying to exaggerate or be dishonest in their descriptions. So we can assert that yes, these UFOs are capable of aerial maneuvering as described above. They are not aerial vehicles that could have possibly been manufactured through human technology now, let alone 50~60 years ago, as testified by air force officers who would know better than most laymen regarding such technology. Also, they could not possibly have been any natural phenomenon (weather phenomenon, for example, as some of them were observed quite up close). Then it’s only logical that they are aerial vehicles manufactured and navigated by intelligent beings from outer space, extraterrestrials. To be honest you must inspect each case by itself, you cannot simply make unsupported claims and assume they are all connected or the same. If you want to discuss independant sightings i can and will do so but such a broad claim is not supportable or falsifiable... Regarding your episodes of “sleep paralysis,” please note that I’m not trying to build a straw man, or invade your privacy if you don’t feel comfortable talking about them further. You maintain that they were not dreams and the episodes have occurred innumerable times throughout most of your life, with all of them, or at least some of them, accompanied by “alien abduction scenarios.” Since I don’t know much about the incidences, I can’t tell you anything one way or another about those episodes. However, I can tell you that these extraterrestrials have studied human psychology, physiology, culture, religions, etc., for some time now, and have been exploiting human fears, fantasies, desires, weaknesses, and strengths for their benefits. They are capable of projecting images of demons, angels, or whatever. They can project them right before you, or in your dreams. They can speak to people in the mental environment in order to evoke commitment, who cannot discern Divine Voices from the voice of the ET Intervention. So, are people suffering from “sleep paralysis” actually abducted and returned, and/or tormented or lured in the mental environment? Please cite your sources for these things... Some abductees have reported as having “loving” experiences during their episodes of abduction. For example, a man was abducted and met (more precisely, was projected an image of) an alluring “Pledian” alien woman who seemed to want to kiss him, but then turned into a monstrous alien. A woman was abducted and was forced to have a sexual intercourse with some atrocious alien. When she stated that she would not do so with anyone but her late husband, out of an adjacent room appeared her husband who turned into the alien in the middle of their intercourse. A man from a forum such as this stated that god speaks to him and all of his friends, in a voice that they can actually hear. Yet, he did not reveal what exactly that “god” talks to him about. How can people discern these aliens that are capable of deceiving our perceptions, through projecting of images or speaking to people in the mental environment? Again, please show some evidence these things are true other than your word... Some people experience spiritually or mentally “uplifting” experiences during their abduction episodes. They are then returned to welcome and support these very ETs that abducted them. They would regard those ETs as angelic beings, spiritual emissaries, or space friends here to elevate humanity spiritually, advance our intelligence, teach us to live peacefully, or help us fight bad aliens or solve global issues, etc. Yet, if you consider it very objectively, why would they need to abduct people to persuade them that they were benevolent beings? Abduction is an absolute violation of fundamental rights of every individual. It is utterly unethical. Again you are starting out with an assumed premise, you need to show how you know these things to be true... What is ironic here is that the ET Intervention currently present in our world and in our solar system are more likely space-traveling pirates whom no established worlds would allow in their own worlds. If human beings were well versed in life in the universe, we would never allow these ETs in our solar system. They are certainly not spiritually advanced, for they would not be here exploiting humanity to acquire resources of this world. Spiritually advanced beings do not act in such unethical manners. So how can THEY uplift anyone spiritually, if they themselves aren’t? Again you have no evidence for any of this other than your own words... Technological societies tend to become very secular in nature in the universe. While these ETs are technologically more advanced, these collectives consisting of several different ET races are strictly controlled and controlling. They are genetically engineered and/or bred to function very efficiently only on tasks that they are assigned to perform, in a strict hierarchical system. Creativity, compassions, and love for one another have been bred out. They cannot deal with complexities or adapt to changes very well. In order to maintain order among these various extraterrestrial races within their collectives, they chose the path of strict control, rather than the path of freedom. So, individual freedom does not exist in their societies and they do not value individual freedom, regarding it as chaotic. So, what they will “teach” human beings in order to live peacefully will be how they learned to live “peacefully” – genetic manipulation and modification of human beings, breeding us like livestock, corralling us to work on whatever functions they would assign us, and maintaining strict control over us, so that we couldn’t even resist them. Those rebels who’d resist them would become alienated or destroyed. It would be utterly harsh and exacting for humanity, were this world to become a subservient client state ruled by extraterrestrial forces. Again nothing but speculation... Again, if humanity were educated about these ETs, then it would know better than to seek any help from them, or accept any gift or technology from them, for accepting anything from them would lead to the loss of humanity’s freedom and self-determination. Could humanity resist such temptations? Could humanity cease its conflicts, unite itself, maintain its self-sufficiency within this world, and cooperate with one another in order to resolve its own global issues without seeking extraterrestrial “help,” or putting itself in a vulnerable position for becoming lured for it? In the midst of the ET Intervention’s manipulation of humanity to engender loss of faith in itself and its leadership, could humanity manage to maintain faith in itself and its leaderships, so that it doesn’t give away its freedom and self-determination over to these extraterrestrial forces? More speculation based on speculation... There are currently several collectives each consisting of several extraterrestrial races that are present in our world. They are not at war with each other, but they are competing for the control of this world. Any ETs that would “fight for bad ETs” for us, or solve our global issues for us are being deceitful, as the intention of each of these collectives is all the same: to gain control of the world and thus, control of the access to the resources of this world. Obtaining humanity’s “permission” to fight other ETs would just eliminate their own competitions that have the same self-serving goals as themselves. Any global issues they claim to have solutions for are initiated, exacerbated, or used by them, to induce humanity to put itself in vulnerable position and seek assistance from the extraterrestrial forces eventually. In this manner, they could engender human beings’ trust in them and allegiance for them. All of these are merely seductions meant to serve their ends. Could humanity recognize such seduction and resist the Extraterrestrial Intervention? Sources please... In order to understand why these ETs are carrying out their activities covertly, we must first understand that our solar system is located in a region of the galaxy, consisting of about 5000 solar systems. These are mature societies with long-standing commerce and trade with well-established rules of engagement which keeps trade routes free of problems. Through their own experiences, they realized that conflicts involving advanced technology only destroy precious natural environments, the source of resources. In effect, both the winners and the losers lose in such conflicts. So, they have come to establish strict regulations which prohibit overtaking another world by force. Though internal conflicts within a world do occur, no worlds can conquer another world by force. Totally unsupported speculation... Technologically advanced societies generally have depleted resources on their planets, so resource acquisition becomes one of their focus of attention, with the others being security of their worlds, and stability within their worlds and within the local universe. Any world or collective hoping to overtake another world for resource acquisition would have to find a different method, a more subtle method, which would not violate – at least on the surface – those rules of engagements established in the local universe. To that end, they have developed very sophisticated skills to manipulate and persuade others in the mental environment. This is the reason that the ETs carry out their activities covertly, rather than overtly. They are not allowed to overtake any world by force. If they did, in order to keep trading routes free of troubles, so many worlds would gather forces to crush that one group of ETs that it wouldn’t stand a chance of accomplishing its goals. Assuming for the moment the reality of your claims, why not get those resources from uninhabited planets? Thus, the ET Intervention has been carrying out what is called “the Pacification Program” upon humanity in order to keep us ignorant about their presence, in denial of their presence, welcoming and supporting of their presence, or at least, neutral regarding their presence in our world. Their intention is to present themselves as guests welcomed or unbothered by the native of the world, in the eye of outside observers in the local universe. Can people perceive the ignorance, denial, or neutrality regarding the ET Intervention, or unreasonable support of these ETs among human beings? Can they recognize the effect of the Pacification Program, and resist it? Nothing but baseless speculations... Can people resist the ET Intervention? Since everything you claim is nonsensical speculation I see no reason why it cannot be resisted... Quote
Eclogite Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 It would seem Moontanman that resitance is indeed futile: Resist ET Intervention has been absorbed by the Borg collective - no posts since 24th April. Quote
blamski Posted May 8, 2013 Report Posted May 8, 2013 that scares me. a sudden and complete disappearance from the forum. that means the ETs are on to him. which means they exist. i'm a believer. Quote
Moontanman Posted May 10, 2013 Report Posted May 10, 2013 He pm'd me and claimed his posting privileges had been taken from him... Quote
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