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But I mean, is it really still a surprise at this point that aliens exist or have tried making first contact with us?


If there are organizations on this planet like the Scientologists (which I highly doubt btw) or more likely, the governments, that know about stuff like this, I think the most important question to be asked would be, "How did you achieve Faster-than-Light travel?" And after the answer was given, why would it be kept secret?


Also, all of Hitler's and Russia's (when they were still the Soviet Union) anti-graviton based aircraft are saucer shaped, so I don't see why people jump to the conclusion that because it's shaped the way it should be for super-therma-fluid tubing that all of a sudden it must be from aliens.


Not a surprise at all, in fact, I am probably one of the most educated you will find on the subject. I know data on the subject spanning a hundred years. What I find amazing about the article, is that it is the first, since the O'Hare incident and a while before that, involving superior eye-witnesses and even physical evidence involving radar.


As I have said before, the real question is their origin. It is easy as I have found the last few days, for people to say it is the work of the government, but I am equally quick to tell them, that flying saucers had been observed long before any advanced aviation abilities across the world. Time to wake up! The objects are real... not only real, but display technological feats we have not yet been able to reconcile fully. No doubt these objects have been investigated for many years and perhaps even back-engineering have been performed on them. It is like handing a stop watch to an ancient egyptian and wondering how it works... only piece by piece.


Let me give you a very brief example, in 1958 the avrocar, a saucer shaped vehicle was explored by the american government payed through Canadian taxes. In 1952 several UFO's where seen above my home town in Dunoon, witnessed by school children and a teacher. You start to question, how was something like this appearing in our airspace when no one was more advanced technologically-wise than the american government itself?


Even our British one? Likely a saucer has crashed at one time and the real ''space race'' or as I like to call it, ''the cosmological race'' had transpired right under our noses! For who would be as strong as any other country than to have such technology? This is why Wilbert Smith of the Canadian Gov. said in a secret memo ''the UFO subject is a secret classed higher than the H-bomb.''


Let us think about probabilities:


1. What the UK pilots saw were six real UFO with living entities from another planet that disappeared suddenly or


2. Scientologist students testing six kites made for a physics class that they suddenly allowed to fall, such as this:



I don't want to get into a fight

But your comments mean that I might.

The problem, here on the site,

Is your dismissal of the height

At which we could find a kite.


Now as long as the line is kept tight,

And the design of the thing is just right,

(the weight would have to be light)

Then it's not a question of 'might'

It will soar and with ease will take flight.


And to our surprise and delight

Whether morning or into the night

This beautiful craft called a kite

Will certainly reach to the height

That leaves you in much of a plight.


Now I hope you don't think that's all trite

And then turn to the forum to bite

For the truth is the UFO sight

Was likely no more than kite

For they really can attain height.




From wikipedia article Kite Lines: The highest recorded flight was made by a German meteorological station at Lindenberg in 1919. It is reported that the top kite reached 31,955 ft above the launch point. The line was over 20 km of high tensile steel piano wire with a breaking strength varying between 134 and 225 kg


he did say conventional kite, to be fair. but then why would the scientologists be interested in flying conventional kites?


i saw some really cool vaguely UFO shaped with LEDs for night flying. i'm to get one and generate a months worth of flying saucers with improbable movement stories.


he did say conventional kite, to be fair. but then why would the scientologists be interested in flying conventional kites?.

Exactly. That was my implicit point. It is cherry picking to rule out unconventional kites in favour of an alien explanation. Unscientific, highly biased and ultimately dishonest.

Posted (edited)

here's the summary of the Airprox report for those interested. there is mention of toys in there:







THE B777 PILOT reports inbound to Gatwick, IFR and in communication with Gatwick Tower, squawking an assigned code with Modes S and C. About 4-5nm from touchdown RW26L heading 260° at 140kt and descending through 1500ft QNH, P2 spotted, and then drew his attention to, 2 flat silver discs ahead, 1 either side of the C/L and below their flightpath; these objects appeared to be very slow moving or stationary. All 3 pilots on the flightdeck saw the objects, which passed 100-200ft below; the crews in 2 subsequent ac also saw the objects. They informed ATC of incident and he assessed the risk as low.


RAC MIL reports tracing action did not reveal the identity of the reported objects. Looking at possible sources, there are no registered radio-controlled model flying clubs listed in the area. Maps show many open fields under the RW26 approach where persons could operate remote control ac. There are saucer-shaped or blimp-shaped model ac, up to 4ft in diameter, on sale to the public.


THE GATWICK WATCH MANAGER reports the B777 crew reported seeing 2 man-made objects, possibly toys, passing under their ac approximately 5-6nm on final. Further details from the crew, and from the crew of a following B767, added the objects were 2 white or silver discs at approximately 1000-1500ft. Details of the incident were passed to the local Police Authority and to LTCC Group Supervisor.


ATSI reports that the Airprox was reported by the pilot of a B777 inbound to Gatwick when 2 objects were observed to pass beneath the ac. The report below contains only a factual history of all available information as the identity and origin of the observed objects could not be determined.


The B777 was an IFR flight squawking Mode A 4456 and in receipt of an ACS from Gatwick Tower on 124•255MHz . The Gatwick Tower frequency was reviewed between 0850 and 0904 UTC. RT loading was reasonably constant during this period.


The B777 flight called Tower at 0850:35 passing 3200ft at 11•5nm from touchdown and was instructed to continue approach.



Figure 1 is taken from the Gatwick 10cm radar replay at 0852:16 when a primary position indication symbol appeared on the outskirts of East Grinstead in the B777’s 11 o’clock range 3·4nm. The return disappeared on the next update of the replay.






Figure 1: Gatwick 10cm: 0852:16 UTC


At 0853:02 the Gatwick 10cm replay showed the B777 at 6·4nm from touchdown, passing 2200ft and at this time another primary position indication symbol appears 0·1nm behind the B772 (Figure 2). The unknown target disappeared on the next update of the replay.




Figure 2: Gatwick 10cm: 0853:03 UTC




The B777 passed 6nm from touchdown at 0853:12 as it descended through 2100ft. The B777 passed 5nm from touchdown at 0853:43 as it descended through 1800ft.


The next ac inbound to RW26L, a B767 flight (Mode A 3243) called Tower at 0854:32 passing 2900ft at 10·5nm from touchdown and was instructed to continue approach.


At 0855:11 a primary position indication symbol appeared at 5·3nm on the approach and offset to the north by 0·1nm. The B767 was at 9·1nm passing 2900ft. The target disappeared on the next update of the replay.


The surface wind (230/08KT) was passed to the B777 flight and it was cleared to land at 0856:16. After the read back the pilot stated that, at between 5–6nm from touchdown, a couple of man-made objects had passed underneath the ac. These were described as ‘some sort of toy’. The report was acknowledged by the controller. At this time the B767 was at 6·3nm from touchdown passing through 2300ft.


As the B767 approached 6nm from touchdown (passing 2200ft) the Gatwick 10cm replay showed a sequence of 6 primary position indication symbols moving E’bound approximately 1nm N of the FAT (Figure 3)






Figure 3: Gatwick 10cm: 0856:37 UTC


At 0857:17 the next inbound ac, an A319 called Tower, with 11nm to run and passing through 3000ft.


The B767 and A319 landed. There was no further mention, by pilots or controller, on the Tower frequency of the previously reported objects.


The controller and pilot reports subsequently indicated that the unknown objects were ‘2 white or silver discs at 1000–1500ft, which appeared to be very slow moving or stationary’. ATSI did not record the ground frequencies in use, where any further discussion of the objects may have taken place between ATC and the pilots of the 3 landing ac.


The incident was reported to the Police and London Terminal Control; however the nature of the objects has not been resolved.





Information available included reports from the B777 crew, transcripts of the relevant RT frequencies, radar video recordings, reports from the air traffic Supervisor and reports from the appropriate ATC authorities.


The CAA FOI Advisor informed Members that the CAA is regularly approached with enquiries regarding various devices, including balloons/kites, to be used as camera platforms. Regulations require operators of model ac/UAVs with a mass greater than 7kg to seek approval for flight in an ATZ or CAS or above 400ft (ANO Article 166) and other limitations apply to surveillance ac (ANO Article167). For platforms less than 7kg, the operator has to be satisfied that the flight is safe without endangering an ac, person or property (ANO Articles 137 and 138). Model flying clubs are well regulated but other flying can take place anywhere else.


There was no doubt that the B777 crew, and 2 subsequent flights, had seen a couple of objects, reported by the B777 crew as man-made and toy-like. However, with the dearth of other information available to the Board and with the objects sighted remaining untraced, the Board elected to classify this incident as a sighting report on final approach; the risk was deemed unassailable.



AIRPROX; http://www.airproxboard.org.uk/docs/423/20130424-2013.04Reports=Version%202%20Website.pdf

Edited by CraigD
Fixed broken link

These objects where hundreds of feet into the air. Your conventional kite doesn't even come close to that.

I can't match Eclogite's poetic rebuttal, but as an kite enthusiast, I've hand flown "conventional" (made of everyday stuff) kites hundreds of feet in the air many times.


The sort of kite you can handle by hand isn't is large enough to attract the puzzled attention of people in an airplane. For that, a kite would have to be at least several meters wide, and need a anchored winch to handle. Big kites like this aren't rare, but they're more work than most folk who just want to lay back and enjoy flying them want.


Courtesy of Guinness World Record, the height record for a single kite ("multistage" ones, I guess, can do better) is 4,422 m (14,509 ft). That kite was pretty big - 25 m2, but dwarfed by the largest kite, which was 1019 m2 (25.475 m x 40 m)


According to the Sun article from post#1, one of the plane crews that reported these UFOs said they looked “man-made” and “toy-like”. I'm inclined to accept their impression.


I suppose the obvious question is, was there a convention which led the Scientology HQ to fly kites (six of them) many many feet into the air and what purpose? Why isn't anyone aware of this? Usually events held by the Scientology dep. are not really low key and are usually held in the public view. Next question would be, is why these kite are so close to the activity of airplanes and also why haven't these kites ever been on the radar before, assuming they are kites? And even if it was a one-off event, how did the kites suddenly disappear? Surely reeling these things back in, people would have saw something? Also, kites are rather erratic in the air... they very seldom remain stationary for any long arduous amounts of time.


Another question, how many revolutions of rotations would it take to bring in a kite from hundreds of feet into the air, what is the usual time-span and how might we compare this with the objects suddenly vanishing off radar?


Exactly. That was my implicit point. It is cherry picking to rule out unconventional kites in favour of an alien explanation. Unscientific, highly biased and ultimately dishonest.



Well, if we were talking about a standard event by the Scientology HQ I would like to know why no one is aware of it, why the objects seen appeared stationary when kites behave quite erratically in the air (especially at higher altitudes) and how the objects suddenly disappeared off radar?


You know another thing which doesn't make the kite explanation seem valid, among the many wonderful things radar can do, it can tell you how high an object was. Now, if these objects, all six of them really where kites from the Scientology HQ, before their sudden disappearance from radar you would be able to provide evidence of the objects descending in height. But no one has even provided any evidence of this. So if it was kites I would have expected someone by now to have provided evidence that they had detected the objects altitude decreasing (like all kites, they have to be reeled back or they fly off casually).

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