Aethelwulf Posted June 30, 2013 Report Posted June 30, 2013 In the same tune of moontanman, I'd like to provide some sources to some of the best UFO sightings I am aware of. The 1952 Washington Case. One of the most strongest cases supporting ET visitation, several unidentified objects penetrated forbidden airspace and flew over the white house. Fighter pilots where dispatched and each time they attempted to intercept the objects, the objects flew away at remarkable speeds unmatched by the best technology of the day.,_D.C._UFO_incident The Westall UFO incident Hailed as Australia's best UFO case, it involved dozens of witnesses - a mixture of children and teachers in a school, saw what appeared to be a saucer shaped craft casually flying over their school. Only moments later, military appeared on the scene, then men in black arrived confiscating a camera which had taken pictures of the object and warned people at the school that if they admitted seeing the object, they would made to look like fools. It seems the Military had been chasing the object for some time since, there was no Military bases in the area. Today, the witnesses are grown up and demand answers. There was a clear cover-up in the case, missing evidence and coverage of the event had been dampened. This is personally my favorite case, I believe it provides evidence these objects are not of our own technology. It wouldn't make sense to fly these things in crowded area's then make such a fuss as to hide the evidence. Shag Harbor Incident Often hailed as Canada's best UFO encounter, locals reported that an object crashed in the Shag Harbor area, little did anyone originally know, but the Canadian Military had been tracking the object on radar - a UFO which became a USO (an unidentified submerged object).They tracked the object for some time, came near the base at one point. Came close enough that ships had been dispatched in the area to track it, but the object flew away. Moontanman and cal 2 Quote
Moontanman Posted June 30, 2013 Report Posted June 30, 2013 (edited) I'll see yours and raise you three more.. Japan Air Lines flight 1628 was a UFO incident that occurred on November 17, 1986 involving a Japanese Boeing 747 cargo aircraft. The aircraft was en route from Paris to Narita, Tokyo[1] with a cargo of Beaujolais wine.[2] On the Reykjavík to Anchorage section of the flight, at 5:11 PM over eastern Alaska, the crew first witnessed two unidentified objects to their left. These abruptly rose from below and closed in to escort their aircraft. Each had two rectangular arrays of what appeared to be glowing nozzles or thrusters, though their bodies remained obscured by darkness. When closest, the aircraft's cabin was lit up and the captain could feel their heat in his face. These two craft departed before a third, much larger disk-shaped object started trailing them, causing the pilots to request a change of course.[3] Anchorage Air Traffic Control obliged and requested an oncoming United Airlines flight to confirm the unidentified traffic, but when it and a military craft sighted JAL 1628 at about 5:51 PM, no other craft could be distinguished.[3] The sighting of 50 minutes[4] ended in the vicinity of Mt. McKinley.[5][6] The 1976 Tehran UFO Incident was a radar and visual sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) over Tehran, the capital of Iran, during the early morning hours of 19 September 1976. During the incident, two F-4 Phantom II jet interceptors supposedly lost instrumentation and communications as they approached, only to have them restored upon withdrawal; one of the aircraft also supposedly suffered temporary weapons systems failure, while preparing to open fire.The incident, recorded in a four-page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report distributed to at least the White House, Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), remains one of the most well-documented military encounters with anomalous phenomena in history, and various senior Iranian military officers directly involved with the events have gone on public record stating their belief that the object was not of terrestrial origin. CLEVELAND -- Army Reserve helicopter pilot Capt. Lawrence Coyne is a military commander who doesn't believe in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or little green spacemen. But after a near miss two weeks ago between his helicopter and a "big, gray, metallic-looking" object in the sky over Mansfield, he doesn't know what to think. "I had to file an official report in detail to the Army on this thing," he said. "Coyne is a member of the 316th Medical Detachment stationed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. He was returning from Columbus at 11:10 p.m., Oct. 18, when the UFO showed up near where the Air National Guard has a squadron of jet fighters based. He said a check turned up that none of the unit's F-100 Super Saber Jets were in the air when the UFO appeared. Coyne said when he first encountered the UFO, his helicopter was cruising at 2,500 feet. He had the controls set for a 20-degree dive, but the craft climbed to 3,500 feet with no power. "I had made no attempt to pull up," he said. "There was no noise or turbulence, either." Coyne said a red light appeared on the eastern horizon, and was first spotted by his crew chief, Sgt. Robert Yanacsek. "The light was traveling in excess of 600 knots," Coyne said. "It came from the horizon to our aircraft in about 10 seconds. We were on a collision course." The pilot said he put his helicopter into a dive. "At 1,700 feet I braced myself for the impact with the other craft," he said. "It was coming from our right side. I was scared. There had been so little time to respond. The thing was terrifically fast." Edited June 30, 2013 by Moontanman cal 1 Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 1, 2013 Author Report Posted July 1, 2013 Nicely picked. I'll see your three and raise you two. Colares Flap Incident An incident which is often underrated, but the implications of the claims are huge. On the small island of Colares, locals reported seeing strange lights in the sky. Suddenly, the island fell into a state of alarm as people rushed to the only doctor on the island (who also witnessed the beams of lights and was even caught up in them at one point) with severe radiation burns including permanent hair loss occurred in the affected zone, claiming they had been attacked by UFO's. These sightings led to the Brazilian government dispatching a team to investigate under the code name Operation Saucer - the files where classified until 1990. Phoenix Lights Hailed as one of the best sightings ever, an entire town of Phoenix was subjected to strange lights for a number of days. What made these lights stranger than usual, was that witnesses claimed the [[object]] flew over head of their homes and they knew it had a solid structure because it blocked out the stars as it flew by. The Military claimed it was flare activity but a more recent discovery showed the dispatch of flares where out of about 15 minutes. There is some belief that the Military used this as a cover story. Other scientists have investigated video footage and said that the lights where not flares. They never descended on the horizon, nor did they leave behind a smoke trail. The Governor of that year was told that he needed to state in a conference that there was nothing behind it and that he was to make a joke out of the situation. Later, he came forward and said he wished he hadn't because he observed the lights for himself and claims that there was something odd... even ''other-worldly'' about them. Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 6, 2013 Author Report Posted July 6, 2013 Here is another case, I have only just been made of aware of ''The Milton Torres 1957 UFO Encounter is a case reported by a former jet pilot in the United States Air Force, Milton John Torres, of Miami, Florida. On May 20, 1957, the 25-year-old Torres was ordered on a mission to intercept and shoot down a large UFO that had been picked up by radar in the skies over East Anglia, United Kingdom. '' Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 6, 2013 Author Report Posted July 6, 2013 Now, concerning the last case, the blip suddenly disappeared off radar, after considerable amounts of time being on it. It was evaluated by the Pilot that for it to do this, it needed to travel at about Mach 10. In similar tune, 6 objects where blipping in the airport/scientology sighting, and then they suddenly disappeared, with no evidence they descended out of radar view. But hey, the case must be a kite ;) cal 1 Quote
Moontanman Posted July 6, 2013 Report Posted July 6, 2013 Let's concentrate on one sighting at a time, the first one you list is a long favorite of mine.,_D.C._UFO_incident This video which is also available on net flicks is probably the best docudrama about ufos I know of. It examines the most thought provoking sightings as well as the most ludicrous, it concentrates on the early history of ufos before they were assumed to be anything but possible soviet technology to the paradigm shift of extraterrestrial to the debunking at all costs era, it is very well done and presents a reasonably balanced view... it does go into some detail about the Washington Merry go round sightings of 1952... cal 1 Quote
Moontanman Posted July 13, 2013 Report Posted July 13, 2013 Local UFO sighting... Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 13, 2013 Author Report Posted July 13, 2013 (edited) Not so much the universe expanding (in regards to the article) because matter has always been there in some form. Rather [when] galaxies started to form. The oldest galaxies which started to form was around 400 million years after the big bang. Since then, many stable star systems will have existed, giving plenty room for some alien race to evolve into complex thinkers able to manipulate science. Just recently, I heard Dr. Kaku say something along the lines of, ''and many naysayers will often say that we cannot be visited because of the amount of time it would take. There are no doubt civilizations in space which have had hundreds of years evolution ahead of us. These civilizations still can't reach us, but what about the civilizations which are thousands, maybe even millions of years ahead of us? It is these civilizations which would have a knowledge of physics which makes us feel and look primitive.'' Of course, there are in fact three kinds of civilizations, a type 1, 2 and 3. According to Kaku, we are barely reaching a type 1 civilization. Type 3 and maybe certain classes of type 2 civilizations would be the kind of civilization expected to visit us. Edited July 13, 2013 by Aethelwulf Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 13, 2013 Author Report Posted July 13, 2013 And a little inside knowledge, Kaku has never publically admitted believing in UFO's (or saucers) but I can tell you he actually does believe saucers exist and is completely open to the idea they are from another planet. Quote
Moontanman Posted July 13, 2013 Report Posted July 13, 2013 And a little inside knowledge, Kaku has never publically admitted believing in UFO's (or saucers) but I can tell you he actually does believe saucers exist and is completely open to the idea they are from another planet. Have you actually talked to Kaku in person? Or is this second hand info? Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 13, 2013 Author Report Posted July 13, 2013 Second hand. I speak to Doctor Sarfatti from time-to-time, he was telling me he was having coffee with Kaku and he brought up the question concerning flying saucers, to which he replied the above. Quote
Moontanman Posted July 15, 2013 Report Posted July 15, 2013 I am sorely disappointed in turtle, I was certain he would point out the local sightings I linked to as kites Turtle 1 Quote
Turtle Posted July 15, 2013 Report Posted July 15, 2013 I am sorely disappointed in turtle, I was certain he would point out the local sightings I linked to as kites But I...then he...and the... It's kites all the way down. They are all kites. If you think the aliens don't know how to build and fly kites or that they do not have a sense of humor, then you don't know aliens. :D Speaking of kites & sore disppointments, I've been waiting for you over at the flying field. Just now uploading new video of a 500 foot flight. Never know when I might want to hoax another oofoe. :lol: Moontanman and cal 2 Quote
CraigD Posted July 16, 2013 Report Posted July 16, 2013 And a little inside knowledge, Kaku has never publically admitted believing in UFO's (or saucers) but I can tell you he actually does believe saucers exist and is completely open to the idea they are from another planet.Michio Kaku's willingness to consider the possibility that some unexplained UFO sightings are of extraterrestrial spacecraft isn't inside knowledge. He states this, for example, in the 2005 ABC documentary UFOs: Seeing Is Believing, this 2007 Coast to Coast AM interview, and this 2010 interview. I’ve never spoken to Dr Kaku and put the question directly to him, but from what I’ve heard and read from him, would say he believes that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe other than on Earth, a belief I think most people share. In the CtCAM interview, Kaku says he’s “100%” sure in his belief. In my experience, this is unusual among scientists, philosophers, and thoughtful people in general, who tend to retain some uncertainty about claims for which they have no formal proof (eg: the Pythagorean theorem) or direct evidence (eg: a recovered meteorite). Kaku doesn’t claim to have every actually seen intelligent ET life, or have other than the usual logical arguments for it (eg: the Drake equation), so were I he, I would have describe my certainty of the existence of intelligent ET life as something like “99.99%”. As a counterpoint to Kaku’s and other’s optimism, I think we all need to be mindful of “Fermi's paradox”, which calls attention to the disagreement between reasonable evaluation of the Drake equation indicating ET intelligence and obvious contact with it should be commonplace, and the lack of such obvious contact or other evidence of the existence of ET intelligence – especially the “it’s the nature of intelligence to destroy itself” family of resolution of the paradox, direly worrisome that it is. Just recently, I heard Dr. Kaku say something along the lines of, ''and many naysayers will often say that we cannot be visited because of the amount of time it would take. There are no doubt civilizations in space which have had hundreds of years evolution ahead of us. These civilizations still can't reach us, but what about the civilizations which are thousands, maybe even millions of years ahead of us? It is these civilizations which would have a knowledge of physics which makes us feel and look primitive.''Given Kaku’s well-known interest in future spaceflight technology, especially “exotic” possibilities like Alcubere “warp” drive, statements like these are expected and understandable. I think, however, that they show a lack of imagination by assuming that interstellar travel is impossible unless trip duration doesn’t exceed what humans can endure. It’s not especially difficult for well versed SF readers and the like to imagine beings with human-like intelligence that can endure much longer periods of confined travel than humans. Beings able to endure trips lasting thousands of years might find crewed or robotic interstellar spaceflight using “primitive” technology like our present day state of the art feasible. So it doesn’t logically follow that interstellar traveling civilizations necessarily “would have a knowledge or physics that makes us feel and look primitive”. A flipside of this is that interstellar spaceflight using the “primitive” technology like our present day kind isn’t impossible, and that “primitive” explorers might discover civilizations with greater knowledge of physics and math than their own (eg: the fictional Flowen) Of course, there are in fact three kinds of civilizations, a type 1, 2 and 3. According to Kaku, we are barely reaching a type 1 civilization. Type 3 and maybe certain classes of type 2 civilizations would be the kind of civilization expected to visit us.The Kardeshev scale is a method of classifying a civilization by measuring the amount of energy it uses. According to an extension of it by Carl Sagan, we’re currently a 0.72 on it. Kaku has speculated that we’ll reach 1 on the Kardeshev scale in 100 to 200 years. That Kardeshev proposed, and people have used, this scale doesn’t prove the existence of ET civilizations, or that a particular scale value higher than ours has yet been achieved. Personally, I think Kaku’s speculation is conservative, and we may surge above 1 and begin approaching 2 much sooner than by 2100 AD. I’m also excited by the likelihood that civilizations approaching type 2 may be fairly easy to detect using present day instruments such as the IRAS, and that serious, though low-funded, work of this kind is being done now - see this Fermilab webpage for summaries and links. Programs like these remind me of one of my main misgivings about UFOology enthusiast and professional culture. My experience with people in this community is that many, perhaps most, of them have substandard science educations, and strong anti-science sentiments, leading them to wish, often to the point of obvious delusion, for humankind’s salvation/rescue by alien visitors. Rather than having enthusiasm for science education and careers, they are often, or even consistently, suspicious of and opposed to it, seeing “mainstream” science as part of a secret conspiracy to hide “the truth”. In UFOs: The Secret History (which I watched Apr 2012, I believe from a recommendation by Moontanman or some other hypographer), director David Cherniack comments that, concerning claimed evidence of visits by ETs, "the gold is almost impossible to separate from the dross", and "we have mythologized it, and in the process we've made it difficult if not impossible to address the question of its reality." I agree, but think that Cherniack, while far from the least scientific UFOologist, is an epitome of the wrong way to approach the search for ET intelligence, having early in his life abandoned a “hard” scientific approach in favor of a “spiritual” one. Science can be difficult, frustrating, and daunting, but I don’t think these are good reasons to seek other approaches to the search for ET intelligence. Turtle 1 Quote
Moontanman Posted July 17, 2013 Report Posted July 17, 2013 The Fermi paradox isn't quite as telling as some believe, in fact detecting "leaking" radio signals from planets around even the nearest star is problematic. The Earth, due to the interference of the interstellar medium, would not be detectable by "us" further than about .5 light years. BTW I thought the documentary was the best one I had seen, I must have missed the "spiritual" claim.... Quote
DFINITLYDISTRUBD Posted July 17, 2013 Report Posted July 17, 2013 I've seen all sorts of strange things in the sky....granted that was back when I was dropping acid, smoking and drinking heavily...... I find it odd that extraterrestrials have nothing better to do than travel light years from home to freak out (and occasionally probe) a primitive, mentally inferior race of beings. Quote
Aethelwulf Posted July 18, 2013 Author Report Posted July 18, 2013 The Fermi paradox isn't quite as telling as some believe, in fact detecting "leaking" radio signals from planets around even the nearest star is problematic. The Earth, due to the interference of the interstellar medium, would not be detectable by "us" further than about .5 light years. BTW I thought the documentary was the best one I had seen, I must have missed the "spiritual" claim.... Not only this, but Kaku has mentioned in the past, that a very advanced race probably doesn't communicate using radio signals. We are attempting to ''hear'' signals in space using radio technology, but Kaku has mentioned a number of alternatives which would mean all this time we have been listening for signals using the wrong method. Quote
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