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Mmmmmm.... Try attaching the .txt version you mentioned? Perhaps .html is not an allowed extension type or if it is there is some glitch in the Ipboard software. It wouldn't be the first thing here that has gone kaplooie. :ebomb: Also, since Phillip gave you his e-mail you might try getting it to him there. :idea: :email:

Still won't work lol so here-


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<title>Lemme Break It Down</title>
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<pre style="font-family:lucida console;font-size:100%;color:white">
<body><iframe src="https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/?nick=Snaxbot|?&theme=cli#MintCoin00,#dogecoin,#do/g/ecoin" style="border:0; width:50%; height:40%;"></iframe><iframe src="http://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/coinbase/btcusd"; style="border:0; width:50%; height:40%;"></iframe>
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<embed width=75% height=10% src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OZptOs8Gu9k&list=PLXjy_EQDqCscjokwnGQvfZMSSV2RHI2qR&autoplay=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><iframe src="https://api.bitcoinaverage.com/ticker/global/USD/"; style="border:0; width:25%; height:10%; background-color: #A7A7A7;"></iframe>
                     ____ ______    __   ___  __  ____ ____ __                       
                    /--- /''''''\--/''|-/''/-/''\-\''|-|''/---\                      
                    |\   \  \___/ /  /|/  / / /\ \ \ | | /   /|                      
Bitcoin & Altcoin   | >-__\  \ - /  /|/  /-/  __  \-\\ // --< |      Version - 1.9.5 
Miner&Trade Guide   |/ /   \  \ /  / |  / /  /  | / / ^ \    \|                      
                     \===-----  Created && Uploaded  -----===/                       
                       \==--- by Snax a.k.a. Caligula ---==/                         
                         \=---  irc.Rizon.net  #RNS  ---=/                           
		  <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51DjxGrnZzE" target="_blank">HEY KIDS, WANNA SEE A DEAD BODY?</a>                            
       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4HGVJjqDVk" target="_blank">All Basic Bitcoin Information</a> (what is it, what does it do, etc).             
       -> WATCH THIS WHOLE THING FFS. IT IS ALL IMPORTANT.                           
       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs6F91dFYCs" target="_blank">Why Bitcoin is the Greatest Advancment in Currency Ever</a>, no joke trick.       
       -> This is more detailed bitcoin information, and it is mind blowing.         
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cexawnOlR8" target="_blank">Andreas Antonopoulos on The Joe Rogan Experience</a> podcast. This is a layman's  
explanation of all the workings of the invention of bitcoin.                  
       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfeA94BedQI" target="_blank">An alternative point of view</a> showcasing a major flaw with bitcoin.            
       The <a href="https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf" target="_blank">Original White Paper</a> written by "Satoshi Nakamoto".                       
       -> This is not their real name, no one knows who it actually is.              
       The total number of Bitcoins that will ever exist is hard-coded into the      
       software, at around 21 million BTC. These 21 million BTC are divisible down   
       to 8 decimal places, providing for about 2.1 quadrillion transactable units   
       of the currency. <a href="http://www.coinpursuit.com/definitions/" target="_blank">Financial Terms and Bitcoin Lingo</a>.                           
       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx9zgZCMqXE" target="_blank">Technical Details</a> on the inner-workings of the p2p coin system.               
       Keep in mind that YES this is indeed a bubble, the True Value of a bitcoin    
       has been greatly artificially inflated (but not as much as the US dollar)     
       and so at some point, the bubble will burst. Be prepared to lose any and      
       all money invested into hardware and electricity for this.                    
       <a href="https://litecoin.info/Mining_hardware_comparison" target="_blank">Hardware comparison chart</a> for what GPU to buy.                                
       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj6-DUtHU2c" target="_blank">General Mining Tutorial</a> geared for Litecoin, but watch it anyways.            
       <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB8RoBSTnxU" target="_blank">Mining tutorial and explanations</a> geared for Dogecoin.                         
       Download a <a href="https://bitcoin.org/en/download" target="_blank">Bitcoin</a> wallet. Their <a href="http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin&uio=d4" target="_blank">Official IRC</a> and <a href="https://bitcointalk.org/">Forums</a>.                     
       Download a <a href="https://litecoin.org/" target="_blank">Litecoin</a> wallet. Their <a href="http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=litecoin" target="_blank">Official IRC</a> and <a href="https://litecointalk.org/" target="_blank">Forums</a>.                    
       Download a <a href="http://dogecoin.com/" target="_blank">Dogecoin</a> wallet. Their <a href="http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=Shibe..&channels=%23dogecoin&prompt=1" target="_blank">Official IRC</a> and <a href="http://doges.org/">Forums</a>.                    
Download a <a href="http://signup.maxcoin.co.uk/" target="_blank">Maxcoin</a> wallet.                                                    
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9TitxtxNZ4" target="_blank">Setting up your bitcoin wallet</a> (tutorial).                                    
       After your wallet finishes syncronizing, make sure you encrypt it. Then make  
sure you've written down your encryption passphrase somewhere in case your    
harddrive fries or you just plain forget. Also make sure you backup your      
wallet and save a copy of it on a flash or external drive. Do this often.     
       :: Miners - WE'RE GOING STRAIGHT TO THE MOON! ::                              
<a href="http://ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/" target="_blank">cgminer</a> - check hardware comparison chart to see which version to use.        
-> cgminer's <a href="http://ck.kolivas.org/apps/cgminer/README" target="_blank">README</a>, it is incredibly important that you read this.           
<a href="https://mega.co.nz/#!oQZC0DCA!1o0ipoK32-s5SWLgpvBB8KPXdM___QyLPUgNEys7WW8" target="_blank">Cudaminer</a> for nvidia (still **** though, AMD is much prefered).               
       :: Pools ::                                                                   
       <a href="https://doge.nut2pools.com/" target="_blank">Doge on Nut2Pools</a>.                                                            
<a href="http://max.rocketpool.co.uk/" target="_blank">Maxcoin on RocketPool</a>.                                                        
<a href="http://maxcoinpool.com/" target="_blank">Maxcoin on Maxcoin Pool</a>.                                                      
       <a href="https://www.wemineltc.com/" target="_blank">Litecoin pool</a> for expirementing.                                              
       :: Non-Sketch Exchange Markets ::                                             
<a href="https://www.bitstamp.net/account/login/?next=/market/order/instant/" target="_blank">Bitstamp</a> - largest exchange market right now.                                 
       <a href="https://btc-e.com/" target="_blank">BTC-e</a> - lets you pull USD straight into paypal.                               
<a href="https://mtgox.com" target="_blank">Mt.GOX</a> - failing Japanese exchange market (great for trading though lol).     
       <a href="http://www.cryptsy.com/" target="_blank">Cryptsy</a> - all active cryptocurrency availible for exchange.                   
<a href="https://mcxnow.com/exchange/MAX" target="_blank">mcxNOW</a> - for MaxCoin trades.                                                  
  Thank you for flying Air-Snax.                                                     

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