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Hello all.


I've come to this forum because I have a couple of important questions I need answering! :)


Also, I'm schizophrenic but hope there's reality in the questions I'm going to ask!




By the way I want to use an Avatar but don't know how to browse for it & download it. Can anyone help?





Hello all.


I've come to this forum because I have a couple of important questions I need answering! :)


Also, I'm schizophrenic but hope there's reality in the questions I'm going to ask!




By the way I want to use an Avatar but don't know how to browse for it & download it. Can anyone help?






Welcome to Hypography Kizzi;


To edit your avatar, click on userCP, upper left hand corner of page, and click on edit avatar. Enjoy your time here at hypography kizzi.


___Welcome Kizzi. I think you will find here as I have, that your ideas receive on the whole fair :hyper: reflection. As with most bells when rung, different parts emenate different vibrations, so clap away.

___When making a custom avatar, save your original under another file name & then shrink the image size to 80x80 pixels.


Hope you like my avatar as much as me.


Lets say I find myself an avatar of 2000 x 2000 pixels.


What software will reduce it to 80 x 80 pixels? Will microsoft Paint do it? :rant:




___Sorry Kizzi; however, I see no discourageing word. :rant: Al simply asked what you THINK it will look like & I simply say do it & SEE what it looks like. If you like it use it, if not discard it. Your current avatar is verry mysterious.

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