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I used to get my general news from CNN, but now I use Google News because it's more diverse and can easily switch subjects. For hardcore news and analysis I go for Stratfor.com


Slave to tradition, I still have CNN as my home page, but it's become a parody of itself ("All Flight 370, all the time!"). For straight news I stick to BBC (which amazingly does a better job of covering US news than anything in the US!) and The Economist (although you need to subscribe to get the real benefits of the site, it's worth every penny). HuffPo proves to be a pretty good aggregator because it's curated as opposed to Google's purely automated News. And MSNBC is what's on the teevee most of the day (although being on the left coast I do not have to suffer through "Morning Joe"). Yes, I do watch Fox occasionally (mostly O'Reilly and Megyn): hard to take for very long, but sometimes so close to the Saturday Night Live parodies that it really is funny (you can't make this stuff up):





Digby's Hullabaloo: http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/

Talking Points Memo: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/

Think Progress: http://thinkprogress.org/

Daily Kos: http://www.dailykos.com/ 

Salon: http://www.salon.com/

Crooks And Liars: http://crooksandliars.com/

Wonkette: http://wonkette.com/ (although founder Ana Marie Cox can now be found at The Guardian)


If you don't like the leanings, remember as Stephen Colbert said, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias." And read the disclaimer in my signature below....



It’s like a derivative of actual pepper. It’s a food product, essentially, :phones:



On TV, I usually hit up CNN or online I check out CNN Espanol or Al Jazeera. I like to get news from other countries, the bias or slant can be quite interesting to see and is often so very different from news in the U.S. Or I just read Facebook; my friends post anything I will be interested in anyway.

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