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New Feedstock For Aquaculture Could Take Pressure Off Oceans

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Fantastic new source of food:
* traditional aquaculture trawls the oceans for by-catch to munch up and feed to captive fish
* this system replaces ocean feedstock with microorganisms grown in nearby tanks
* Or it can be grown in the prawn farm's own prawn ponds in the 6 month off season
* half the world's seafood is farmed, so if we eventually replace unsustainble by-catch feedstocks with sustainably grown feedstock pellets, the oceans may get a chance to recover
* it increases marginal prawn farms to profitable prawn farms because the prawns grow 40% larger and are healthier
* increased health gains mean more prawns can be grown in closer proximity
* more prawns in each pond increases production & profits,=
* spin off's not listed on the show but that I am considering are possible increases in our understanding of micro-plankton or algae growth for feedstocks for other industries.


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