liquidspacetime Posted July 4, 2014 Report Posted July 4, 2014 'What If There's a Way to Explain Quantum Physics Without the Probabilistic Weirdness?' "Known as “pilot wave theory” this line of thinking goes that, rather than electrons and other things being both quasi-particles and quasi-waves, the electron is a discrete particle that is being carried along by a separate wave. What this wave is made of no one knows." 'Redefining Dark Matter - Wave Instead Of Particle' "Tom Broadhurst, an Ikerbasque researcher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), explains that, "guided by the initial simulations of the formation of galaxies in this context, we have reinterpreted cold dark matter as a Bose-Einstein condensate". So, "the ultra-light bosons forming the condensate share the same quantum wave function, so disturbance patterns are formed on astronomic scales in the form of large-scale waves"." "This opens up the possibility that dark matter could be regarded as a very cold quantum fluid" Quote
liquidspacetime Posted July 14, 2014 Author Report Posted July 14, 2014 (edited) 'Pilot-wave dynamics in a rotating frame: on the emergence of orbital quantization' "The theory thus postulates two waves, a real wave of unspecified origins responsible for guiding the particle, and the statistical wave describing the particle’s probability density function." The origin of the real wave is the dark matter. Particles of matter move through and displace the dark matter. There is evidence dark matter waves in the ripple created when galaxy clusters collide. Dark matter is not a clump of stuff traveling along with galaxy clusters. Galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the dark matter. 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter' "Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the water." The 'pond' consists of dark matter. The galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the dark matter, analogous to the bow waves of two boats which pass by each other closely. The bow waves interact and create a ripple in the water. The ripple created when galaxy clusters collide is a dark matter displacement wave. Edited July 14, 2014 by liquidspacetime Quote
liquidspacetime Posted July 19, 2014 Author Report Posted July 19, 2014 'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE'“When in 1923-1924 I had my first ideas about Wave Mechanics I was looking for a truly concrete physical image, valid for all particles, of the wave and particle coexistence discovered by Albert Einstein in his "Theory of light quanta". I had no doubt whatsoever about the physical reality of waves and particles.”“any particle, even isolated, has to be imagined as in continuous “energetic contact” with a hidden medium”The hidden medium of de Broglie wave mechanics is the dark matter. The “energetic contact” is the state of displacement of the dark matter."For me, the particle, precisely located in space at every instant, forms on the v wave a small region of high energy concentration, which may be likened in a first approximation, to a moving singularity."A particle may be likened in a first approximation to a moving singularity which has an associated dark matter displacement wave."This result may be interpreted by noticing that, in the present theory, the particle is defined as a very small region of the wave where the amplitude is very large, and it therefore seems quite natural that the internal motion rythm of the particle should always be the same as that of the wave at the point where the particle is located."Particles of matter move through and displace the dark matter."However, when the wave’s propagation is subject to boundary conditions, interference or diffraction phenomena do appear ; owing to the quantum force, the motion defined by the guidance formula is not rectilinear any more. It then happens that the obstacles hindering the propagation of the wave act on the particle through the quantum potential, in this way producing a deflection""It looks quite natural that the propagation in space and time of the truly physical v wave should determine, as was assumed in the guidance theory, the particle’s motion, as it is integrated into the wave."A moving particle has an associated dark matter displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the dark matter passes through both. As the wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave guiding the particle. Strongly detecting the particle destroys the cohesion between the particle and its associated wave and the particle continues on the trajectory it was traveling."While the founding fathers agonized over the question 'particle' or 'wave', de Broglie in 1925 proposed the obvious answer 'particle' and 'wave'. Is it not clear from the smallness of the scintillation on the screen that we have to do with a particle? And is it not clear, from the diffraction and interference patterns, that the motion of the particle is directed by a wave? De Broglie showed in detail how the motion of a particle, passing through just one of two holes in screen, could be influenced by waves propagating through both holes. And so influenced that the particle does not go where the waves cancel out, but is attracted to where they cooperate. This idea seems to me so natural and simple, to resolve the wave-particle dilemma in such a clear and ordinary way, that it is a great mystery to me that it was so generally ignored." - John Bell'Yves Couder . Explains Wave/Particle Duality via Silicon Droplets [Through the Wormhole]''The pilot-wave dynamics of walking droplets' Quote
liquidspacetime Posted July 24, 2014 Author Report Posted July 24, 2014 What is referred to as the non-uniform motion of the aether in the following... 'Einstein-aether theory with a Maxwell field: General formalism' referred to as the deformation of continuous media in the following... 'Comment on the higher derivative Lagrangians in relativistic theory' what I refer to as the state of displacement of the aether. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted July 25, 2014 Author Report Posted July 25, 2014 There is evidence dark matter piles-up. 'Galactic Pile-Up May Point to Mysterious New Dark Force in the Universe' "The reason this is strange is that dark matter is thought to barely interact with itself. The dark matter should just coast through itself and move at the same speed as the hardly interacting galaxies. Instead, it looks like the dark matter is crashing into something — perhaps itself – and slowing down faster than the galaxies are. But this would require the dark matter to be able to interact with itself in a completely new an unexpected way, a “dark force” that affects only dark matter." There is evidence dark matter ripples. 'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter' "Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark matter, which is somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the water." As two boats approach one another and get close to one another their bow waves pile-up. Once the boats pass each other their bow waves ripple outward. All mainstream physics has to do to correctly understand what occurs physically in nature is to understand the galaxy clusters are moving through and displacing the dark matter. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted July 26, 2014 Author Report Posted July 26, 2014 "As the two clusters smash together, the dark matter falls to the centre of the combined cluster and sloshes back out" Which is exactly what occurs with the water associated with the bow waves of two boats. As the boats "smash together" the water associated with their bow waves "falls to the centre" and then as the boats continue on the water "sloshes back out". It is the particles of matter the galaxy clusters consist of which are displacing the dark matter. Particles of matter move through and displace the dark matter. A moving particle has an associated dark matter displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the dark matter passes through both. As the wave exits both slits it creates wave interference which alters the direction the particle travels as it exits a single slit. This is the wave guiding the particle. Strongly detecting the particle destroys the cohesion of the particle and its associated wave and the particle continues on the trajectory it was traveling. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted July 30, 2014 Author Report Posted July 30, 2014 The Milky Way's halo is not a clump of stuff traveling along with the Milky Way.'Comment on the higher derivative Lagrangians in relativistic theory' "Einstein theory of gravitational fields and this gives a new perspective on the Mach principle revisiting the “absolute” acceleration concept as a natural motion in space-time deformed by the matter-energy contained therein. We refer the reader to the paper of Einstein on a related topic [9]. The relativistic theory of an Aether was discussed several time, see for e.g. [8], [9]. In this paper, our hypothesis is different and gives a relativistic theory of the deformation of continuous media (for which the geometry is described by the metric field)." The Milky Way's halo is the deformation of continuous media.The Milky Way's halo is the deformation of spacetime.The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.What is referred to geometrically as the deformation of spacetime is the state of displacement of the aether. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted August 18, 2014 Author Report Posted August 18, 2014 'Fluid Tests Hint at Concrete Quantum Reality'"Some enthusiasts think the fluid approach could indeed be the key to resolving the long-standing conflict between quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity, which clash at infinitesimal scales.“The possibility exists that we can look for a unified theory of the Standard Model and gravity in terms of an underlying, superfluid substrate of reality,” said Ross Anderson, a computer scientist and mathematician at the University of Cambridge in England, and the co-author of a recent paper on the fluid-quantum analogy. In the future, Anderson and his collaborators plan to study the behavior of “rotons” (particle-like excitations) in superfluid helium as an even closer analog of this possible “superfluid model of reality.”But at present, these connections with quantum gravity are speculative, and for young researchers, risky ideas. Bush, Couder and the other fluid dynamicists hope that their demonstrations of a growing number of quantum-like phenomena will make a deterministic, fluid picture of quantum mechanics increasingly convincing.“With physicists it’s such a controversial thing, and people are pretty noncommittal at this stage,” Bush said. “We’re just forging ahead, and time will tell. The truth wins out in the end.”"What ripples when galaxy clusters collide is what waves in a double slit experiment; the superfluid substrate.Einstein's gravitational wave is de Broglie wave of wave-particle duality; both are waves in the superfluid substrate.The superfluid substrate displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move through it relates general relativity and quantum mechanics.The Milky Way's dark matter halo is not a clump of stuff traveling along with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is moving through and displace the superfluid substrate.The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the superfluid substrate. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 'An Extended Dynamical Equation of Motion, Phase Dependency and Inertial Backreaction'"Although Einstein in the frame of the special theory of relativity disregarded the notion of absolute space, he returned to this concept later when formulating his general theory of relativity, by the spacetime metric gµ,ν, showing that spacetime has a geometrical structure, and claiming that empty space should be called the “the new aether of the general relativity” [25] (see also Ref. [26]).""The new aether of general relativity" is the "hidden medium" of de Broglie's wave mechanics and double solution theory.Einstein's gravitational wave is de Broglie's wave of wave-particle duality; both are waves in the aether.What ripples when galaxy clusters collide is what waves in a double slit experiment; the aether.Aether displaced by matter relates general relativity and quantum mechanics. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted September 27, 2014 Author Report Posted September 27, 2014 "The Wave Mechanics of systems of particles as we have just set forth, following Schrodinger, is an essentially non-relativistic theory because it assumes that the interactions can be represented at every instant by functions of the actual separation distances of the particles, whereas in a relativistic theory of interactions, these interactions are propagated at a finite velocity, which introduces retardation of one sort or another. A relativistic Wave Mechanics of the systems cannot be developed along the lines we have indicated, and only recently has there been any attempt to construct such a Mechanics within the framework of Quantum Field Theory (works by Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman, etc.). Let us simply emphasize the fact that the theory set forth above is valid only for the Newtonian approximation. Schrodinger's idea of identifying the W wave of a system in configuration space at first shocked me very greatly, because, configuration space being a pure fiction, this conception deprives the W wave of all physical reality. For me the wave of Wave Mechanics should have evolved in three-dimensional physical space. The numerous and brilliant successes that resulted from adopting Schrodinger's point of view' obliged me to recognize its value; but for a long time I remained convinced that the propagation of the W wave in configuration space was a purely imaginary way of representing wave phenomena which, in point of fact, take place in physical space. We will see in the second part of the present work (Chapter XII) how, from 1927 on, I had sought to develop this approach within the framework of the theory of the Double Solution." - de Broglie In the following article the aether has mass and is what waves in a double slit experiment. 'From the Newton's laws to motions of the fluid and superfluid vacuum: vortex tubes, rings, and others' Quote
Rade Posted September 30, 2014 Report Posted September 30, 2014 (edited) TO Liquidspacetime.... I have a question about this comment found in the last arxiv link: "A peculiar fluid is the superfluid physical vacuum. It contains Bose particle-antiparticle pairs. Vortex lines presented by electron-positron pairs are main torque objects. Bundles of the vortex lines can transmit a torque from one rotating disk to other unmoved disk." == If I am understanding correctly, the suggestion is that the "aether" or "hidden medium" of Einstein and de Broglie, or the "dark matter that waves" of the OP title, meets the requirements of being a "superfluid physical vacuum" as presented this a correct understanding ? And, if this is correct, then it suggests that the above concepts (aether, hidden medium, dark matter) all refer to a physical quantum possibility (as torque boson objects) that requires a superposition between matter plus antimatter. Such is the positronium, which is a short duration quantum superposition of the matter electron e- and the antimatter positron e+, symbolically as this torque boson object [e- ~ e+], with ~ being a bond. Would this be a correct understanding of one possible explanation of 'dark matter that waves' ? Edited September 30, 2014 by Rade Quote
liquidspacetime Posted September 30, 2014 Author Report Posted September 30, 2014 TO Liquidspacetime.... I have a question about this comment found in the last arxiv link: "A peculiar fluid is the superfluid physical vacuum. It contains Bose particle-antiparticle pairs. Vortex lines presented by electron-positron pairs are main torque objects. Bundles of the vortex lines can transmit a torque from one rotating disk to other unmoved disk." ==If I am understanding correctly, the suggestion is that the "aether" or "hidden medium" of Einstein and de Broglie, or the "dark matter that waves" of the OP title, meets the requirements of being a "superfluid physical vacuum" as presented this a correct understanding ? And, if this is correct, then it suggests that the above concepts (aether, hidden medium, dark matter) all refer to a physical quantum possibility (as torque boson objects) that requires a superposition between matter plus antimatter. Such is the positronium, which is a short duration quantum superposition of the matter electron e- and the antimatter positron e+, symbolically as this torque boson object [e- ~ e+], with ~ being a bond. Would this be a correct understanding of one possible explanation of 'dark matter that waves' ? I disagree with the notion that we can know, at this time anyways, if the aether consists of movable particles or not. I refer to the article as it is correctly stating aether has mass and is what waves in a double slit experiment. 'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein' "Think of waves on the surface of water. Here we can describe two entirely different things. Either we may observe how the undulatory surface forming the boundary between water and air alters in the course of time; or else-with the help of small floats, for instance - we can observe how the position of the separate particles of water alters in the course of time. If the existence of such floats for tracking the motion of the particles of a fluid were a fundamental impossibility in physics - if, in fact nothing else whatever were observable than the shape of the space occupied by the water as it varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that water consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise it as a medium." if, in fact nothing else whatever were observable than the shape of the space occupied by the aether as it varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that aether consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise it as a medium having mass which is displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move through it. Quote
Rade Posted October 1, 2014 Report Posted October 1, 2014 ....if, in fact nothing else whatever were observable than the shape of the space occupied by the aether as it varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that aether consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise it as a medium having mass which is displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move through it. Thank you for the reply. I think it is possible to hypothesize that the aether you discuss consists of movable particles, BUT, it requires that the particles are virtual quantum entities composed of matter + antimatter pairs that are bosons via spin. Here is my argument presented for discussion: Suppose the shape of the space occupied by aether was this []. Now space is nothing more than the innermost boundary of that which contains, thus space in this example would be the inner boundary of [ on one side, and ] on the other side. Now, if as you claim aether is a medium with mass that occupies the shape of the space [], we do have logical grounds to assume the possibility that within the observed space [] there could exist movable particles within a virtue dimension, such as a superfluid composed of matter plus antimatter, such as { e- ~ e+} short-lived entity discussed above. The picture of such aether with mass, that occupies the shape of a space, would be [ {e- ~ e+ } ]. Now let us extend this picture to [....{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }MATTER-Proton{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+}{e- ~ e+ }...] in 3-dimensions of space, and we see a quantum possibility for MATTER (such as the hydrogen atom with a proton, P) in motion to displace the aether medium because the matter exists within the spatial boundaries of the space, and thus also can move through it. The point being that if the identity of the aether has a virtual reality such that it does occupy space with mass, and that this aether mass has identity within virtual dimension that is outside human measurement and observation, then the possibiklity exists that the aether virtual mass is in quantum superposition with what we call MATTER. Thus, under this view, the 'dark matter that waves' has an identity of a superfluid composed of virtual matter + antimatter bosons, in quantum superposition with matter, that occupy the shape of so-called 'empty' space of the vacuum, which according the quantum theory is never empty. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted October 1, 2014 Author Report Posted October 1, 2014 (edited) Thank you for the reply. I think it is possible to hypothesize that the aether you discuss consists of movable particles, BUT, it requires that the particles are virtual quantum entities composed of matter + antimatter pairs that are bosons via spin. Here is my argument presented for discussion: Suppose the shape of the space occupied by aether was this []. Now space is nothing more than the innermost boundary of that which contains, thus space in this example would be the inner boundary of [ on one side, and ] on the other side. Now, if as you claim aether is a medium with mass that occupies the shape of the space [], we do have logical grounds to assume the possibility that within the observed space [] there could exist movable particles within a virtue dimension, such as a superfluid composed of matter plus antimatter, such as { e- ~ e+} short-lived entity discussed above. The picture of such aether with mass, that occupies the shape of a space, would be [ {e- ~ e+ } ]. Now let us extend this picture to [....{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }MATTER-Proton{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+ }{e- ~ e+}{e- ~ e+ }...] in 3-dimensions of space, and we see a quantum possibility for MATTER (such as the hydrogen atom with a proton, P) in motion to displace the aether medium because the matter exists within the spatial boundaries of the space, and thus also can move through it. The point being that if the identity of the aether has a virtual reality such that it does occupy space with mass, and that this aether mass has identity within virtual dimension that is outside human measurement and observation, then the possibiklity exists that the aether virtual mass is in quantum superposition with what we call MATTER. Thus, under this view, the 'dark matter that waves' has an identity of a superfluid composed of virtual matter + antimatter bosons, in quantum superposition with matter, that occupy the shape of so-called 'empty' space of the vacuum, which according the quantum theory is never empty. There is no need to postulate a "virtual dimension". Even if all we can detect is the influence the aether has on matter then the aether still exists in three dimensional space. I think it is important to focus on the properties of the aether which most people should be able to agree to and that is the aether has mass, physically occupies three dimensional space and is physically displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move through it. Let's first understand Einstein's gravitational wave is de Broglie's wave of wave-particle duality; both are waves in the aether. Let's first understand what ripples when galaxy clusters collide is what waves in a double slit experiment; the aether. Once we get a common, correct framework of what occurs physically in nature we can then try and determine if the aether consists of particles, or not. Edited October 1, 2014 by liquidspacetime Quote
HydrogenBond Posted October 5, 2014 Report Posted October 5, 2014 If you look at photons, these travel at the speed of light, which is the same in all references. Photons also travel as waves, with the waves able to change with reference; red shifted and blue shifted wavelengths. This simple observation shows that photons have two aspects or two legs, one that always remains at the speed of light (particle) and a wave aspect that can red or blue shift with reference. If I was to guess, the most likely source of an aether continuum, would be connected to the particle leg that is moving at the speed of light reference that is the same for all references. In its speed of light reference time slows to zero and distance contracts to a point allowing this particle to be anywhere at the same time; continuum of same particles so C is not violated. Picture finite waves hooking rides on aether particles at C, to create photons. This does not slow the aether down, since the aether particles always maintains C. However, interactions with matter can cause the waves to change. Waves go beyond photons and can still form, without the aether, like within an air or water continuum, but if these waves are not connected to the C aether, they are not photons. Mass cannot move at the speed of light and mass does not change with reference. One kilogram of rest mass is the same in all references. Rest mass represents another determinant bookend, along with the speed of light aether particles. Since these are different they maintain a potential. When energy waves attach to matter, they leave the aether, which continues to move at C, but without a wave. While when matter makes energy, waves are added to aether particle at C. In our universe, mass is net converting back to energy as inferred by stellar fusion and mass burn. Ironically, this implies the speed of light or the aether is actually the ground state or the aether is at lower potential than mass. This may seem counter intuitive, since faster usually implies more kinetic energy and more potential energy. One way this is possible is connected to the concepts of energy conservation and entropy. For example, picture two factories side by side both making widgets, with one defect per hour. The defect will be a measure of disorder and entropy. Since time moves faster in a slower reference (slower away from C), if all else is equal, since the factory ages faster, its rate of defects and entropy is higher (side-by-side), compared to a faster reference where time slows. The faster reference contains more potential energy as entropy (not easily useable) and ages faster. Since the entropy of the universe needs to increase with time, mass remains separate from the C reference of the aether, since that would require a net universal loss of entropy to release the potential energy; violate second law. Mass does can return to energy, in stellar fusion, because gravity lowers the entropy of the matter, using pressure, releasing energy to lower the potential of the mass with the aether. The energy rides aether particles and some of its red shifts within the expanding universe, thereby lowering its energy potential toward infinite wavelength, which is the reference of the aether. The aether would be massless and has no energy but moves at C. We can only infer it, like we do with dark energy and dark matter. If we could develop a better way to move mass back to the lower potential of the aether, we would have endless energy beyond E=MC2, since that only applies to the first step from mass to energy and not energy to aether, also; 2MC2. Quote
liquidspacetime Posted October 5, 2014 Author Report Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) If you look at photons, these travel at the speed of light, which is the same in all references. Photons also travel as waves, with the waves able to change with reference; red shifted and blue shifted wavelengths. This simple observation shows that photons have two aspects or two legs, one that always remains at the speed of light (particle) and a wave aspect that can red or blue shift with reference. If I was to guess, the most likely source of an aether continuum, would be connected to the particle leg that is moving at the speed of light reference that is the same for all references. In its speed of light reference time slows to zero and distance contracts to a point allowing this particle to be anywhere at the same time; continuum of same particles so C is not violated. Picture finite waves hooking rides on aether particles at C, to create photons. This does not slow the aether down, since the aether particles always maintains C. However, interactions with matter can cause the waves to change. Waves go beyond photons and can still form, without the aether, like within an air or water continuum, but if these waves are not connected to the C aether, they are not photons. Mass cannot move at the speed of light and mass does not change with reference. One kilogram of rest mass is the same in all references. Rest mass represents another determinant bookend, along with the speed of light aether particles. Since these are different they maintain a potential. When energy waves attach to matter, they leave the aether, which continues to move at C, but without a wave. While when matter makes energy, waves are added to aether particle at C. 'Interpretation of quantum mechanics by the double solution theory - Louis de BROGLIE' "For me, the particle, precisely located in space at every instant, forms on the v wave a small region of high energy concentration, which may be likened in a first approximation, to a moving singularity." A photon is a moving singularity which has an associate aether displacement wave. Everything is with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists, including the atomic clocks which are used to determine the speed of light. This is why the speed of light is always determined to be c. When you take an atomic clock to the top of a mountain it ticks faster due to the change in the state of the aether in which it exists. In our universe, mass is net converting back to energy as inferred by stellar fusion and mass burn. Ironically, this implies the speed of light or the aether is actually the ground state or the aether is at lower potential than mass. This may seem counter intuitive, since faster usually implies more kinetic energy and more potential energy. One way this is possible is connected to the concepts of energy conservation and entropy. For example, picture two factories side by side both making widgets, with one defect per hour. The defect will be a measure of disorder and entropy. Since time moves faster in a slower reference (slower away from C), if all else is equal, since the factory ages faster, its rate of defects and entropy is higher (side-by-side), compared to a faster reference where time slows. The faster reference contains more potential energy as entropy (not easily useable) and ages faster. Since the entropy of the universe needs to increase with time, mass remains separate from the C reference of the aether, since that would require a net universal loss of entropy to release the potential energy; violate second law. Mass does can return to energy, in stellar fusion, because gravity lowers the entropy of the matter, using pressure, releasing energy to lower the potential of the mass with the aether. The energy rides aether particles and some of its red shifts within the expanding universe, thereby lowering its energy potential toward infinite wavelength, which is the reference of the aether. 'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein' "Since according to our present conceptions the elementary particles of matter are also, in their essence, nothing else than condensations of the electromagnetic field" The electromagnetic field is a state of the aether. Particles of matter are condensations of aether. Aether has mass. 'DOES THE INERTIA OF A BODY DEPEND UPON ITS ENERGY-CONTENT?' A. EINSTEIN "If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminishes by L/c2." The mass of the body does diminish. However, the matter which no longer exists as part of the body has not vanished; it still exists, as aether. Matter evaporates into aether. As matter evaporates into aether it expands into neighboring places; which is energy. Mass is conserved. When a nuclear bomb explodes matter evaporates into aether. The evaporation is energy. Mass is conserved. The aether would be massless and has no energy but moves at C. We can only infer it, like we do with dark energy and dark matter. If we could develop a better way to move mass back to the lower potential of the aether, we would have endless energy beyond E=MC2, since that only applies to the first step from mass to energy and not energy to aether, also; 2MC2. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move throug it. There is no such thing as dark matter attached to matter. The Milky Way's halo is not a clump of dark matter traveling along with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is moving through and displacing the aether. The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether. The Milky Way's halo is the deformation of spacetime. What is referred to as the deformation of spacetime physically exists in nature as the state of displacement of the aether. Edited October 5, 2014 by liquidspacetime Quote
Rade Posted October 6, 2014 Report Posted October 6, 2014 LSTime... Are you aware of this web site dealing with 'aether' research ? Do you find anything you would agree with in the journal papers cited ? Quote
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