pagetheoracle Posted July 22, 2014 Report Posted July 22, 2014 What characteristics do we associate with maturity and what ones do we consider immature? Quote
ErlyRisa Posted July 23, 2014 Report Posted July 23, 2014 I find that adults are the ones that "create" the "CLUB"... and they are the ones that choose the children that get too join. I hate clubs. Especially when your not allowed to join. Ergo perpetual child.Thanks too Facebook, now ALL the women are perpetual children. That owe the inventor ALOT, for joining the club. I for example am a child of this forum. Society and the hierarchy establishes where the children of children lye. For example, the Aerospace club is the adult of the Engineering club which is the adult of the Software Dev club which is then by default the Rulers of the world. In recent history the main adult club was the developers are the new rulers, Creating games for the chimps. The aerospace club though is now full of headache: Their adult (the mathematicians) are somewhat "stuck". The competitive adults that behave like children are the entertainers, though thier philosophy is about good fun, sadly not all nerdy engineers are ever going to allow themselves to fall to that level. They (The old engineer) would rather just have decent food and a good waltz to dance too than to have to watch another episode of the Big Bang Theory. I would presume that the "entertainer" adults (AKA prostitutes), that have made and poked fun at what is an easy target, would be in the repercussive stance instigated by those being made fun of, that... you know what, why don't you build the camera, the computer and do the software development then...We no longer find it funny. ,,,Adults usually make their children "PAY" and "WORK", in order to instill those basic concepts.Maybe the Engineers should start charging WAY MORE for their product. eg. Facebook - $20 or, as I see it, SAService is slowly creeping in, is it not? How does this sound as a lesson to the kids: The majority copyrighted material requires payment in order to view it. -How about everytime you use the ASCII code table, you pay .$0001 to the guy that made it. Would the guy that made the ASCII code table be rich - probably. Would he need a copyright lawyer in order to collect his earnings - probably. There is entertainment in the "interactive" scene now. (Game developer), but again we aren't learning from history...its the Lawyer that makes the income on this stuff too, not the guy that gave the 3d engine away for free 10yr ago. The lawyer as the child no-one wants? any ideas? We could ALL learn game development. Quote
pagetheoracle Posted July 24, 2014 Author Report Posted July 24, 2014 (edited) Actually Erly, I think clubism is a sign of immaturity as I believe adults are more individualistic in nature than gang members. This I believe is because fear makes people seek company rather than enjoy being on their own (Adults are not so scared because they understand the world around them, whereas novices try to cling to some kind of certainty in a world they feel is strange and that they don't fit in, simply because it is all new and unknown to them). It's like an air raid of sensations, where after it's all over we come out of our shells and once more explore the world we are in. Also my post on what makes a good teacher, is also true of what an adult is - tolerant, patient and quiet; someone who is more interested in finding out about others rather than boasting about themselves (modest in other words, not egotistical). Edited July 24, 2014 by pagetheoracle ErlyRisa 1 Quote
ErlyRisa Posted July 24, 2014 Report Posted July 24, 2014 (edited) Slight problem: If everyone were an adult, then I think there would be nothing left too enjoy (other than food and the waltz as stated earlier) I personally haven't met too many Adults in my life time. I have seen them from afar, working in jobs that require forethought and wisdom...but I am not welcome in their club. Personally I have gotten over the need too develop to the state necessary inorder to join a club, I have been a part of 2 of them while growing up (not including school) Rather, I now perceive myself tobe somewhat like a Wookie or Jedi - in the Later case it is a matter of having to have become a professional liar (actor) - to blend in, and in the case of the Wookie - I really have nothing left to say to most people (other than artists which requires subjective opinion), but as the Wookie all I care about is actually completing a task (Just let me do it and stop butting in - Mr Solo always yamering on). Put it this way: Once a child has learnt independents...and I mean truly, then really, most everyone else around you is just an a.hol before you have even met them. I found that in my environment most of the "adults" - just want to make sure your the child so that they feel like "adults" ... hence the problem. Personally I age people around me faster than 2hrs wrinkle time in a bath tub. It's easier to let kids be kids in the end...even the adults, therefore why bother socialising, when your not actually going to like what I have too say anyway. BESIDES if everyone were an adult, YOU as the adult would have noting to SELL to your children...or we could all become artists? - but we all know their is no such thing as an Adult artist (Yes their are very emotive and distraught people that become Artists - but I'm talking average) I think the hard part is too accept that most of the population is actually just children living their lives out as pets. I no longer perceive adulthood to be anything more than being robbed of all possible states in life, and being asked if you would like to raise more snippets of info (children) as your own..(PS you have to join a club first though) Which brings me too the PEPSI commercial with the dancing baby ->pretty much sums it all up in 30sec. Edited July 24, 2014 by ErlyRisa Quote
Rade Posted July 24, 2014 Report Posted July 24, 2014 Are we supposed to discuss what makes an adult (the title of the thread), or what makes a person mature (the OP text)? Some adults are mature, others not, and some very mature persons I have met are not adults. CraigD, pagetheoracle, sanctus and 1 other 4 Quote
pagetheoracle Posted July 25, 2014 Author Report Posted July 25, 2014 Very good point, if you are defining adult as the finished physical form. I was also meaning it as maturity. Yes I've met kids who seem born mature and some adults who never grow up mentally at all. Elisa 1 Quote
sanctus Posted July 25, 2014 Report Posted July 25, 2014 The question is how do you define mature? It seems to me very subjective. Example take an indoctrinated child, the others following that doctrine will say she/he is very mature, understands all the teachings etc. While the ones in disagreement with the doctrine will just say "the kid is not mature yet, not thinking by itself, etc..." Eclogite 1 Quote
arissa Posted July 25, 2014 Report Posted July 25, 2014 It is subjective, there are many legally termed adults who are very immature. I know I have my moments, but I also think it is something that sometimes we overlook. There are many things we can change in our day to day that better ourselves, including our maturity levels. Quote
Rade Posted July 25, 2014 Report Posted July 25, 2014 The question is how do you define mature? It seems to me very subjective. Example take an indoctrinated child, the others following that doctrine will say she/he is very mature, understands all the teachings etc. While the ones in disagreement with the doctrine will just say "the kid is not mature yet, not thinking by itself, etc..."If we consider what makes a wine mature, it is bascially that it gets better with age, that is, it reaches a point of chemical change where it has fullfilled or completed the past expectations of what makes a good wine by the wine maker. There does not appear to be a strong relation of maturity with age in humans. However, perhaps we can relate the concept of wine reaching a desired expectation of chemical composition with humans reaching a desired expectation of virtue (thought)....that is, the mature human will strive to have thoughts that exhibit virtuous actions toward self and others, and in situations where this is not achieved, that specific action would be viewed as being an immature action. So, I offer this definiton that is open for debate: Human maturity is fullfilled expectation of virtuous thought. Quote
ErlyRisa Posted July 25, 2014 Report Posted July 25, 2014 Many "mature" people that perform club meetings eg. a party , will define the drunk at the party as the immature one. This I find to be NOT THE ACTUAL perception of the external observer of the party. The immaturity is highlighted in the "mature" members, as soon as they begin too define other members at the party differently to themselves (ergo, a club has formed within the party) Intelligent party members take the drunk, and the USE the drunk. This is what I define as an adult (The club members that is) The adults will then use thier coercive techniques: All hidden in the eyes of the drunk (the perceived child), too either,A. Banish the drunk B.Make fun of the Drunk C. Take advantage of the Drunk D. Create a coercive event I can't think of because I'm just not as low the typical Adult. The Ultra adult, will do yet worse to the drunk, and do all of the above (with mature techniques) AND, make it so that they had/have nothing todo with any of the ABC's - They (the adults) would sooner kill, castrate, or make a complete mockery of the Drunk OR switch blame if ever there is even the slightest perception that an external club member can see/knows what is going on. --CHILDREN HAVE TOO LEARN THESE TECHNIQUES FROM ADULTS: IT IS ALSO WHY AUTISM is the TRUTHFUL CHILD...the one raised by someone that just wants stability, but doesn't understand the advanced Psychology required, in order too fit into the gentry class (which now...all of us pretty much are) What sucks, is that the only recourse for a curable Autistic (As per label via the Club that creates the notion) - is too become one of them via a very lengthy learning curve. WHAT SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED AT THE PARTY?hmmm. If drunk female - let her, cheat, do whatever, dance etc. If she talks and is slathering and throwing up - help.Male...and - who really cares...if there is a fight, well make sure there is a mobile phone nearby. -->but just note that the fight usually starts, b/c - exactly it's the ADULT the SOBER one, In most cases drunken brawls are ...created, for the fascination of others. Welcome to ADULT HOOD people. PS...without "the drunk", there is no party...its just a forum with food. Quote
pagetheoracle Posted July 25, 2014 Author Report Posted July 25, 2014 For me it is something like you described Rade. It is starting out life as blundering explorers, unaware of all the toes we are standing on, in our quest for experience and maturing is becoming aware of 'the other,' instead of the self i.e. ironically our attention turning within upon the self, instead of pouring out into the world through thoughtless action: Becoming introverted with time instead of extroverted through copious energy. It is seeing that there is an end to the journey of life and that we aren't immortal (or as I put it in a t-shirt design once 'Immortal! (up to now)'). In other words we not only see the harm we've done to others but become aware of the danger our foolhardiness has simply not noticed until now, when age slows us down and the blur of excitement becomes the clarity of motionlessness and silence. In other words it's about extroversion and introversion as Jung described the pair as character traits. Quote
sanctus Posted July 28, 2014 Report Posted July 28, 2014 Rade, if I get your definition right, it is too broad: the indocrinated person can be mature independent on the observer (so long QM :-)).E.g.: if the doctrine contains difficult scriptures. The indoctrinated who is able to make sense of them and applies them to himself and others would be classified as mature both by the followers and not followers of the doctrine. i admit that this gives some strength to your defintion.But personally, a creationist is not mature in my eyes... Quote
Rade Posted July 28, 2014 Report Posted July 28, 2014 Rade, if I get your definition right, it is too broad: the indocrinated person can be mature independent on the observer (so long QM :-)). E.g.: if the doctrine contains difficult scriptures. The indoctrinated who is able to make sense of them and applies them to himself and others would be classified as mature both by the followers and not followers of the doctrine. i admit that this gives some strength to your defintion.But personally, a creationist is not mature in my eyes... I think my definition adresses your concern about a creationist via the terms fullfilled and virtuous. First, I agree with you that creationists are not fully mature because they do not hold a 'fullfiiled expectation' on the issue of species origins as adopted by the majority of Christian sects. The expectation of the vast majority of Christian theologians is that God can and did will to allow species to have origin via evolutionary processes. The majority interpretation of Christian thinkers thus serves the role of the wine maker to decide when a wine is fully mature. The creationist view is less than the expectation of accepted Christian thinking, thus it is by my definition less than fullfilled and hence immature. Next, the understanding of species origins by creationists is not virtuous for the reason you mention, their thoughts on the issue are guided by indoctrination rather than by use of reason to weight all sides of the issue and accept the possibility that God can will that species be formed only via laws of nature, and that the process does not demand a search for supernatural causes. Thus a creationist is immature for two reasons, they do not hold a fullfilled Christian religious expectation on the issue of species origins (that is, they refuse to allow for the possibility that God allows for the possibility of evolutionary change), neither is their thinking on the issue virtuous because they refuse to allow for the possibility that laws of nature can act independent of the supernatural. You mention that the indoctrinated person has the ability to 'make sense' of issues, but I would disagree. It seems to me that making sense is the contrary condition of such a person because those who are indoctrinated make a free will choice not to think outside the world-view to which they are indoctrinated, a serious constraint on fully understanding or making sense of the issue at hand. pagetheoracle 1 Quote
Verona Posted July 30, 2014 Report Posted July 30, 2014 A person can be emotionally / psychologically mature or immature at any age. Physical human maturity occurs at a certain age for each sex (males take longer) and legal adulthood depends on the laws of the land in which you reside. Quote
pagetheoracle Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 I think temperament is a sign of maturity as temper is a sign of immaturity. This I believe is down to experience and honesty as opposed to inexperience and trying to bluff your way through situations because you simply don't know how to handle them at your age. The more knowledge you have of the world, the less intimidated you are by it and this is true of individuals and societies alike ( A mature person may accept the rules and beliefs of his society because age brings tolerance, through understanding your experiences: Rebellious youth is a synonym for rejecting the situation you find yourself in i.e. trying to destroy what is alien to you, instead of building up awareness of it and your prejudices against it). Quote
ErlyRisa Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 (edited) A person can be emotionally / psychologically mature or immature at any age. Physical human maturity occurs at a certain age for each sex (males take longer) and legal adulthood depends on the laws of the land in which you reside. I have heard of a part of the brain that sets/cures at a specified age for most people. I forgot what it was, but apparently it had something todo with "joy"...adults loose "joy" and become inhibitive post puberty. There are children I have noticed that seem to understand a concept in the social world straight away...that in the west at least, your safe and can do as you please (This seems to be a postitive for some kids and a hindrance for parents later on).Another set of children do-not learn this, and behave much like a battered puppie: Unsure of the world...these kids seem to become somewhat more inquisitive, and in my opinion become very rational thinkers. I would presume that if you were to talk about "survival", both types of children survive differently in different environments, the first is useless without company, the second thrives in solitude (of course each to their own weighted degree). To me the solitudanista seems to have been "robbed" of what the other children get to live through growing up... and that is BEING CHILDREN. A child should not have to live through life alone as an adult amongst adults. ,,and if your an should rob your child of being one --> for the sake of "CREATING YOUR LINEAGE" the child typing this: I find that adult tobe immature --> the one trying too mature something too Erly. Edited July 31, 2014 by ErlyRisa Quote
Allanah Posted August 25, 2014 Report Posted August 25, 2014 This is such a good thought-provoking question. I'm 29 but I don't really feel I'm an "adult". I have a child and I have my own house. However, I enjoy things like anime and video games. A lot of people look at that and call that childish or immature. Personally, I don't think that watching "serious tv" makes you an adult either. I think to be an adult you have to know how to take on responsibility. sanctus 1 Quote
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