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Evolution is Junk Science and Secular Religion

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Your benevolent god will allow someone like Charles Manson to enter heaven, just for asking and believing? I'm a good person, I've never intentionally hurt anyone, I give to charities and even correct the cashier when she gives me too much change. So just because I question your "loving" god's existence I am damned for eternity in hell? Even if you could prove the existence of such a god, if it showed itself to all of us and spoke to us I could not "worship" such a petty and mean, even evil creature. You don't believe most of what I do and I would not wish you any harm. I guess that makes me more loving than your god, doesn't it?


Originally posted by: CD27

tormod, you are right, i should respect the fact that he even did reply to my post at all.


freethinker, now that i have taken tormor's advice, i can actually see what you mean by your posts.

Do you? Then why are you ignoring the questions I post?


You want people to listen to you blather away (you have been asked to make your posts more readable by putting some spaces in it.). But you have yet to stand behind anything you post when you are asked to. Perhaps you realize you have nothing behind your claims and hope that ignoring question will make them go away.


It only shows that you can not answer the questions.


So let me try again.


You claim the universe is approx 6,000 years old. Yet we have received light here that has been traveling for BILLIONS of light years. In fact we would not see the light of most of the stars if the universe was only 6,000 years old.


How do you explain this?


Now, hoping that CD27 will actually answer the question I posted, I will explore his post further.


Originally posted by: CD27

i admit, in alot of christian schools and churches the preacher's have a very abd understanding of christianity.

Here we go again. How come every Christian that comes here (and every other discussion I have ever had with one) wants to disallow every other Christian from being a REAL Christian. It has been my expereince that contrary to their wanting to claim that Christianity is a MAJORITY religion, there is actually only ONE Christian in the world. And that just happens to be the one that is talking to me right then. Because each one, each time, is letting me know why every other previous (and future) person that claims to be a Christian is WRONG!


YOUR understanding of Christianity is no better, no more accurate, than any one elses. To pretend to know otherwise is only to admit how selfrighteous and conceited you are. How your god has picked you over every one else that ever has or ever will live, to be THE ONE that gets to decide who is and who is not a Christian. That you have PERFECT KNOWLEDGE. (Recognize that one folks?)


So which is it? Are you the one personally picked out by your god to have PERFECT KNOWLEDGE? Or is it possible that people that you may not classify as Christians are in fact Christians?


I will stop here so that you do not miss this question. I await your response.


Originally posted by: CD27

you must notice though, we as christians believe that al of this is true,

Ya you guys will believe just about anything. You reject even the most elementary reasoning processes.

and that it is a narrow path. i belive the bible solely,

So there is no such thing as DNA? DNA is not mentioned in the bible. Thus you can not believe that it exists.


Well? Does DNA exist? Or do you only believe "solely" in the bible?


Again. One question per post so you don't miss any.


Originally posted by: CD27

but i do not even care about catholics, they contradict the bible every single day. and so do alot of ather protestant churches as well. i fortunately have a rather good churche. my preacher follows the bible greatly, and he is a very good man. an upstanding man in both religion and in society. he puts both together and yet is still able to live well in society and follow our god's laws just as greatly. there are many christians who say they are christians, then go home and lok up porn on their computers,

Like stories of daughters getting their father drunk and having sex with them? It's in the bible. Or men reaching under other men's clothes and grabbing... well... their private parts (graphic details are in the bible) Or taking women as war booty, using them as sex slaves, then getting rid of them, yep in the bible. Fathers giving their daughters out as whores, leaders with hundreds of sex slaves. All part of the (XXX rated) bible.

or go and smoke a cigarrett to release "stress". they go home and beat their wives

"For I do not allow a women to teach or to exercise authority over men; but she is to keep quiet" 1 Tim 2:13-15

and yell at their children.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.

they kill themselves. they kill others.

"But for these very enemies, who did not want me to be king over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence" Luke 19:27

those are not real christians. those are hypocrytes.

THEY are hypocrits? Why, THEY are following the bible.

my religion is what it is,

Yes and it is one of the worst things that has ever attacked human society.

i can see what the world has made of it, and what the bible has made of it.

The "world" only shows the reality of implementing the tenets of the bible. All the attrocities, the torture, the killing, it is all as instructed in the bible.

peopel tell me al the time, "christianity is so narrow, how do they ever have any fun? they're jsut robots for their 'god'" christians can have fun without lusting, without smoking, without hurting other people.

Awe, no one has fun unless they are killing something! And you actually seem to believe this also. Like I said, you Christians will believe anything.

long before STD's came out, the bible

STD's have been around longer than the bible has.

said not to have sex with more than one partner your entire life.

GE 19:4-8 A group of sexually depraved men demands that Lot turn over to them his two male visitors. Lot offers his two virgin daughters instead.

Numbers 31

17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

DT 21:10-14 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites are allowed to kidnap "beautiful women" from the enemy camp to be their trial wives. If, after having sexual relations, a man has "no delight" in his wife, he can simply let her go.


GE 19:30-38 Lot's daughters have sexual intercourse with him while he is drunk and both become pregnant by their father.


GE 29:16-30


Originally posted by: CD27

it has been proven thruogh many years research that everyone has STD's, but until they have sex with more than one person the STD's they have are dormant. once you ahve sex with more than one person, they become active,

I hope this makes others of you very afraid. That absolute nonsense like this is being taught to our younger people. That they are being directly and intentionally lied to about things that can bring their very lives and the lives of others into mortal danger.


CD, this is absolute hog wash, plain and simple. And it is worse than WRONG, it is INTENTIONALLY MISLEADING and HARMFUL. DANGEROUSLY so. People get STD's every day without ANY sexual contact. And there are many people having lots of sexual contact with many people and they don't get STD's.


You are being LIED TO!


Someone cares more about THEIR ideology than they do YOUR LIFE!


Originally posted by: CD27

if you could, freethinker and tormor, please help me

We ARE trying to help you CD. You refuse to listen to the help being offered.


You lack a factual scientific understanding of how things work. Your "Theory" is not based on, or backed by, scientific fact or even scientific process.


Start by answering the questions we have asked of you. Getting the answers will help you get a grounding on what science is and what we know because of it. Once you have gained that knowledge, then try approaching your theory again and see how it fits.


uncle martin, i will not answer any of those type of questions, not to be rude, or not to hide anything from you at all, i simply do not want anymore arguments, i already know that you would simply argue back with the answers i give you, and you know you will as well, i am sorry.


freethinker, i will be the first to admit i can not answer the question you asked me about why we can see light that is "billions of years old", i simply don't know the answer quite yet. i will do research and try my best to find the answer for you. in fact, that is one of the major questions my science team is trying to answer. (yes, i have a science team).


freethinker, i never once said that i was the "only TRUE christian" i simply said that there are many christians who say they are christian and really are not. i myself know many christians who are real christians, but i also know many who are not. also, even if the idea of STD's that has been taught to me is wrong, i wil not take the risk of it's failiur to be right or wrong. better to be safe than sorry.


there are many things not mentioned in the bible. for example, "how" the universe was created. all god said in the bible was that he created it within 6 days and rested on the seventh. he came upon earth as a dark void, and said "let there be light" and there was. just because it does not say anything about DNA does not mean that it wasn't "how" god made our body's programs the way they are, to be who "we" are.


you also must remember that the days of the past are simply that. it is much different now-a-days. back then, stoning was their ways of punnishment, now it is a scolding and maybe a whiping, it works just as well, but yelling at your children and in turn making them angry as well, that only makes everyone angry, where does that get you? no where. showing your child where their mistake is, fist, be sure if the mistake will hurt them too bad or teach them a great lesson in life, let them amke the mistake, only if it will teach them a lesson, always protect your children, they are god's gift.


it is not your religion, it does not affect you in any way other than being aggrevated. it is my life to live, i choose my choices, nothinig you say or do about my religion will change my views of it.


thank you for the advice about helping me with my theory, but i must question, for it is my nature, of how questioning my religion is going tohelp at all is my thoery?


Originally posted by: CD27

uncle martin, i will not answer any of those type of questions, not to be rude, or not to hide anything from you at all, i simply do not want anymore arguments, i already know that you would simply argue back with the answers i give you, and you know you will as well, i am sorry.


I think it is a fair and valid question, you are the one that brings your religion and god to this forum. Had you not, it would not have been subject to scrutiny. I'm sure alot of other members would like to read your reply. If you actually have any faith or knowledge in your own religion answering my question should not be difficult. It is not my intent to argue, I truly wish to learn.




ok, for the reason that you do not wish to argue but wish to learn, i can do that. i'll answer you questions.


first of all, yes, even manson could go to heaven, even the world's greatest serial killer could. but ONLY if they asked forgiveness and MEANT it with the bottom of their heart. no, by questioning my god does not "condemn" anyone to hell. i have had someone ask me before, "i have blasphelmed, am i condemned to hell?". my answer to them was, "no. you are not. you never blasphelmed. the reason i can tell you this is because you are still here. which means you still love god," (aside from the fact that she was worried if she'd go to hell or not) "if you did not love god, then you could care less if you were going to hell or not. it wouldn't matter to you. so you did not commit blasphelmy, you simply had a moment of "slide-back" where you questioned god's authority."


all of us do that, even the most strong christians, even myself. but god is a very forgiving god, and very rightous one as well.


my god is a loving god, but he does not spare the rod. when punnishment is due, it is given, to what ever degree god feels is appropriate, and god knows all of our limits. remember that all evil done in any of the past was not of god's origin. god is "unable" to commit any sin. it is the ONLY thing god hates. satan and man are the one's who do the evil. and god can not control self will, only try to lead the way. at one point, i belive it was when god was leading his armie back to jerusalem, he told them men to leave the gold for him, to not take any, but can take all the rest. does this mean that god was greedy?


no, it means that man was greedy and god was protecting them from it. how is god going to use gold? he doesn't need it. but if he was protecting someone from it, or simply giving the men of the armie a life test, he would do it. and of course, one stupid man took something. and then that armie began to lose to battles. before, they had not lost one.


the man who stole the gold from god was found and stoned to death. yes, a harsh punnishment, but a meaningful one in those days. god love's his people, but a crime done, must be punnished, if you ask for forgiveness, well, you're forgiven of what you've done (only if it is meant by the heart), but you must live with the consequeses you have already made.


i hope you did learn something, because i truly don't want any enemies in these forums. i simply wish to amke friends and be able to socialize between them.


Folks, this thread is obviously very interesting BUT I would recommend making some of these topics into new threads. Or else please discuss the topic: Evolution as junk science.




CD27: yes, i believe all of that about noah's ark...


What about the earlier Babalonian (I believe) stories about Gilgamesh? There are many similarities. You don't think that they were the source of the Noah story?


CD27: [Yes, I believe ...] the earth being 6,00 years old...


So why is there so much evidence that it is billions of years old? Did God plant multiple misleading evidences?



CD27: if you are saved, and then lost, then you were never saved in the first place. you may have thought you were, but if, in the very end, your name is not written in the book of life, then you were never saved.


So no one can really know whether nor not he/she is saved? If salvation is the main point of God's plan, then why would he make it so that one couldn't know for sure whether he was saved or condemned to eternal damnation?




And one of my question went unanswerd...What happened to those "righteous, God-fearing individuals" that died before Jesus was crucified? Did they go to heaven? Can you provide a quote to support whatever position you hold?


so far, through my extensive studies in trying to find out how old the universe is, the only credible evidence that says it is not 6,00 years old is what freethinker said about light taking billions of years to travel here, which i am still researching.


unfortunately, i am not very good with quoting thebible, but i understand it well, old english just confuses the crap out of me, unless someone is sitting right there talking to me about it, and i'm ale to read back over it, only then will i understand old english. but yea, even the people who died before jesus could go to heaven. but they had to make many sacrafices. the usually sacrificed a sheep. an that was only because they were VERY important. today, if you were a very dedicated CD collector, for example, giving up one of your prized possetions that you could almost die for could be considered a sacrifice, but a sacrifice must also be meant with the heart completely, or you sacrificed something for nothing.


that is the last of those kinds of questions i will answer from now on, i respect tormor and i do not wish to disobey what he has asked us. let's please stick to the topic.


CD27: …the only credible evidence that says it is not 6,00 years old is what freethinker said about light taking billions of years to travel here, which i am still researching.


What about multiple methods of radiometric dating that give consistent results of billions of years? What about the Hawaii island chain, formed as a plate slowly drifted over a hot spot over the span of millions of years? What about “continental drift” – for which there is undeniable empirical evidence - and the fitting together of the continents if the directions of motion are reversed? What about the regularly recurring magnetic stripes on the ocean’s bottom (“paleomagnetism”) that reverse polarity as one moves away from sites of seafloor spreading? What about the formation of the Himalayan mountains from the collision of two tectonic plates – evidenced even more strongly by the fact that Mt Everest continues to increase in height inch by inch over the years.


TeleMad: And one of my question went unanswerd...What happened to those "righteous, God-fearing individuals" that died before Jesus was crucified? Did they go to heaven? Can you provide a quote to support whatever position you hold?


CD27: .. but yea, even the people who died before jesus could go to heaven.


But John says…


”No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.” (John 3:13)


Sounds like the Bible says that only Jesus - the Son of Man – had ascended to heaven. So what happened to all the “righteous” people who had died over the previous few thousand years? Where did they go, despite their killing innocent animals to get into heaven?

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