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Theory Of Everything


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We live in a predetermined universe. It is a self contained, closed system. It is not necessary to require a creator to set it in motion nor does it depend on external influences such as those suggested by multiverse theories.

According to Einstein, time flows at different speeds according to the energy states of two separate observers. It should be apparent then that time could not have existed before the big bang. Instead, the past, present and future already exist. It is the behaviour of particles to travel forwards and backwards freely across time and space which can be accessibly visualized by reversing the arrows in Feynman's diagrams.

As biological machines, our understanding of the universe is based on the biomechanical input of external stimuli into the brain. Our complex nervous sytem lets us paint a subjective picture of reality. For example, our perception of colour is a measurement of electromagnetic radiation, which may in turn be a representation of something else (undefined particle).

Similarly, the following are also interpretations belonging to the mind: Temperature, spatial awareness, perception of time, emotions, creativity, sound, mathematics. While some of these things may exist in reality, it is our personal ceonceptualizations that concern us as living creatures. It may be that mathematics only exists because our universe represents a whole, or the number 1. From the existence of the number 1 it is subsequently possible to derive addition (1+1) and every other number and mathematical function. Furthermore, it is worth noting that our application of mathematics to define phenomenon in the natural world may not be inclusive of forces and symbolisms outside our scope of perception (for example string-like particles that span the entire universe in time and space, connecting every force and matter together, a conclusion that logically follows from an interpretation of predetermination).

For us and all biological organisms, time perception is the product of evolution. According to entropy, energy has a tendency to become more and more disordered over time. Evolution has thus designed biological organisms to collect energy from states where it is more available in order to be able to survive the future states. We must consciously view the present in order to survive the future. Our common sense expectations of time are an artifact of evolution. In reality, we are traveling both backwards and forwards in time. Perhaps it is possible for an organism to think backwards in time just as we think forwards in time but such an organism would probably need to be massless and might resemble something like a constructed body of mechanical light.

Virtual particles and the double slit experiment:

The double slit experiment concerns itself with firing an electron through a slit and recording the trajectory end-point of the electron on a photoelectric screen behind the slit. When a series of single electrons are fired over time, a straight vertical (or spherical) strip of landing points appear on the screen. The electron appears to be traveling in a straight line as a particle. When a second slit is opened, the single electron appears to travel through both slits at the same time and interfere with itself, creating a wave like pattern of bright and dark vertical (or spherical) strips uniformly about the screen and so the electron has logistically behaved like a wave. When we introduce a which-way detector (low atomic number) and try to measure which slit the electron is passing through, the interference is broken and two vertical (or spherical) lines appear again, telling us that electrons behave differently when observed.

Feynman's double slit experiment is a longstanding challenge of Quantum Mechanics which Feynman himself described as being "the only mystery".

Predeterminism at its core assumes that the future already exists. So, we are no longer limited to the present relying on the past. Instead, the past relies on the present which relies on the future and everything is connected in a very fundamental way.

To make QM compatible with predeterminism we must consider the following:

Reverse the image by picturing that the electron is traveling from its finished state on the screen backwards through time towards the electron emitter. Its trajectory is thus already decided. If there is only one slit open, it appears to travel in a straight line (perhaps it behaves as a wave bouncing inwards onto itself in perfect uniform. The theory makes the humble assumption that light may be made up of larger, or smaller, 'particles'). If two slits are open, the electron, again knowing which pathways are open to it, expands like a wave. If there is a low atomic number detector in place at one of the slits, the electron must interact with it thus affecting the route that the photon is allowed to take to reach the emitter.

It is only unintuitive to biological organisms that have evolved under strict laws of thermodynamics that virtual particles should seemingly appear as if by magic. "God does not play dice" - Albert Einstein

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went beyond the first paragraph and found myself on a sea of assertion, unwarranted jumps and speculation. Nothing wrong with that....unless you are posting in the hard science portion of a science forum. Zowie, will you return and provide at least some support for some of your assertions?

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Even the last theory of everything I yawned over had 3 equations, ...maybe up your game a bit?


All kidding aside, the universe grows daily. Our understanding of the universe grows as well.


Any new TOE needs to explain what we know, and also predict what we are about to know.


Ya, that last part screws a lot of people up.


Best wishes, keep at it.


Maybe one day...

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Feel free to move this thread anywhere you like.


It is nothing more than a simple interpretation of QM. There are many of them out there- this one does away with the rather ugly and untestable math that continues to be taught across the globe. I have yet to think of a comprehensive proof for predeterminism but others are welcome to try. Science forums are for discussion, right?

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How did you do away with all those pesky things without math?


Tell me, PLEASE, how you tie quantum micro gravity to general relativity?


Just because I may not be able to follow you doesn't mean others might not.


You feel strongly?


Show us.


Not making fun of you but need you to understand how strongly other people feel.


Do not presume to change my world without even offering ONE FREAKING EQUATION!





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Yes they are for discussion, but with trying to support your claims. Next one funny one make is "untestable math"...as far as I know mathematics is the only clean science something is either proven or not and if it is then it holds forever (because all theorems start with assuming that XX then YY).


We have a special forum for threads like this "Strange Claims" as its description says "This is the place where we put topics that are outside the bounds of standard science: they usually contain interesting but unsupported viewpoints." This thread fits there perfectly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

...Feynman said Mathematics can't be considered as Science for the reason, that its prrof is not experiment.. Mathematics is only a tool to help us with our investigations in Science... 


It's actually pretty hard to find a science that can survive without Mathematics, and thus there is great skepticism warranted for any hypothesis that claims that it does not "need" Mathematics.



Mathematics has beauty and romance. It's not a boring place to be, the mathematical world. It's an extraordinary place; it's worth spending time there, :phones:
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  • 2 years later...

A paper has just been published regarding this idea which is what I was waiting for. Now I guess it officially becomes 'not pseudoscience' ;)






Please point to some statement in those links which corresponds to some statement you made in the OP. 

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It's actually pretty hard to find a science that can survive without Mathematics, and thus there is great skepticism warranted for any hypothesis that claims that it does not "need" Mathematics.



Mathematics has beauty and romance. It's not a boring place to be, the mathematical world. It's an extraordinary place; it's worth spending time there, :phones:



Hmmmm?   Nevermind.  Off-topic. But...... :eek:

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Language is inherently mathematical. It relies on prior axiomatic statements in order for a complex message to be conveyed.


Regardless, this theory builds on GR and QM so all testable equations found within those theories are applicable here as well.

Edited by SamuelBisson
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