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I had an idea one day while mowing my yard. The idea was that Gravity is a particle and it pushes all matter that it goes through. Gravity has a starting point and an ending point. The ending point is an atom. Once gravity particle finds an atom and goes to it, other gravity particles follow in a stream. Any matter that goes through the stream has a slight push on it. Once gravity reaches an atom it exits the atom and looks for

somewhere else to go.


Think of gravity as working like a vacuum cleaner hose. The atom is like the end of the hose. Air goes in the hose. Think of gravity as being like the air. Put a feather above the vacuum cleaner hose. The air pushes the feather to the hose. Gravity works the same way. It's that simple.


It's a very simple concept. I wrote some of my ideas down and showed them to a friend of mine who is into science. A particle behind gravity worked so well that I put a particle behind all the "Forces" of nature. I continued to show my ideas to my friend. He liked them so well he suggested I write a book on it, so I did. I called the book "Particle Mechanics - The Theory of Energy States". It explains and illustrates gravity and these other ideas in great detail. Gravity is the key to understanding how the universe works. The book is 372 pages with 180 full color illustration. My son read the book in 6 hours and understood it. He's in the 5th grade and in the gifted program. The book is available at our web site at http://www.ParticleMechanics.Com. The book can be ordered through any bookstore.


I will elaborate a little more on my theory on gravity. First imagine a molecule as a tire. The tire is shaped like a doughnut and it has a hole in it. Hang the tire from a tree like one of the old tree swings. Second take 50 people and put them on an arc 100 yards from the tire. Space each person a foot apart. Give them all a bow and lots of arrows. All 50 people will now shoot arrows through the tire.


If someone named Joe walks in front of the path of one of the arrows what will happen? The arrow will go through Joe and continue on towards the tire. When the arrow passes through Joe he will be pushed in the direction the arrow is going. Imagine the gravity particle as one of the arrows. It pushes matter as it goes through that matter.


Let's have Joe walk in front of the hole in the tire. What happens? 50 arrows will go through Joe. Joe will recieve 50 times more push than if he is in the path of a single arrow. This is exactly how gravity works. The closer you get to an object the greater the gravity push.


Gravity does no damage as it passes through matter so assume the arrows don't hurt Joe.


You might ask, what is the mysterious force that drives the gravity particle? There is no force. The particle has no mass it can go any speed or direction it wants. Doesn't make sense does it? But, look at light. Light travels from point A to point B. Light instantly goes from a stationary object to the speed of light. The light can travel for millions of years at that speed until reach its destination. The gravity particle is similar to light. The main difference is light is reflected from most objects and gravity goes through all objects(like the arrows). I also believe light is a combination of particles. You might also ask how does gravity find an atom? Think of it this way. A jet fighter flys by. It fires a billion heat seeking missles. The heat seeking missles have 3 jobs to do: 1) find a plane, 2) if you find a plane slow down and straighten you tail fins in the direction of the plane and go to the plane, and 3) follow a missle that its fins pointing towards a plane's direction. What will happen? The plane will fly by and a missle will find it. That missle will slow down and point its fins in the direction of the plane. A second missle will find missle 1 and follow it. Missle 2 will straighten its tail. Other missles will follow in that line. If missle 4 finds the plane another line of missles will be formed. Of course when the missles get there they will blow up the plane. In my model of gravity the plane is the atom and the gravity particles are the missles. Gravity goes through the atom and doesn't blow it up.


This will produce the streams of gravity that go to all atoms. Is there anything similar to this in nature? Yes, there is. Sperm cells do the searching part when they look for an egg. They don't straighten their tail because they want any other sperm cells to get to the egg.


This is a new way of looking at gravity. It has given me many simple answers to many complicated quesions. I hope this litte piece of informatation will help you in some way. I have put many of my answers in my book. It's something you may want to read.


I think this post should be moved to the strange claims forum. Please do not use Hypography to pitch commercial products - even if it is books. your post is a sales pitch.


Anyway, you don't explain why gravity can be a pushing particle while it is considered to be an attractive force.


Secondly, while light *may* be composed of sub-particles, the photon (ie, a particle of light) is nothing but the smallest quanta of electromagnetic force.


The sperm analogy makes no sense to me.


Sounds like he's trying to revive some sort of aether concept here Tormod. There have been many attempts at this in the past and even presently continue to come creeping out of the woodwork. Until we discover major flaws in SR I'm afraid they will have little chance for success.




A force in physics is something that can't be explained by any rational reasoning. That's why gravity is defined as a force. Gravity appears to pull. Let's say you have a tree at the end of a street and a boy on a skate board. You and a friend stand at a distance and watch. A 50 mile an hour wind blows the boy into the tree. If your friend tells you the tree exerted a force and pulled the boy into the tree, would you believe him? Where's the proof gravity pulls?


I spent over 2 years writing my book. I have many illustrations down to the molecular level. I can't post the book on a thread, that's why I wrote this little small article. Gravity is where I started on my new theory. And by the way, in my book I put particles behind all the imaginary "quantum forces".


Let me ask you a question, Are you sure gravity is a force that pulls?


Let me ask you another question. First everyone saw the boy on the scateboard being pulled in by the tree. All the experts believe the tree pulled the boy for hundreds of years. Someone comes along and says the wind pushed the boy into the tree. Should that someone post his findings under Physics or Strange Claims?


I can see gravity as a particle that is similar to the wind. I was hoping to post a new idea that people with open minds might like to hear. Gravity being a particle that pushes is just the tip of the ice berg of what I plan to post! I am not going away. I have finished my book and I plan to share my ideas. If you are sure gravity pulls then just don't read anymore. You are more than welcome to delete my thread and I will take my ideas else where. I am sorry if I offended you.

Let me ask you a question, Are you sure gravity is a force that pulls?


I don't see that I wrote that anywhere.


...All the experts believe the tree pulled the boy for hundreds of years. Someone comes along and says the wind pushed the boy into the tree. Should that someone post his findings under Physics or Strange Claims?


Not the same thing. You still haven't explained *how* the gravity particle is pushing anything. Since it would turn physics upside down I am sure you have an explanation.


You are more than welcome to delete my thread and I will take my ideas else where. I am sorry if I offended you.


It seems more like I offended you. You made a strange claim and did not back it up. That is a violation of our site rules (which you can read by clicking on the Rules link in the second menu on the top of this page) and that is why it belongs in the Strange Claims forum.


By the way, this is the first time I have seen someone write that when a kid hits a tree it is considered to happen because of the gravitational pull of the tree. That *would* qualify as a strange claim, yes.


So where are the particles emanating from? If I throw a ball into the air then what is the supposed source of these particles that push it back to the ground?

That *would* qualify as a strange claim, yes.


Absolutely Tormod, we should all be grateful that Hypography has a format allowing strange claims. I've only been registered at one other forum and I don't believe they even allowed strange claims. They certainly didn't allow religious topics, and you can even find that at Hypography.

By the way, this is the first time I have seen someone write that when a kid hits a tree it is considered to happen because of the gravitational pull of the tree. That *would* qualify as a strange claim, yes.


Indeed! I think the author used a poor analogy, the whole boy-tree-wind deal. I would imagine that the tree would have to be HUGE (or the boy quite small) for its relitive gravitational "force" to effect to boy. ;) The issue of the 50mph wind blowing the boy doesn't makes to sense to me as effective in this argument. It is quite obvious to me that the wind is an outside force acting on the boy and has little to do with the gravitational field of the tree. Now if the tree was indeed HUGE (or once again the boy quite small) and all this occured in a perfect vacuum far from the gravitational field of ANY bodies then the tree would indeed pull the boy towards itself (given the spacetime-warping view attributed to Einstien).


Perhaps the author would be so kind as to post another analogy that is a bit easier to picture...




The idea was that Gravity is a particle and it pushes all matter that it goes through.

Unconscionable garbage. You've violated conservation of energy and conservation of momentum plus empirical physical observation since Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze (Appresso gli Elsevirii, Leida: 1638) by Galileo Galilei.



Mathematics of gravitation





Experimental constraints on General Relativity



Nature 425 374 (2003)




Relativity in the GPS system (weak field)


Science 303(5661) 1143;1153 (2004)





Deeply relativistic neutron star binaries (strong field)


Gravitation is spacetime geometry without a single instance of observation to the contrary. There is no evidence for quantized gravitation or propagation of gravitation by a massless spin-2 tensor boson (required by the math). Gravity is not gravitation.

Unconscionable garbage. You've violated conservation of energy and conservation of momentum plus empirical physical observation since Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze (Appresso gli Elsevirii, Leida: 1638) by Galileo Galilei.



I totally agree Uncle..., he would do well to check out the links you posted for him, now this is what I call excellent tutorship.


It is true that gravity can be repulsive, pushing all matter apart. Einstein's equations for general relativity allows gravity to be a repulsive force if there is negative pressure. The idea of repulsive gravity is very popular in inflaton theory. It says that during the early inflation of the universe, gravity helped stretch the universe apart.

It is true that gravity can be repulsive, pushing all matter apart. Einstein's equations for general relativity allows gravity to be a repulsive force if there is negative pressure. The idea of repulsive gravity is very popular in inflaton theory. It says that during the early inflation of the universe, gravity helped stretch the universe apart.


Interesting. The author never stated that his situation occured in a negative pressure environment however, which triggered my "common sense" alert. Though common sense does seem tied to the classical and flies out the window in the world of the quantum.





It is true that gravity can be repulsive, pushing all matter apart. Einstein's equations for general relativity allows gravity to be a repulsive force if there is negative pressure.

Theory predicts everything; that is why we have experimentation. Any complex theory typically contains apparently non-physical solutions that may or may not be interesting (e.g., the negative energy region in total internal reflection). Anybody can measure gravitation using a Cavendish balance,



"Bending Spacetime in the Basement"





The expansion of spacetime from "dark energy" is curve fitting to admittedly questionable cosmological data. It is undetectable as an empirical experiment. The folks need employment and grant funding. They eructate continuous streams of least publishable bits decorated with Media hype. Science as sports event.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The proposals should be considered in consequence of their testability - which is roughly negligible.

Theory predicts everything; that is why we have experimentation. .


I especially like this this comment Uncle...., how ofter scientific advancement is waylayed by chasing after the wild goose. I'm as quilty as the next guy for too often building theory upon theory and winding up with garbage because proper experimentation was not exercized at critical levels. Excellent comment Uncle.......




I got a little huffy when you told me to go to the strange claims. I thought you were blowing me off to go somewhere else. I did not realize you really had a strange claim area. I consider what I have to be sound physics. It is strange only because it is new. I am sorry I got a little huffy. My goal is to share my ideas.


Your question is "how does gravity push". The answer is not hard. Go back to my original post and look at the arrow example. If you are shot with an arrow. it will produce a slight resistance as it goes through you. That resistance will push you the same direction as the arrow. When a gravity particle goes through an atom it produces a slight resistance on that atom. The atom is pushed in the direction that the atom is going. Gravity does not damage any atoms or molecules it goes through. When you stand on the earth there is a large stream of gravity that goes through all your atoms and contiunes on into the earth. The total number of your atoms or your total mass will determine how much you are pushed down on the earth. Does this answer your "how" question.


The tree and the boy example was something I used to show a misunderstanding in "Physics". People believed the sun rotated around the earth for many years. SOME PEOPLE still believe it. The point I was trying to make was something pushed the boy. It was something you couldn't see. It was the wind. I can visualize gravity working very similar to this example. The idea is new as far as I know.


I have't found any work that explains "How" gravity pulls. Einstien's warped space doesn't work for me.


I have a lot of ideas that I have worked on since I published my book. I would like to post them on your forum. Here are a few of the ideas - 1. What really powers the sun. 2. What the Doppler Effect really is. 3. What causes Red shift(the light spectrum shift to red) and what it really is. 4. What the atom is really made of.(The latest laser pictures support my new model). 5. What causes atoms to have Mass. 6. Instant travel (pure theoretical unless John Searle really did what he claims then we are over 1/3 of the way there) (You are selling anti-gravity books. It's not anti-gravity and John Searle tells you that in his book).


I did not think I was violating any of your rules. I hope I can do better as I post other Ideas. Would you like to have me post these ideas on your forum? They are physics, they will be strange because they are new. All my ideas may be wrong, but if they are correct we will be able to leave this solar system and this galaxy. A misunderstanding of gravity could be what is holding us to travel only in this solar system.

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