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Posted (edited)

Moderation note: the first 2 posts of this thread were moved from Fertilization Of A Chicken Egg because they are off topic and don't back up their claims with links of references.


Fertilised Component.


He's thinking algorithmically, not linguistically.


LIKE ME -> Thanks.


Biology is the worst linguistic science domain. The method of it's evolution is like watching the evolution of finding another particle in an accelerator and naming it according too todays weather pattern.


Thankfully CGI to the rescue...I have seen a utube video of Transcription to the molecule.


One stuff up I see with biology is what is considered a CELL.

The rule is, it has only 1 nucleus...this needs tobe promoted. b/c before I started investigating biology CELL to me meant something dumb and incapable of anything, I always thought something like sperm would be a complicated machine that required many cells. It took many a page of text book to discover that cell actually has alot of moving parts, and that cells (on average) do most of thier work via chemistry outside the shell(lipid). To this day ATP stumps me, on how amazing it is - thankyou CGI.


To an enginerring mind...cell the word, seems like component. , and to an engineer; component is part, that you would require more than one of in order to have something like motility. The fact that it's all just chemistry makes it so amazingly mechanoid, which is quite interesting to the tinkerer type of person.

Edited by CraigD

1. What would you have thought more complicated? Please be specific - it aids clarity.

2. If you meant the fertilisation of an egg it is more complicated - one begins with general explanations, since they are often adequate.

3. If you meant you thought life would be more complicated than just mechanoid cells, it is: you have likely heard of emergent properties. If not ask, or google.

Posted (edited)

1. Biology - the subject, and yes life (once you have seen the videos)


too a person that played with Lego growing up: I understood cell tobe like a peice of lego - theres lots of different sizes and colour and thats all I knew.

I will admit I wasn't too interested in biology growing up, but after watching the videos and doing some light study its amazing!


2. Biology and general explanations.


When I did learn 6 months of introductory biology, it dawned on my why I never paid attention in highschool. There are so many parts with individual names, and names of processes, that when I was a child I didn't care for it: ie. I am the type that gets interested in logic first, hence why chemistry came so easy. ,but now that I am alot older and did that introductory course I paid more attention and learnt something for once in my life.


I brought it up b/c the guy asking the question also seems to have linguistic problems NOT logic problems...therfore there is no point in providing a typical biologists example.


...Which I also learnt that the way you get tested in Biology is by reciting the words: ie You automatically fail if your grammatically incoherant. Which in my technical sort of thinking means that the person is not learning about the actual mechanics of the system...rather they are just good at regurgitating information, hence what they should become is a lawyer or actor. ie. It is very easy to become a biologist without actually knowing anything.


Learning about computers has its similar folly: It's hard too know where to start (to teach), even though the logic of the device isn't that extravagant.

It's also possible tobe an amazing programmer without actually knowing anything aswell.


To me, both subjects when explained to someone are too abstract --> its just words, which the teacher assumes the listener has heard or associated to an object already.


For example getting help from a computer TechHead.

Usually goes: Press Start Button - and in windows vista or higher you already stumped, unless you had already used the previous version, XP to know where in the hell the start button is., so techeads switched over too press the winkey+r , but almost all people that need help had never used a windows shortcut before in thier lives and it was impossible to teach pressing 2 buttons at once via the telephone - the concept for the user was not there.


-Well thanks to the ipad most of the techheads are now un-employed anyway ---> so watch us coming we are all going to learn biology and start printing our own blonde bimbos by the dozen.

Edited by ErlyRisa

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