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We Have No Idea What This One Was About But It Had Nothing To Do With The Thread It Was In

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Posted (edited)

If you look at a quantum universe, compared to a continuous universe, the quantum has fewer options since there are only distinct states. Continuous implies an infinite number of states even between two quantum states.


The inference I make is a quantum universe, loaded the dice of a random continuous universe, so only certain sides of the dice can fall. Oxygen and Hydrogen form Water, and not a different molecule each time. This is  due to loaded quantum dice. 


I suppose, if we started with a six sided dice, then add a quantum weight to load it, so only two sides can appear, then we may still have odds, but now we have a coin, and not dice. 


In Chemistry there is the Gibbs Free Energy (G) = H-TS; internal energy (H) minus temperature (T) times entropy (S). Entropy is analogous to the odds of random, while internal energy is  analogous to quantum load on the dice. Water forms from oxygen and hydrogen gases because the H load will dominate the S odds; only one side will fall again and again. 


There is random in the universe, but H dominates, due to the quantum universe. The random universe assumption assumes H=0; assumes no quantum loading of the dice. This is a special case but is not consistent with a quantum universe that forces certain states only. 

Edited by HydrogenBond

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