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Posted (edited)

I have been experiencing an issue whenever I have tried to either visit the hypography home page or sign in at one time. It even had me locked in and would not let me sign out but it did eventually I think that it did sign out although I was unable to navigate the website and kept getting the below error, in any case attempts to navigate the hypography web site have resulted in either the following error or one that is very similar


SQL Error

An error occured with the SQL server:

mySQL query error: SELECT s.id, s.member_id, s.member_name, s.seo_name, s.login_type, s.running_time, s.member_group, s.uagent_type,m.member_banned FROM ipb_sessions s LEFT JOIN ipb_members m ON ( m.member_id=s.member_id ) WHERE running_time > 1430523963

This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.

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I got this message the first time last Thursday I believe, but since then I had tried to sign out and it eventually let me although this wound up making it impossible to post a message. I might note that I did not have to sign in in order to post this, I am of course posting this because I don't see any posts about this problem and have no idea what end it is on or if it has been fixed if it is on hypography's end.


The web browser that I am using is firefox.

Edited by Bombadil

We have been experiencing some intermittent problems that we think are caused by an overactive Googlebot, but we think they should be fixed now. If you continue to have problems please post them here along with the exact time you experienced them.



There is always one more bug, :phones:


Posted (edited)

We have been experiencing some intermittent problems that we think are caused by an overactive Googlebot, but we think they should be fixed now. If you continue to have problems please post them here along with the exact time you experienced them.


I couldn't log in for about 3 days and the message I received looked like it was trying to delete all entries for a particular user no (like a basic sql injection per the wiki) but was blocked. I was using Chrome.


The error message ended with the same text as Bombadil's  error message.


This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above. 

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Edited by LaurieAG

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