JimSolo Posted June 8, 2015 Report Posted June 8, 2015 (edited) Formerly "I Would Like To Propose Something ..." Welcome ladies and jellybeans. My name isn't Jim, but for the sake of it, you can call me that. This thread is dedicated to my (and later on, my team)'s work on a technology I'm dubbing DiveTech. Formerly it was named FullDive but after some extensive researching I have discovered that name is currently under copyright for another company, so I have renamed it. Any posts in this thread mentioning "DiveTech", "FullDive", or "Diving" are almost certainly relating to this technology. DiveTech is the state of bringing the human conscious mind into a computer, a true 'virtual reality'. The next step forward in low level organic/synthetic integration. It is most likely a non-invasive, wireless technology that is transmitted using the cumulative power of EEG and Microwave technology, with some very clever coding and upgrades thrown in. This technology is destined to exist in the next 10 - 20 years, and I have been working extensively over the last 2 years (at the time of writing this message, July 2015) to bring it to a reality. The initial versions of this tech are going to be based around medical advancements. Bringing the consciousness into a computer has its benefits, that of being able to 'switch off' various neurological paths. For example, if a patient is in severe pain, you can simply 'turn off' the pain reception to their body. It won't necessarily allow their body to be any less stressed, but it will reduce the mental and psychological harm to the patient. It is well documented that a lot of medical issues are mentally related, and can be treated with great success by reducing psychological taxing on the patient. Think sugar pills curing a headache. Similar sort of thing, except the pill is an expensive machine, and it's certainly not made of sugar. Please Note: INFORMATION AND UPDATES ABOUT DIVETECH WILL BE VAGUE AND INFORMATION WILL BE LIMITED FOR LEGAL AND LOGICAL SAKE. As I have stated a few times in various posts, legality, unfortunately, plays a major role in creating a new technology. I am taking a MASSIVE risk in posting ANYTHING to do with it on a public forum such as this. I want it noted here and now that if this technology exists by anyone other than me, it is as a result of their own work unless I have otherwise said. Untill the legal proceedings are set out fully, enough information to create the tech will not be supplied. I don't like it as much as you don't, but I feel there is nothing I can do about it. I can't take the risk. If life were fair, I would spend this entire post telling you every single detail about how I've modified current technology to being to create this system, but I simply cannot or risk my life's ambition going to waste. I beg for your understanding. <3 THIS TECHNOLOGY, MY NAME, AND MY TEAM ARE NOT CURRENTLY AFFILIATED (at time of writing, July 2015) WITH SCIENCEFORUMS.COM. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL WEBSITE TEAM.This is my own team, currently only existing of me. If scienceforums wishes to become the official sponsor/mascot/website in which I work with (not sure what to call them in that sense), I am only more than happy to do so, however currently I have no spoken to the owner/admin of the website, and have no drawn any legal points with him/her. I am simply posting here because... well I don't really have a good reason. This community is the best I've seen thus far, and you havn't immediately killed me for saying and claiming to be working on something so outlandish. Most of you have good, honest, open minds, and are intelligent enough to realise I haven't created this yet, it is *IN DEVELOPMENT*. And I promise the final product will be thanks to every single one of you that has contributed even minutely. I cannot promise it will be officially recognised, but I can promise I'll try my damndest to make sure it is, even if it's as simple as a link to this forumsite on an official release or some such. I have no idea. I can't predict the future.... yet. A Little Bit About Myself: As I said my name isn't Jim, and until such times as I have to publiclly announce my name, it will remain Jim. I'm an Australian, been a nerd ever since I was born (4 year olds can write C on PowerMacs, dontchano), and have developed a recent passion for anime. Sword Art Online carried further into my heart than it should have, for two very good reasons. 1: As you can probably guess, is the medical side. I have been in and out of hospitals all my life, not as a result of my own sickness, but as a result of someone very close to me. Watching someone you love in pain and knowing you can do nothing to ease it is the most unbearable sight I have ever had to face, and I've been facing it for 15 years (at the time of writing). Emotionally, physically, and mentally, it is draining and taxing on even the strongest and most powerful of individuals. If I could have just had this tech then. If I could have cured her pain.. life would be a lot different, for both of us. 2: Kirito. He is a legend. I'm not, but I am a 'solo player'. Whenever trouble faces me, I take it by the horns myself. I have fought adversities for years, and have never had backup. Not for the will of not wanting it, but for the will of not being able to recieve it. I learned easily, when I was very young, that if you need something done, to do it yourself. As a result I grew far more attached to Kirito's character then was likely expected of A-1 Pictures. I do not care, however. I love that show, more than I love many things. I love what it symbolises and I love the portrayal of an advanced society. One I wish to bring true. A castle in the sky. Just... you know. Without the infinite murderous possibilities. Don't worry, I already have that covered I'm sorry for the 'sob story' rant. I expect many of you to immediately dislike me for daring to post my past adversities on the internet, frankly I'm ashamed of it as well. That, combined with the 'he's an attention whore chasing self pity' I'm bound to begin some flame wars. However if I'm going to commit to this, I should at least give the full story of the who's, why's, and how's. As much as I can do without getting flaming vodka bottles thrown through my windows. The least I can do is lay down the truth, and allow you all to draw your own conclusions, or insult each other as is fashionable these days. Other Stuff: Not sure what to put here just yet, will update soon. Edited February 26, 2016 by JimSolo RigoVR, Puppy7718 and 17robots 3
JimSolo Posted June 8, 2015 Author Report Posted June 8, 2015 (edited) I would like to propose something to the above posters and anyone who is handy with a keyboard or EEG tech. In the coming months I will be recruiting members for the development studio of this tech, since I am ready to begin building prototypes. I'm only one man, and although I've spent a long time on this and have made a lot of progress, my abilities are limited. Limited in the ability to tell others about it due to legal obligations, and limited in my ability to test and build (personal situation is less than brilliant). I plan on sorting out a legal agreement with anyone who wants to work closely with me and get their name on the end product. I had some bites in previous posts where I mentioned recruiting test subjects when the time comes, but this is before that. Keep an eye out for a post here, I'll put a big red bold title on it so you won't miss it. I cannot accept anyone as part of my team however until A: I supply some hard evidence of my work on the project, and B: A contract is written up and the buisness name is registered. Give me a max of 18 months. I owe you all more than you can believe, for not only inspiration but ideas and theories, and it's lead me to some major breakthroughs. I wish to credit as many of you as I can when it's done. Old post from the original post above this one when it was moved to this thread, for reference: I would just like to point out that an SAO clone for FullDive is under development by me in my spare time. It is the base 'game' sort of thing that will be shipped with the product. At least, the framework is being created. How far the framework will go into becoming a 'game' is unknown, it depends how much time I have. It's being based in Unreal 4, same as Age of Aincrad. I just have to get hold of copywrites, though fundementally they will be different games even if AoA is ported to FullDive. I would like to say for the record my relationship with the AoA devs isn't brilliant, as a result of some interlectual property missplacement. I don't blame them however, and I follow their project, but the reason I am now an independant developer rather than one of their team is due to an unofficial disagreement that took place over Facebook. Can't say much, don't feel like getting sued. If they wish to port their game over to FullDive in a few years they can, I'll supply the framework for development. Unsure if it will incur costs as of yet (I have to contact Epic Games when it's done and dusted about that). Edited June 11, 2015 by JimSolo Puppy7718 and RigoVR 2
Blueleaf54 Posted June 9, 2015 Report Posted June 9, 2015 Hey Jim, I realize I'm only 14 but would it be alright if I could help out somehow?
JimSolo Posted June 11, 2015 Author Report Posted June 11, 2015 That would depend on how skilled you are in neurology and computer coding in relation to BCI systems. I don't want you guys getting your hopes up just yet, as I said, things won't be happening for at least a year, but no more than 18 months. I have to get all the legal proceedings in place first. I also have to contact the administrator of the site in reguards to recruitment here as I don't want to get sued for misuse of the site and any profits that come about as a result of it. I wasn't actually aware this thread was going to exist, the two starting posts of the thread were made in two completely different threads as replies, I'm assuming a moderator has moved them to a new thread of my own, which I am quite thrilled about. I'm going to edit it all and rename the thread in a few days while I figure out how this is all to go down in the longhaul. At least I can use this thread as a general update thread as the tech improves. Please remember that details will be very vague and limited. I can't have the entire internet getting their fingers on every extra bit of advancements to this tech, or it *WILL* be stolen. Not only will my years of work go to waste, it will likely end up in the wrong hands and used for the opposite of what I want it to be used for. Check the first post once it's been edited to find out why/what it is planned for.
pgrmdave Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 That would depend on how skilled you are in neurology and computer coding in relation to BCI systems.Are you talking about http://fulldive.com/ ? Because there's no BCI there, at all. At least nothing built into fulldive.
JimSolo Posted June 11, 2015 Author Report Posted June 11, 2015 Are you talking about http://fulldive.com/ ? Because there's no BCI there, at all. At least nothing built into fulldive. Yes, I am. I know the technology is completely different. Their thing is a headset come phone app thing. Frankly I find it a little depressing they used that name on a sodding android app, but they beat me too it, obviously. I renamed the project for safety, worst case scenario I rename it again. Until legal proceedings are in place I could call it "Project Poohead" for all it matters xD
17robots Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 (edited) So, how can we join the company? I would like to, at least. I had the same idea of starting my own company and even have a forum up about it. I am from the US so my business standards could potentially differ from yours, but I would love to help any way I can, be it business, or legal matters. I love the SAO series as well and have wanted to see this technology come to markets and people's homes as well. On my forum: http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/28417-forming-a-company-to-develop-a-version-of-the-nervegear/, I have the positions that I feel that would need to exist in order to achieve what we both dream. I can't do this alone. That is why I'd like to have some help. If you would like to, I would recommend reading my forum and give me feedback. Maybe this could actually be the start of something. Again, I am from the US, so I would have to look up companies in Australia and what it would take for me to work there, but for now, we have an idea. That is a great start. I hope this could work out. You can message me, or reply on my forum, or on this forum, I don't care. I hope we can make this work. Edited June 11, 2015 by 17robots
JimSolo Posted June 11, 2015 Author Report Posted June 11, 2015 (edited) So, how can we join the company? I would like to, at least. I had the same idea of starting my own company and even have a forum up about it. I am from the US so my business standards could potentially differ from yours, but I would love to help any way I can, be it business, or legal matters. I love the SAO series as well and have wanted to see this technology come to markets and people's homes as well. On my forum: http://www.scienceforums.com/topic/28417-forming-a-company-to-develop-a-version-of-the-nervegear/, I have the positions that I feel that would need to exist in order to achieve what we both dream. I can't do this alone. That is why I'd like to have some help. If you would like to, I would recommend reading my forum and give me feedback. Maybe this could actually be the start of something. Again, I am from the US, so I would have to look up companies in Australia and what it would take for me to work there, but for now, we have an idea. That is a great start. I hope this could work out. You can message me, or reply on my forum, or on this forum, I don't care. I hope we can make this work. I saw your thread. I'm more than happy to colaborate my efforts with people when the time comes. Just remember it won't be tomorrow. Or next week, or next month for that matter. This is going to take time, but depending on how skilled you are in those various fields and such I'm quite happy to recruit people from the public at large, which may include you. I already had one bite only a day after the thread went up, and since most people here have an interest in science of some form (otherwise they'd all still be on craiglist), it seems the ideal place to find likeminded people. I just want to urge everyone to not get their hopes to high. Get your hopes high about the technology, please do. But not about working on it with me. I have no idea what the future will bring and I don't want to dissapoint anyone. Edited June 11, 2015 by JimSolo
17robots Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 (edited) I saw your thread. I'm more than happy to colaborate my efforts with people when the time comes. Just remember it won't be tomorrow. Or next week, or next month for that matter. This is going to take time, but depending on how skilled you are in those various fields and such I'm quite happy to recruit people from the public at large, which may include you. I already had one bite only a day after the thread went up, and since most people here have an interest in science of some form (otherwise they'd all still be on craiglist), it seems the ideal place to find likeminded people. I just want to urge everyone to not get their hopes to high. Get your hopes high about the technology, please do. But not about working on it with me. I have no idea what the future will bring and I don't want to dissapoint anyone. Don't worry about it. I won't be disappointed. I just don't want to go into this alone. It's great that you took the time to look at the forum though. You seem to be the first person that has had a real legitiment interest in actually creating this. That was why I wanted to collab with you. I knew that you would try to put effort into the project. PS: If you are looking into turning this into a company, I would recommend this website: http://asic.gov.au/for-business/starting-a-company/how-to-start-a-company/ and this: http://asic.gov.au/for-business/running-a-company/company-officeholder-duties/your-company-and-the-law/. The main page: http://www.asic.gov.au/ Edited June 11, 2015 by 17robots
Eyeball Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 'Jim' have you though about using the nerves (ones that are used for senses and motor skills) instead of reading and writing directly to the brain.
17robots Posted June 16, 2015 Report Posted June 16, 2015 'Jim' have you though about using the nerves (ones that are used for senses and motor skills) instead of reading and writing directly to the brain.People have thought about that. And it would be a lot safer and better than writing to the brain, but there is a problem. Some of the nerves are tucked farther into the head. So, at this stage, it would be harder to create a noninvasive way to stimulate those nerves. Does anyone else have any ideas on how hat cold be done? It is a great idea and a lot after in my opinion to stimulate the nerves, so I would like to know the est that we have in noninvasive stimulation of the nerves? I will look into it as well.
JimSolo Posted June 23, 2015 Author Report Posted June 23, 2015 Nerves respond to the brain in a similar way to brain waves. Reaching nerves that are 'tucked farther into the head' is not a problem. Reading that information, is. It's all very well and good saying we can use current BCI tech to understand every little detail about ourselves but that's simply not the case. Far more development and understanding of the brain has to go into it first, and things need to be experimented on.With that in mind, I promised you all some proof of my work. Not that this is really any proof at all. But it's 4am and I feel like sharing something. This is the beginnings of the code for debugging and false replies, this will tell me if any hardware I use when I test it is viable to understand anything. Only just started on it. Blurred out of course because, well, internet. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll26/JimSolo/Private%20stuffs/public_screenie_01_zpstrhq9smi.png~original
Mactyville Posted June 24, 2015 Report Posted June 24, 2015 (edited) I would like to propose something to the above posters and anyone who is handy with a keyboard or EEG tech. In the coming months I will be recruiting members for the development studio of this tech, since I am ready to begin building prototypes. I'm only one man, and although I've spent a long time on this and have made a lot of progress, my abilities are limited. Limited in the ability to tell others about it due to legal obligations, and limited in my ability to test and build (personal situation is less than brilliant). I plan on sorting out a legal agreement with anyone who wants to work closely with me and get their name on the end product. I had some bites in previous posts where I mentioned recruiting test subjects when the time comes, but this is before that. Keep an eye out for a post here, I'll put a big red bold title on it so you won't miss it. I cannot accept anyone as part of my team however until A: I supply some hard evidence of my work on the project, and B: A contract is written up and the buisness name is registered. Give me a max of 18 months. I owe you all more than you can believe, for not only inspiration but ideas and theories, and it's lead me to some major breakthroughs. I wish to credit as many of you as I can when it's done. Old post from the original post above this one when it was moved to this thread, for reference: I would just like to point out that an SAO clone for FullDive is under development by me in my spare time. It is the base 'game' sort of thing that will be shipped with the product. At least, the framework is being created. How far the framework will go into becoming a 'game' is unknown, it depends how much time I have. It's being based in Unreal 4, same as Age of Aincrad. I just have to get hold of copywrites, though fundementally they will be different games even if AoA is ported to FullDive. I would like to say for the record my relationship with the AoA devs isn't brilliant, as a result of some interlectual property missplacement. I don't blame them however, and I follow their project, but the reason I am now an independant developer rather than one of their team is due to an unofficial disagreement that took place over Facebook. Can't say much, don't feel like getting sued. If they wish to port their game over to FullDive in a few years they can, I'll supply the framework for development. Unsure if it will incur costs as of yet (I have to contact Epic Games when it's done and dusted about that). Hi Jim.. First.. thanks for linking me to this. :) I understand your feelings and intentions. I can also see that you're very careful in managing the information you handle. I understand the risks underlying this project we're working given that we still haven't establish legal/proprietary rights on this. Don't worry the feeling is mutual. That's why we've already move from so many forums before. Also I just send you pm's till now. In any case.. we're also still working following the system I've told you about. The 3 step process. In any case.. right now I'm trying to establish a harmony between groups that are being formed out on here. Yes competition is actually good because it will bring our works beyond our limits. However.. that does not mean that in the near future we can't collaborate. I just think that maybe bringing or even improving this form of technology could bring us to unison. So I'm looking forward to a Collaborative venture with every groups soon.. also to @17Robots' group his forming..every group out there. I'm looking forward to our joint research soon. PS: Jim I'd like to express my personal opinion.. that if soon you'll be looking for alpha/beta tester.. I'd like to express my interest in becoming one of those. Be my guest! Don't hesitate to ask me :) Edited June 24, 2015 by Mactyville
17robots Posted June 24, 2015 Report Posted June 24, 2015 Hi Jim.. First.. thanks for linking me to this. :) I understand your feelings and intentions. I can also see that you're very careful in managing the information you handle. I understand the risks underlying this project we're working given that we still haven't establish legal/proprietary rights on this. Don't worry the feeling is mutual. That's why we've already move from so many forums before. Also I just send you pm's till now. In any case.. we're also still working following the system I've told you about. The 3 step process. In any case.. right now I'm trying to establish a harmony between groups that are being formed out on here. Yes competition is actually good because it will bring our works beyond our limits. However.. that does not mean that in the near future we can't collaborate. I just think that maybe bringing or even improving this form of technology could bring us to unison. So I'm looking forward to a Collaborative venture with every groups soon.. also to @17Robots' group his forming..every group out there. I'm looking forward to our joint research soon. PS: Jim I'd like to express my personal opinion.. that if soon you'll be looking for alpha/beta tester.. I'd like to express my interest in becoming one of those. Be my guest! Don't hesitate to ask me :)@Mactyville, I hear that you are hoping for some group collaboration. I would like to let you guys know that I am always open to people helping and joining the group. Like I have said previously, I need all of the help I can get.
JimSolo Posted June 25, 2015 Author Report Posted June 25, 2015 @Mactyville Yes brother, you're on the cards, don't worry :p You've gone to the trouble of formerly approaching me about collaboration, and I highly respect that. @simroh1 Technically no, but they do. I did development for a small company a few months back on a survival game, much like Rust, though more simulatory. You've no idea how many hoops we had to jump through because the name of the game was the same as that of a TV series. I'm taking no chances with this, not with something this.. insane. I would like to use FullDive but I don't know how far the patent on the app is, I havn't contacted the developers or their copyright office to ask, so I just changed the name for safetys sake. Again it's more a 'better safe than sorry' option. Can always change it back. Besides, this is the development of a *technology*, not of a device. Well, it's sort of both, but that's being pedantic. You have to take baby steps. Tech first, mainstreaming it later.
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