Moontanman Posted August 17, 2015 Report Posted August 17, 2015 But it's ALIENS! sanctus 1 Quote
Turtle Posted August 30, 2015 Report Posted August 30, 2015 How did I miss this! So 'they' say: They claim there is a 5 in 10,000 probability that the line-up is coincidence. “If the pattern is real,” says Learned, “it is very, very hard to explain.” First, 5 in 10000 is 1 in 2000, but I suppose 'they' think throwing a bigger number in front of our eyes will better impress us. Second, coincidences happen all the time as do things with probabilities far more extreme. Which 'they' admit but at the same turn say but maybe. “It’s very easy to find patterns when you have small-number statistics,” says McLaughlin. “On the other hand, I don’t think you can argue with the statistics, so it is odd.” I'm saying it ain't aliens, it's tabloid journalism. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Any publicity is good publicity according to Zaccnarz. Quote
AuraNightheart Posted August 30, 2015 Report Posted August 30, 2015 Well, we can't really tell or not until we have more solid data. It's most likely random- or tabloid journalism like Turtle said. There's no real way to tell if there are aliens or not unless we can determine the exact point from where the FBR's are and actually send a spaceship and/or scanning device there. Quote
Viper1 Posted August 30, 2015 Report Posted August 30, 2015 Aliens exist just like we exist. UFO's are as real as the air liners you see every day flying over your city. The reason this "phenomenon" as it were is still so controversial boils down to two facts: 1. An overwhelming percentage of the population on planet Earth is religious, and one could go so far as to say the foundation of most civilizations on Earth and the principles of law and order are religion-bred. These religions are inaccurate and incomplete and in some cases simply flat out fairy tales, but people historically are willing to die by the masses in the name of religion. And aliens probably know this and may have even told those "in the know" on Earth, be it Majestoic, Lockheed Skunkworks, the CIA, or whoever to be careful with the dissemination of facts about extraterrestrial life and civilizations. Keep in mind humans in general are still a very violent species hell-bent on war and domination of weaker societies. Zero point energy and alien technology in the hands of ISIS or a country like North Korea could have very dangerous planetary consequences. Which brings me to the second reason... 2. Admitting extraterrestrial life exists and have been visiting Earth confirms governments have been lying to the entire world for at least 50 years. And governments in the know are not about to reveal they have technology in their possession that could be 1,000, or even 100,000 years ahead of anything we've been able to develop on this planet on our own. As long as humans are in a constant state of war with each other there will always be a reason to keep this advanced technology uber secret. The energy that is used and produced by advanced civilizations would eliminate the oil industry completely in less than a decade....and the powers that be can't have that. UFO's exist. Me, my mother, and my sister saw 3 of them while I was on my paper route delivering papers in the late 70's. They were about 50 ft above the street we were driving down. Every single vehicle on the street lost power and all the houses on that street lost power while they UFOs were above the street. They moved down the street at about 2 to 3 mph, and were totally silent. At first I thought it was the Goodyear blimp which was popular over our city in the 70;s. But as they got closer we could see that it was 3 separate crafts, not one large craft. It was about 6:30 pm in October, just starting to get dark. The craft were about 30-50 ft apart, and in a straight line formation. The first one passed directly over us and I could have hit it with a tennis ball it was that low. Gun metal black with bright lights around its perimeter, the kind of lights you see on the new vehicles now, but didn't exist in the 70's as far as I know. Anyway.....that's basically a summary of it. But I could go on and on. My mother is very religious so we never talked about it much afterwards. My sister is also really religious and is a psych nurse at a large hospital so she can't go public. I reported the incident to MUFON last fall, yes, some 35 yrs later because I was afraid of what would happen to all of our lives had I come forth previously. Anyway they are out there. They are very real. If anyone wants to know more simply say layman's standards my knowledge and experience in this area is stupendous. Quote
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