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 So here is my way of solving a paradox similar to the grandfather paradox.

 Say after your grandfather has "mated" ( I say mated cause there are kids here also ) and your father is born. Your father has many memories growing up with him and at one point your father "mated" and has you. So now you could at one point in time go back in time and kill your grandfather AFTER you are born. This would work around everything. And you must think that you would kill your grandfather anyways.

 Another way of seeing this is if you want to win the lottery. You find out the lottery numbers for a certain date and tell your past self to buy those lottery numbers. Your past self buys the lottery numbers and wins. You must now tell your past self to in the future from the date that you originally time traveled from, go back and tell the lottery numbers to himself, or in the future his past self. You also tell him what time to depart from that time in the past to the future, one second ahead.

 Please tell me how this could not work.


P.S. I am 13 years old.

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