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Hey guys I was looking for some kind of beam or a ray of some sorts that can pass through the human body without damaging it but also to have the right properties to detect even the slightest of mV changes and mirror those changes into the receivers. I'm posting here because is the only place I know where people help you and there are some really brilliant people out there.


If you want to go only a few cm into the tissue, then you can look at NIRS (=Near InfraRed Spectroscopy) I was working with it a few years back, it is/can be use/d for example to measure the amount of water in the brain.


I was more looking for some kind of ray or beam that can go through the tissue 30cm or 35cm and to only be affected by the small charge that nerves gain. Im doing this in order to measure a hight resolution area of 5mm by 5mm inside the tissue.

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