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hello Mel 555


nice to meet you :)



i should have taken the name troublemaker.


nice to meet you too.


i think we can reduce this topic

to ashes very quickly.


1. in the name of Jesus really means in the nature of Jesus.


i learned that from Larry at the church before He through me out. ho ho ho





go and fly a plane into a building and live happy forever with your 'God' or Jesus or whatever.


...humans are not important...no more important than a bug in a rug..


...Uh Oh :)

Sounds to me like anyone with the attitude "humans are not important...no more important than a bug in a rug.." would be more likely to "go fly a plane into a building". Really jerryo, such depressing thoughts.
Sounds to me like anyone with the attitude "humans are not important...no more important than a bug in a rug.." would be more likely to "go fly a plane into a building". Really jerryo, such depressing thoughts.



people that fly planes into buildings...or blow themselves up obviosly have the idea that

they shall reappear in another place...a heaven or a paradise.


its not depressing to me...


...i got CNN...its a twisted reality oif the delluded


my point is we humans are signifigant to each other...(our family,our friends,etc)..yet in the end...realistically we know what we are....yet we know we have done something

to help others along the way....this is not depressing,this is reality :)


...my main idea is that 'Religion' has done more harm than good..its the continuance

of a dellusion of self importance ...born of fear and primal instinct.


we as a species need no god or Gods to live...


there is an Intelligence in effect here that we cannot comprehend...this Life is out of our control and ultimatley unfathomable :)


I am fertilizer in the end..JC,God, or Allah,or whatever is empty and Vain babble...


...utterly meaningless Puke...aka Self Agrandizing and Self Important Barf


I know who I am....


do you see my point ?


my life is good..


..Religion is a Disease of the Brain


it is not needed...



this is not depressing,this is reality :)


I didn't think you had any faith in reality, "Truth". BTW jerryo, I intended to go over 1200 posts tonight and I'd like to thank you for all the help.............Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.......
I didn't think you had any faith in reality, "Truth".


I hold a Faith


...a faith in Nothng !




What were you before you were born ?


Interesting how people are so very afraid to understand who they are :)


....so much for religion



I hold a Faith


...a faith in Nothng !




What were you before you were born ?


Interesting how people are so very afraid to understand who they are :D


....so much for religion



The Price Of Reality

We Have Come For Your Parents



i just started listening to Heavy Metel....uncensored


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