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where do i put a discussion on the idea of a Holographic Universe ?


Go to Forum index and click on, now click on to the Astronomy and Cosmology forum. Once your there, look to your upper left, you'll see the words Thread Starter. All you need to do now is click on to Thread Starter and you'll be able to start your own discussion, Good luck........................
You sure it isn't just made up of waves?
Good thought sinewave, Waves in the geometric fabric of space time. Chew on that a while. But I believe we have wandered off topic, remembering that the title to this thread is in fact The Bible and it's religion.
Good thought sinewave, Waves in the geometric fabric of space time. Chew on that a while.



hmm, is God the great wave maker in something that looks a lot like nothing, or is God the great holographic photographe of light waves ... oops, I believe I just answered my own question there.


Do waves imply a wave-maker, or just energy in nothing? Are not waves random? (unplanned and unpredictable)



Do waves imply a wave-maker,

Like a stone dropped into a pond, if one chooses to believe in the big Bang.
or just energy in nothing?
The universe is constructed of something we call the fabric of space/time. Energy moves through this fabric in the form of waves.
Are not waves random? (unplanned and unpredictable)
Not necessarily, there are two opposing views. Randomness on the one hand and, Determinism on the other. Take your pick, there are arguments both ways.
Good thought sinewave, Waves in the geometric fabric of space time. Chew on that a while. But I believe we have wandered off topic, remembering that the title to this thread is in fact The Bible and it's religion.



Ah, but it's all related, if it's all waves, in and infinite something which appears to be nothing, then nothing is absolute ... even light speed.


So what is the basis for logical rational and premise?



Not necessarily, there are two opposing views. Randomness on the one hand and, Determinism on the other. Take your pick, there are arguments both ways.



Nah, waves on the ocean are statistically predictable for average amplitude abd variation, but you can never predict precisely where any crest or trough will be or, at exact amplitudes, in advance. So with the cosmos itself.


That is random.

in and infinite something which appears to be nothing,





But that's the point, it only appears to be nothing when in fact empty space as we refer to it is actually teaming with energy. Virtual particles are constantly comming in and out of existence, gravitational forces and light energy are permeating every corner of available space. Empy space is an improper understanding of what the reality is. Space is not empty, in fact, the energy density of space may be astronomical by comparison.
Nah, waves on the ocean are statistically predictable for average amplitude abd variation, but you can never predict precisely where any crest or trough will be or, at exact amplitudes, in advance. So with the cosmos itself.


That is random.

I did say "Take your pick".
I don't see anything deterministic about it.
At the quantum level you may have a point, however, when viewing actions on the macro-level, all events have causes. Maybe your not looking for the cause?? Again we are drifting off topic, that is unless, one considers the cause of all universal events to be God??
Maybe your not looking for the cause??


I can accept that there isn't one evident, nor evidently feasible, just an observed random interaction of waves, with no determination or motive possible.


There is no way to say where a fluctuation will occur, nor when, so what does "cause and effect" mean? There’s no exact dynamics here to allow for deterministic cause and effect to actually operate.


What we have is consummate infinite possibilities at all points, but only probabilities that an insignificantly tiny fraction of the available unlimited range of waving space states will be expressed, where ever we care to look, at any time, distance or scale.


I don’t see any ‘absolute’ there, except totality of course, and I see no evidence of determination in it.


What makes you think God is a valid notion, or that a book of verbiage emanates from such a God's desires for your alleged soul?

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