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It was known that the moon influences the tides had, but never on precipitation. The force of gravity of the moon makes its effects felt causing fluctuations not only for what concerns the rising sea levels, but the amount of rain. To detect for the first time this influence, a barely perceptible reduction of 1%, is the study carried out by Tsubasa Kohyama, University of Washington and will be published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The discovery was made by studying data on precipitation in tropical varieregioni collected by satellites over the past 15 years. Just comparing that data the researchers saw that was recorded a slight decrease in rainfall when the moon is high in the sky or when it is exactly the opposite side of the planet.ilforumditutti.net Simply put the moon with her attraction "squeezes" the atmosphere, which causes an increase in pressure, which according to scholars this pressure would make sure that the air molecules can absorb water and thus reduce the% of one rain.
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Welcome to hypography, Franco! :) Please feel free to start a topic in the introductions forum to tell us something about yourself.


It was known that the moon influences the tides had, but never on precipitation.

That’s very cool, but your link is to a non-English website. Though we’ve a good many non-English-speaking members, Everything at Hypography should be in English.


This University of Washington news article has info about Kohyama’s research, in English.

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